How much for a kilo of this mustard seed?
- Bu hardal tohumunun bir kilosu ne kadar?
Next him king Leyr in happie peace long raind, / But had no issue male him to succeed, / But three faire daughters, which were well vptraind, / In all that seemed fit for kingly seed .
If you plant a seed in the spring, you may have a pleasant surprise in the autumn.
The qualifying match determines the seed position one will have in the final competition.
The latest seed has attracted a lot of users in our online community.
Don’t eat your seed corn.
Tom planted some flower seeds in his garden.
- Tom bahçesinde bazı çiçek tohumları ekti.
The new laws sowed the seeds of revolution.
- Yeni yasalar devrimin tohumlarını ekti.
Feed chickens with seeds.
- Tavukları tohumla besle.
Farmers sow grain seeds in spring.
- Çiftçiler, tahıl tohumlarını ilkbaharda ekerler.
Charlemagne is said to have sown the seeds of both Germany and France.
- Charlemagne'ın hem Almanya hem de Fransa'nın tohumlarını attığı söylenir.