vater staat (in usa)

listen to the pronunciation of vater staat (in usa)
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Uncle Sam
A personification of the United States government

Uncle Sam Needs You! means The Army Needs You!.

Some people refer to the United States of America or its government as Uncle Sam. They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam's imperialist policies. the US, or the US government, sometimes represented by the figure of a man with a white beard and tall hat (Probably based on U.S., short for United States). Popular U.S. symbol, usually associated with a cartoon figure having long white hair and chin whiskers and dressed in a swallow-tailed coat, vest, tall hat, and striped trousers. The name probably originated with "Uncle Sam" Wilson, a businessman who provided beef to the army during the War of 1812. The "U.S." stamp on his barrels, meant to indicate government property, came to be associated with his nickname, which in time came to symbolize the U.S. government. The Uncle Sam figure evolved in the hands of British and U.S. cartoonists; its most familiar treatment appeared on recruiting posters during World Wars I and II with the caption "I want you
symbol of the United States; the United States or American people
vater staat (in usa)