(Askeri) MERMİ YOLU: Tatbik edilmiş dış bir kuvvet tarafından atılan veya fırlatılan bir tüfek mermisi, top mermisi, bomba veya diğer cismin, tatbik edilen kuvvetten kurtulduktan sonra hareketine devam ederek, düşey düzlemde çizdiği eğri. Bak. "ballistic trajectory"
The path through state space taken by a system It is the sequence of states or path plotted against time Two general forms affect fitness, positive-sum and negative-sum
The trajectory is the path along with an assignment of time--the time assigned to a point along the path denotes the time instant at which the object assumes the configuration associated with that point [3, p 221] The trajectory is a function of time that specifies the configuration of the vehicle at every instant in the interval [0,T], where 0 is the initial time and T is the final time We therefore have and [4, p 358]
A set of points (either 2-dimensional (geographic position), 3-dimensional (geographic + altitude) or 4-dimensional (geographic + altitude + time)) defining the planned route of an aircraft Sometimes a trajectory also includes the maximum allowable deviations from the given points In the 4-dimensional case this is more properly called a tube
In general, the path traced by any body moving as a result of an externally applied force, considered in three dimensions Trajectory is sometimes used to mean flight path or orbit , but orbit usually means a closed path and trajectory , a path which is not closed
The curving path followed by a projectile from muzzle to target Guns fired their shot at higher velocities, at relatively flatter trajectories, while low-velocity mortars had high trajectories