toggle harpoon

listen to the pronunciation of toggle harpoon
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
A circle of leather, plastic (Cub Scouts) etc, resembling a napkin holder to keep the neckerchief in place
A wooden or metal pin, short rod, crosspiece or similar used for securing a loop in a rope or chain, etc. (often temporarily) to another, e.g. a sea painter to a lifeboat. (FM 55-501)
{f} strengthen through a long rod or bolt; alter from one position to another
A wooden pin with one end of a line seized to its middle to make fast to an eye
fasten with, or as if with, a toggle provide with a toggle or toggles
To alternate between two values, such as true and false, on and off, or 1 and 0
n, a loop of fabric (though sometimes a small wooden cylinder) attached to the end of the steering lines on a canopy, held by the jumper after opening, and used for steering
a switch that can assume either of two positions; an on/off switch
to switch between alternate states
1) Crosspiece in a flat frame 2) A heavy rubber band used to secure cables to bars and booms
A means of changing the state of a checkmark option Clicking on the option toggles between the two states of the option and turns the checkmark on and off appropriately
A wooden or metal pin, short rod, crosspiece or similar used for securing a loop in a rope or chain, etc. (often temporarily) to another, e.g. a sea painter to a lifeboat
Turn something on or off; make something, such as a command or toolbar button, active or inactive
Linkage employed to mechanically multiply pressure when locking the dies of a casting machine
A setting that has two states, on or off Used as a verb, to change the state of a toggle
A property of an object, such as a check box, that alternates its state when repeatedly clicked with the mouse or activated by a shortcut key combination
An on-off switch
Two rods or plates connected by a toggle joint
A feature or option that is turned on or off with the same keystroke, or to turn a feature on or off using the same keystroke
A switch on a hearing aid that allows the user to employ different memories for different listening situations One memory might be set for a quiet office, while another may be set for a noisy environment
toggle harpoon

    Расстановка переносов

    tog·gle har·poon

    Турецкое произношение

    tägıl härpun


    /ˈtägəl härˈpo͞on/ /ˈtɑːɡəl hɑːrˈpuːn/