Plant "organelle" consisting of a membrane (tonoplast)-bound storage cavity Vacuoles tend to grow larger as the cell matures
A membrane-enclosed sac taking up most of the interior of a mature plant cell and containing a variety of substances important in plant reproduction, growth, and development
A small air cell, or globular space, in the interior of organic cells, either containing air, or a pellucid watery liquid, or some special chemical secretions of the cell protoplasm
Membrane-bound fluid-filled space within a cell In most plant cells, there is a single large vacuole filling most of the cell's volume Some bacterial cells contain gas vacuoles
A cellular organelle that is used for the storage of any number of compounds, including food, water and waste
Within mature plant cells, a membrane enclosed sac that plays a role in plant reproduction, growth, and development
A membrane bound component of a cell found in the cytoplasm The vacuole contains important elements and molecules required by the organism such as food, air and water and cell sap in plants
Cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell that may contain ingested bacteria, yeast cells, or debris; vacuole contents and/or morphology may be helpful in identification of some of the intestinal protozoa (Entamoeba spp , lodamoeba butschlii)
Space within a cell that is empty of cytoplasm, lined with a membrane, and filled with fluid. Especially in protozoans, vacuoles perform functions such as storage, ingestion, digestion, excretion, and expulsion of excess water. The large central vacuoles often found in plant cells enable them to attain a large size without accumulating the bulk that would make metabolism difficult
A membrane-bound organelle found in certain protists that pumps fluid in a cyclical manner from within the cell to the outside by alternately filling and then contracting to release its contents at various points on the surface of the cell. It functions in maintaining osmotic equilibrium