to trigger

listen to the pronunciation of to trigger
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Tom parmağını tetikten çekti. - Tom took his finger off the trigger.

Tom parmağını tetikten çekti ve silahını indirdi. - Tom took his finger off the trigger and lowered his gun.

{f} başlatmak
{i} deklanşör
zembereği serbest bırakmaya mahsus cihaz
tetik,v.harekete geçir: n.tetik
(Askeri) TETİK: Bir silahı ateşlemek için parmakla hareket ettirilen manivela
(Nükleer Bilimler) tetiklemek
harekete geçirici
harekete geçirmek
-e neden olmak
zemin hazırlamak
(Bilgisayar) harekete geçir
-e yol açmak
(Biyokimya) başlatıcı
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tetikleyici

Lazer ışını alarm tetikleyicilerini kontrol ediyorum. - I'm checking for laser beam alarm triggers.

neden olmak
(off ile) başlatmak
yol açmak
infilak ettirmek
cinayet işlemeyi üzerine alan gangster
quick on the trigger eli tetikte
{f} tetiği çekip (silahı)
{i} foto. deklanşör
trigger başlat
kafası çabuk işler
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A text string that, when received by a player, will cause the player to execute a certain command
An event that initiates others, or incites a response
A similar device used to activate any mechanism
A rule which states that on a certain event, if additional conditions are TRUE, a certain action has to be performed In most database systems, triggers can be specified for changing SQL commands only (i e INSERT, UPDATE; DELETE), but definition on other events (SELECT trigger, END TRANSACTION trigger) can also be useful Triggers can lead to cascading actions, and if many triggers are defined, it can become difficult to keep an overview of processing Many database systems provide triggers as a resort for not having declarative constraint definition capabilities
{n} the catch of a wheel or gun
A mechanism that detects an event or condition in the PDM system and react by initiating some subsequent action
put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
Any event which can be used as a timing reference In a DSA, a trigger can be used to initiate a measurement
a pulse in an electronic circuit that initiates some component
lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun
A stored procedure that occurs when a user executes an instruction that may affect the referential integrity of a database Triggers usually occur before the execution of an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement so that the effect of the statement on referential integrity can be examined by a stored procedure before execution See also stored procedure
A piece, as a lever, which is connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it; especially (Firearms), the part of a lock which is moved by the finger to release the cock and discharge the piece
{f} start, precipitate, initiate; activate; fire a weapon
Consists of a condition and an action The condition defines when to launch an action
Anything that causes asthma symptoms to worsen in a given person Different things are triggers for different people Common triggers include exercise, cigarette smoke, pollen, dust, cold air, and aspirin/NSAIDs Upper respiratory infections are perhaps the most common trigger for asthma symptoms
the signal used to initiate a sweep on an oscilloscope and determine the beginning point of the trace
to initiate something
The trigger of a gun is a small lever which you pull to fire it. A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger
A condition tested to ascertain whether an induction algorithm must be applied
Substances (dust, mold, pollen, chemicals, etc ) or conditions (colds, infections, gastric juice, etc ) that bother the air passages and cause asthma symptoms
an SQL procedure that may be initiated when a record is inserted, updated or deleted; typically used to maintain referential integrity
To trigger a bomb or system means to cause it to work. The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house = activate
{i} lever which is pulled on to fire a gun; agent, stimulus; signal in computers which causes the launching of a certain procedure (Computers)
a single factor, such as a certain food, that may cause a headache
The trigger of a bomb is the device which causes it to explode. trigger devices for nuclear weapons
a finger-operated lever used to fire a gun
a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen
If something triggers an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or exist. the incident which triggered the outbreak of the First World War Trigger off means the same as trigger. It is still not clear what events triggered off the demonstrations
The condition that cause a virus to activate its destructive payload This can be based on a time and date, a specific number of times an application is run, or many other criteria
The common name for any type of stimulus that will cause a security system to produce an alarm A trigger could come from a pinswitch, a sensor, or a direct command from a transmitter or accessory button 2
If something acts as a trigger for another thing such as an illness, event, or situation, the first thing causes the second thing to begin to happen or exist. Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses
release or pull the trigger on; "Trigger a gun"
to fire a weapon
noun, any event that serves as a stimulus and initiates or precipitates a reaction or series of reactions; verb, to initiate or precipitate a reaction or series of reactions
The market interest rate at which the terms of a security might change Triggers are common on index amortization notes and range securities
A named set of SQL statements that are considered (triggered) when a data modification (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) occurs If a condition stated within the trigger is met, then a prescribed action is taken (8)
(Generic) The activation of an event-driven process (Database) An application-specific process invoked by a database management system as a result of a request to add, change, delete, or retrieve a data element
an act that sets in motion some course of events
A program in a database that gets called each time a row in a table is INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED Triggers allow you to check that any changes are correct, or to fill in missing information before it is commited Triggers are normally written in PL/SQL or Java
A signal (typically a TTL signal) that is transmitted in order to synchronize two or more instruments; something that acts like a mechanical initiator in setting up a process or reaction
Unlike other scheduling systems (like cron), Chinook differentiates between a task and the thing that caused it to start This leads to the concept of a trigger A trigger does not have to be based on a moment in time It may be based on the phase of the moon or the color of the operator's shirt (but I don't know how you would code that), or even utilize a scripting language This abstraction allows for maximum flexibility and greatly simplifies the TaskRunner class It also allows for better performance tuning since the way a task is kicked off does not need to be bound to its execution
The ability of a DBMS to invoke a program routine when a defined event occurs in a database
A single factor, such as a certain food, that may cause a migraine
A catch to hold the wheel of a carriage on a declivity
An event that triggers reevaluation of a rule's condition, specifically a relevant change or relevant construction
An SQL procedure that "loads" a screen form, with the correct information from the database, when the user reviews attributes or loads displayable attributes
Action that causes a procedure to be carried out automatically when a user attempts to modify data
an act that sets in motion some course of events a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen release or pull the trigger on; "Trigger a gun
In astronomy, a pre-defined set of conditions met by a detector, initiating a set of observations or data-collection The trigger conditions vary by detector and mission
to trigger

    Расстановка переносов

    to trig·ger

    Турецкое произношение

    tı trîgır


    /tə ˈtrəgər/ /tə ˈtrɪɡɜr/


    ... health cairn can either trigger stress responses or it ...
    ... ads that trigger discussions about the brands you love. Or your government is willing to ...