umumi fon

listen to the pronunciation of umumi fon
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Ticaret) general fund
Refers to a student with full-time status An undergraduate student is considered full time when he/she is carrying 12 or more credits in a semester A graduate student is considered full-time when he/she is carrying 9 or more credits in a semester
~ The fund used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund
That fund into which the general (non-earmarked) revenues of the State are deposited and from which monies are appropriated to pay the general expenses of the State
The largest fund within the City that accounts for all financial resources of the government except for those required to be accounted for in another fund General Fund revenues include property taxes, licenses and permits, local taxes, service charges, and other types of revenue This fund usually includes most of the basic operating services, such as fire and police protection, finance, public health, parks and community services, libraries, public works and general administration
The principal operating fund for the County Government It is used to account for all financial resources except those required by law, County policy, and generally accepted accounting principles to be accounted for in another fund
A fund used to account for financial operations of the City which are not accounted for in any other fund
  The major Countywide Fund   The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the County   All revenues that are not allocated by law or contract to a specific fund are allocated to the General Fund   With the exception of subventions or grants that are restricted for specific uses, General Fund revenues are discretionary and can be used for any legitimate governmental purpose
The fund used to account for the ordinary operations of the district   It is available for any legally authorized purpose not specified for payment by other funds
By statute the State General Fund covers all State appropriation, expenditure and receipt transactions, except those for which special constitutional or statutory requirements demand separate fund accounting Most of the traditional State services are included in the General Fund
Money the legislature can decide to apply to virtually any governmental purpose, agency, or program See Appropriation Taxes and earnings on invested moneys are the main sources of revenues for the fund
are the resources and related accounts and controls that are not accounted for in another, more specialized fund Most activities are supported by the general fund
A fund containing revenues, such as property taxes, designated by law for a special purpose and providing general benefit to taxpayers Some functions that are part of the General Fund include Constitutional Officers, Courts, and Library and Leisure Services
This is the governmental fund used for most of the routine and traditional activities of government, such as police, fire, tax collection, and general administration The general fund is the most common of all funds It keeps track of current activities
Refers to the part of the federal budget that supports funding for most government programs--such as the environment, health care, etc --not paid for by special trust funds like the Highway Trust Fund or the Social Security Trust Fund
The major Countywide Fund
The General Fund is used to account for all financial resources and transactions not accounted for in another fund
A fund used to finance the ordinary operations of the local education agency It is available for a legally authorized purpose and consists of money not specifically designated for some other particular purpose
That fund into which the general (non-earmarked) revenues of the State are deposited and from which money is appropriated to pay the general expenses of the state
The General Fund is used to account for transactions related to academic and instructional programs and their administration Revenues for the General Fund primarily consist of (1) state appropriations, (2) student tuition and fees, (3) recovery of indirect cost, (4) investment income, and (5) incidental departmental revenue Appropriate General Fund expenditures are those which support general operating activities
This refers to the account in which the majority of tax revenues are deposited, and from which the majority of the operating expenses of government activities are paid It is to be contrasted with earmarked funds, proprietary funds, trust or enterprise funds and extra-budgetary funds In the British Commonwealth context, the general fund is called the consolidated fund