unheilbar kranker

listen to the pronunciation of unheilbar kranker
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение unheilbar kranker в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

tedavi edilemez kimse
tedavi edilemez

Alkol bağımlılığı tedavi edilemez. - Alcoholism is incurable.

Tedavi edilemez bir hastalığı var. - He has an incurable disease.

incurability, incurableness: (isim) çaresizlik, şifa bulmazlık
(isim) iyi olmaz hasta
(sıfat) iyi olmaz, şifa bulmaz, devasız, düzelmez
incurably: (zarf) şifa bulmaz şekilde
devasız,tedavi edilemez
{s} onulmaz, amansız, şifasız
(sıfat) tedavi edilemez, iyi olmaz, çaresiz, dermansız
{s} çaresiz

Tom'un doktorlarına göre onun durumu çaresiz. - According to Tom's doctors, his condition is incurable.

O, çaresiz bir hastalıktan muzdarip. - She suffers from an incurable disease.

(Tıp) Şifa bulmaz, iyi olmaz (hasta), tedavi edilmez (hastalık)
{s} dermansız
iyi olmaz hasta
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
One who cannot be cured
being such that a cure is impossible; "an incurable disease"; "an incurable addiction to smoking"
a person whose disease is incurable unalterable in disposition or habits; "an incurable optimist"
Of an illness, condition, etc, that cannot be cured
{s} having no cure, cannot be medically treated, cannot be healed; cannot be reformed or changed
Not capable of being cured; beyond the power of skill or medicine to remedy; as, an incurable disease
a person whose disease is incurable unalterable in disposition or habits; "an incurable optimist" being such that a cure is impossible; "an incurable disease"; "an incurable addiction to smoking
You can use incurable to indicate that someone has a particular quality or attitude and will not change. Poor old William is an incurable romantic + incurably in·cur·ably I know you think I'm incurably nosey
If someone has an incurable disease, they cannot be cured of it. He is suffering from an incurable skin disease. + incurably in·cur·ably youngsters who are disabled, or incurably ill
A person diseased beyond cure
Not admitting or capable of remedy or correction; irremediable; remediless; as, incurable evils
being such that a cure is impossible; "an incurable disease"; "an incurable addiction to smoking
a person whose disease is incurable
unalterable in disposition or habits; "an incurable optimist"
unheilbar kranker