to wrap

listen to the pronunciation of to wrap
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Kollarımı onun boynuna sarmak istedim. - I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck.

{i} sargı

Bütün bu noel hediyelerini paketlemek için en azından iki saatimi harcayacağım. - I'll spend at least two hours wrapping all these Christmas presents.

{i} ambalaj kâğıdı

Hiç ambalaj kağıdın var mı? - Do you have any wrapping paper?

{i} (palto/ceket/şal gibi) soğuğa karşı dış giysi/örtü
(Gıda) dürüm

Onu yarın bitirmek istiyoruz. - We want to wrap it up tomorrow.

(Bilgisayar) kaydırma
(Bilgisayar) kaydır

Tom battaniyeyi açtı ve onu kendi etrafına sardı. - Tom unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around himself.

Tom kendini sıcak bir battaniyeye sardı. - Tom wrapped himself in a warm blanket.

{f} sar

Annem sandviçleri kağıda sardı. - My mother wrapped the sandwiches in paper.

Tom kesinlikle parmağını Mary'ye sardırdı. - Tom certainly has Mary wrapped around his finger.

{i} sarma

Onu başıma sarmaya çalışıyorum. - I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

Kollarımı onun boynuna sarmak istedim. - I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck.


Onu bir hediye olarak paketlememi ister misiniz? - Do you want me to wrap it up as a gift?

Paketlemen gerekmiyor. - You don't need to wrap it.

{f} sarınmak
wrapped up in sarılmı
{f} paketlenmek
{i} sarınılan şey
sarıp saklamak
{f} örtmek
{f} (paket v.b.'ni) sarmak: Do you want me to wrap this? Bunu sarayım mı?
{i} atkı
{f} bürünmek
{i} palto
{i} sarılacak şey
işimiz bitti artık
{f} bürümek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A garment that one wraps around the body to keep oneself warm
The completion of all or a major part of a performance
To finish shooting (filming) a video, television show, or movie

To avoid going over budget, let's make sure we wrap by ten.

To enclose or coil around an object or organism, as a form of grasping. A prerequisite to constriction in snakes
To enclose (an object) completely in any flexible, thin material such as fabric or paper
{v} to roll together, contain, inclose
the body is coated in various healing mixtures, then wrapped in a blanket and heated to sweat out toxins Specific mixtures include Herbal: Strips of cloth are soaked in an herbal solution, then wrapped around the body; draws out impurities and relaxes the body Seaweed The skin is wrapped in seaweed and heated Through perspiration, the toxins in the skin are brought to the surface
When you are typing a line of text, and there is not enough room for a word to be inserted, the program will automatically move the last word onto a new line You should only hit the ENTER key when you want force a new line
To wrap a beam or truss with a sling Submitted by Piers from London, UK
{i} garment wrapped around the upper body; shawl; scarf; blanket; coat; robe; shroud of secrecy; automatic moving of text to the subsequent line after completion of the previous one (Computers)
When you wrap something such as a piece of paper or cloth round another thing, you put it around it. She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm
A characteristic of liquid or powder coatings in an electrostatic application to seek out and adhere to parts of the substrate not in direct line of sight of the delivery system end point
If someone wraps their arms, fingers, or legs around something, they put them firmly around it. He wrapped his arms around her. see also wrapping
the wrap-up or end of a process (e g , the shooting of a scene)
To enclose or coil around an object or organism, as a form of grasping. A prequisite to constriction in snakes
To snatch up; transport; chiefly used in the p
The outside piece holding the rest of the advertising material which makes up the mailing package Typically, 8 5"x11" pages in 4 page increments
A type of food consisting of various ingredients wrapped in a pancake
Pulling the arms tightly into the body to speed up the twist
cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person a sandwich in which the filling is rolled up in a soft tortilla arrange or fold as a cover or protection; "wrap the baby before taking her out"; "Wrap the present
To enclose an application in a software layer to make the application available to other applications
cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person
To electronically isolate a token ring module or port from the rest of the network, using the management station
The angle formed by the tape as it bends around the head
the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped
{f} pack; bind; cover; swathe; envelop; enwrap; encase; enclose; veil; conceal
If you keep something under wraps, you keep it secret, often until you are ready to announce it at some time in the future. The bids were submitted in May and were meant to have been kept under wraps until October
In a stable value fund, a contractual agreement to maintain principal and benefit payments and participant investment transfers on a specified asset or group of assets at book or contract value The form of a wrap may be a swap agreement, asset purchase agreement, asset management agreement, guaranteed annuity contract, or other agreement Most wraps are participating agreements that guarantee the participant liquidity at book while smoothing gains and losses on assets and participant withdrawals into amortized adjustments of the future crediting rate
wrap or coil around; "roll your hair around your finger"; "Twine the thread around the spool"
To jump using a wrapped position
(1) To place jackets on finished books (2) A folded section, such as four pages, into which another folded section is hand inserted; the outside section wraps around the inside section (3) To package in kraft paper or plastic film (for shrink wrapping) to top
used in riding or traveling
to put a cover around something, as in: Be sure to wrap the baby warmly in this cold weather
A wrapper; often used in the plural for blankets, furs, shawls, etc
Classification used to calculate the permeability of soils and the percentage run-off from a particular area
Waste & Resources Action Plan
The completion of a day's filming or of an entire production
arrange or fold as a cover or protection; "wrap the baby before taking her out"; "Wrap the present"
To conceal by enveloping or infolding; to hide; hence, to involve, as an effect or consequence; to be followed by
Thin plates of steel that are wrapped around the circulator (typically 3 sides) to complete the magnetic circuit, maximizing the field in the ferrite material and reducing the stray field outside the device
Redundancy measure in IBM token ring LANs Trunk cabling used in token ring TCUs contains two data paths: a main and back-up (normally unused) If the trunk cable is faulty, the physical disconnection of the connector at a TCU causes the signal from the main path to wrap onto the back-up and maintain the loop
To cover by winding or folding; to envelop completely; to involve; to infold; often with up
an outer garment, as a coat or shawl
Wrap is the material that something is wrapped in. I tucked some plastic wrap around the sandwiches to keep them from getting stale. gift wrap
When you wrap something, you fold paper or cloth tightly round it to cover it completely, for example in order to protect it or so that you can give it to someone as a present. Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree. unwrap Wrap up means the same as wrap. Diana is taking the opportunity to wrap up the family presents
The area of a flexible vinyl that wraps around the edge of the structure, usually referred to as "pocket "
enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering; "Fog enveloped the house"
a sandwich in which the filling is rolled up in a soft tortilla
To wind or fold together; to arrange in folds
to wrap

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    /tə ˈrap/ /tə ˈræp/


    ... before we wrap up? ...
    ... to wrap around the entire earth once. So, I'm all for pipelines. I'm all for ...