value asset

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Определение value asset в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

asset value
(Ticaret) varlık değeri
high value airborne asset
(Askeri) yüksek değerli havacılık malzemesi
high value asset control items
(Askeri) YÜKSEK DEĞERLİ KAYNAK KONTROL MADDELERİ: Yüksek yatırım değeri olan maddelerin elde bulundurulması için tesis edilmiş, onaylanmış envanter idare teknikleri altında yoğun idari kontrol için belirlenen ikmal maddeleri
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение value asset в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

asset value
The net market value of a corporation's assets on a per-share basis, not the market value of the shares A company is undervalued in the market when asset value exceeds market value
asset value
the value of assets underpinning a security These may not be fully reflected in the price of a security
asset value
The total of fixed and current assets less current liabilities (see 'Net asset value')
asset value
The perceived or intrinsic worth of an asset
net asset value
The value of one share in a mutual fund company computed daily In general, it is calculated by summing the values of all the fund's investments, subtracting its expenses and debt, and dividing by the number of shares in the fund
net asset value
The market value of one share of a mutual fund This figure is calculated by taking a fund's total assets - securities, cash and any accrued earnings - deducting liabilities, and dividing by the total number of shares owned by all shareholders
net asset value
The total market value of all assets of the fund, less all liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding It is also the price you pay per share for fund shares which have no front-end sales charge
net asset value
The market value of a fund share, synonymous with a bid price In the case of no-load funds, the NAV, market price, and offering price are all the same figure, which the public pays to buy shares; load fund market or offer prices are quoted after adding the sales charge to the net asset value NAV is calculated by most funds after the close of the exchanges each day by taking the closing market value of all securities owned plus all other assets such as cash, subtracting all liabilities, then dividing the result (total net assets) by the total number of shares outstanding The number of shares outstanding can vary each day depending on the number of purchases and redemptions
net asset value
Usually used in connection with investment companies to mean net asset value per share An investment company computes its assets daily, or even twice daily, by totaling the market value of all securities owned All liabilities are deducted, and the balance is divided by the number of shares outstanding The resulting figure is the net asset value per share
net asset value
The value of a fund's investments For a mutual fund, the net asset value per share usually represents the fund's market price, subject to a possible sales or redemption charge For a closed-end fund, the market price may vary significantly from the net asset value
net asset value
Value of a mutual fund share, calculated by deducting the fund's liabilities from the portfolio's total assets and dividing this amount by the number of shares outstanding NAV is calculated once a day, based on the closing market price for each security in the fund's portfolio
net asset value
The current share price of a registered investment company, which is determined by dividing the market value of the fund’s total assets, minus expenses, by the number of shares outstanding
net asset value
The market value of one share of a Mutual Fund, calculated by adding the value of all securities in the fund, subtracting liabilities, and dividing by the number of outstanding shares
net asset value
The value or price of a single share in a mutual fund The NAV is calculated by adding the fund's assets — the market value of its securities, cash and any accrued earnings — and deducting any liabilities (what the fund owes), and then dividing the result by the number of shares outstanding
net asset value
The price per share of a mutual fund based on the sum of the market value of all the securities owned by the fund divided by the number of outstanding shares
net asset value
The current market worth of a mutual fund's share A fund's net asset value is calculated daily by taking the funds total assets, securities, cash and any accrued earnings, deducting liabilities, and dividing the remainder by the number of shares outstanding
net asset value
The NAV of an ETF is determined in a manner consistent with other mutual funds The NAV is calculated by taking the total assets of the ETF, less liabilities, divided by the number of ETF shares outstanding
net asset value
NAV is calculated by adding the value of all of the investments in the fund and dividing by the number of shares of the fund that are outstanding NAV calculations are required for all mutual funds (or open-end funds) and closed-end funds The price per share of a closed-end fund will trade at either a premium or a discount to the NAV of that fund, based on market demand Closed-end funds generally trade at a discount to NAV
net asset value
The market value of all securities owned by a mutual fund, minus its total liabilities, divided by the number of shares issued
net asset value
It is the dollar value of a single mutual fund share, which is based on the value of the fund's underlying assets, minus its liabilities, and then divided by the number of outstanding shares NAVs are calculated at the end of each business day
net asset value
The market value of a fund share, synonymous with a bid price In the case of no-load funs, the NAV, market price, and offering price are all the same figure, which the public pays to buy shares; load fund market or offer prices are quoted after adding the sales charge to the net asset value NAV is calculated by most funds after the close of the exchanges each day by taking the closing market value of all securities owned plus all other assets such as cash, subtracting all liabilities, then dividing the result (total net assets) by the total number of shares outstanding The number of shares outstanding can vary each day depending on the number of purchases and redemptions
net asset value
The market value of an investment company's (mutual fund) asset less any liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding This is the value of each share if the fund sold all of its assets at their current market value and paid off any outstanding debts
net asset value
The market value of a mutual fund’s total assets, after deducting liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding
net asset value
The market value of a unit trust or mutual fund's total assets, minus liabilities, divided by the number of units or shares outstanding The value of a single share is called its unit or share price
net asset value
Net asset value, also known as price per share The value of a fund's assets divided by the number of its outstanding shares The NAV is calculated daily at the close of the markets Open-end funds always trade at NAV, but closed-end funds often trade at a premium or discount to their asset values See "Closed Or Open End?" BACK TO TOP
net asset value
The total value of the assets, including stocks, bonds, and/or other securities, owned by a mutual fund, less all liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares This value does not include any sales charges, such as a Load or 12b-1 Fee The NAV is calculated once each day after the close of the market
net asset value
~ A mutual fund's value per share on any given day To calculate a fund's NAV, add the value of cash and securities in the fund, subtract cost and divide the remainder by the number of shares outstanding
net asset value
value of a mutual fund share calculated once a day, based on the closing market price for each security in the fund's portfolio It is computed by deducting the fund's liabilities from the total assets of the portfolio and dividing this amount by the number of shares outstanding No-load fund - mutual fund that does not impose a sales commission (see load fund) Every Homestead Fund is a no-load fund back to top
net asset value
Value of one share of a fund that is determined by subtracting liabilities (payables, accrued expenses, taxes) from assets (cash, investments, receivables) and dividing the net assets by the number of shares outstanding
net asset value
The market value of a share in a mutual fund, based on the value of all the assets in the fund, minus any liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding NAVs of most mutual funds are listed in daily newspapers that carry stock prices
value asset

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    val·ue as·set

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    välyu äset


    /ˈvalyo͞o ˈaˌset/ /ˈvæljuː ˈæˌsɛt/