to trace

listen to the pronunciation of to trace
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
iz sürmek
{f} izlemek
izini sürmek
{i} işaret
{i} iz
{f} izinden gitmek
{f} izle

Polisler onu Paris'e kadar izledi. - The police have traced her to Paris.

İzleri hala bulunabilir. - Their traces can still be found.

(Meteoroloji) trase
izini takip etmek
(Ticaret) bulup çıkarmak
{f} (bir şeyin) üzerine şeffaf bir kâğıt koyup kopyasını çıkarmak
(Bilgisayar) izleme

Bu güvenlik sistemi çalışanların hareketlerini gittikleri yerde izlemelerine izin verir. - This security system allows us to trace employees movements anywhere they go.

Polis her yere baktı ve Tom'la ilgili herhangi bir iz bulamadı. - The police looked everywhere and couldn't find any trace of Tom.

{i} ipucu
(kopya kâğıdıyla) kopyasını çıkarmak
az miktar
ortaya çıkarmak

Polis henüz şüphelinin izini bulmadı. - The police have found no trace of the suspect yet.

Fadıl, Leyla'dan hiçbir iz bulmadı. - Fadil found no trace of Layla.

{f} dayanmak
dikkatle çizmek veya yazmak

Onda kötülüğün zerresi bile yoktu. - There was no trace of evil in her.

azıcık şey
{f} to bazı izleri/ipuçlarını takip
{i} iz, eser
{f} çizmek
şeffaf kağıt üzerinden
{i} ufacık bir miktar
izini araştırıp bulmak
ayrıntıları ile tanımlayarak aslını göstermek
ormanda patika
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) iz [derrida]
{i} koşum kayışı
hafif çizgi
{f} kopya etmek
(Tıp) Zerre, cüzi şey
{i} patika (orman)
(Askeri) ÇİZME: Yapılacak bir siper veya tahkimat için, bir harita veya arazi üzerine, bu siper veya tahkimatın geçeceği yerleri çizgi ile göstermek
(Tıp) İz, belirti, işaret
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To draw or sketch
The sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix
A very small amount
An electric current-carrying conductive pathway on a printed circuit board
To follow the trail of
An act of tracing

Your cell phone company can put a trace on your line.

An informal road or prominent path in an arid area
{v} to follow, mark out, draw, walk over
{n} a mark, sign, token, footstep, remains
Extremely small quantity of an element, usually too small to determine quantitatively
The amount of rainfall or other form of precipitation which occurs when the quantity is so small that it cannot be measured in the rain gage
copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of; "trace a design"; "trace a pattern"
A sequential record of data or program flow, useful for troubleshooting NonStop™ CORBA includes facilities to trace the flow of control within an application
If you say that someone or something sinks without trace or sinks without a trace, you mean that they stop existing or stop being successful very suddenly and completely. The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections
Explain a sequence of steps or events E g "Trace the development of the union movement in the U S "
If you trace a picture, you copy it by covering it with a piece of transparent paper and drawing over the lines underneath. She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks
An ICE command that will save the most recent "n" instructions executed The trace can also be conditional, e g , trace only those instructions that access memory between 0 and 1023
The path of conductive material that conveys voltage or current from one point to another on a printed circuit board Traces add resistance to the circuit 4
The amount of rainfall or other forms of precipitation which occurs when the quantity is so small that it cannot be measured by a rain gage
a suggestion of some quality; "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone"; "he detected a ghost of a smile on her face"
To copy onto a sheet of transparent paper
A trace is a sign which shows you that someone or something has been in a place. There's been no trace of my aunt and uncle Finally, and mysteriously, Hoffa disappeared without trace
A precipitation amount less than 0 1mm
discover traces of; "She traced the circumstances of her birth
A mark left by anything passing; a track; a path; a course; a footprint; a vestige; as, the trace of a carriage or sled; the trace of a deer; a sinuous trace
discover traces of; "She traced the circumstances of her birth"
read with difficulty; "Can you decipher this letter?"; "The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs"
make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
"trace the student's progress"
A mark, impression, or visible appearance of anything left when the thing itself no longer exists; remains; token; vestige
follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress"
pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found the him"
Follow the development or history of a topic from some point of origin
a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
Generally, an unmeasurable or insignificant quantity A precipitation amount of less than 0 005 inch
The intersection of a plane of projection, or an original plane, with a coordinate plane
Table describing each tracefile trace_id - Primary key procs - Number of processors data_size - Size of the data from which the tracefile originates data_description - A free-form description of the data from which the associated tracefile originates experiment_date - The date the experiment was performed local_url - Local URL pointer to the tracefile num_events - Number of events contained within the tracefile time_elapsed - Elasped time of the program run compiler - The compiler associated with the tracefile compiler_flags - Compiler flags linker_flags - Linker flags libraries - Any libraries associated with the tracefile queue_options - Queue options submitter_email - The tracefile submitter's e-mail address owner_email - The tracefile owner's e-mail address machine_id - What machine the tracefile is from format - Tracefile format (i e VAMPIR, MPICH, etc ) source_code_id - Foreign key to SOURCE_CODE phys_expt_id - Foreign key to PHYSICAL_EXPT
A mark left as a sign of passage of a person or animal
either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree an indication that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension"
When a question asks you to trace a course of events, you are to give a description of progress, historical sequence, or development from the point of origin Such narratives may call for probing or for deduction
A very small quantity of an element or compound in a given substance, especially when so small that the amount is not quantitatively determined in an analysis; hence, in stating an analysis, often contracted to tr
follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba"
Generally, an unmeasureable or insignificant quantity A precipitation amount of less than 0 005 inch
A trace of something is a very small amount of it. Wash them in cold water to remove all traces of sand
To copy; to imitate
In the context of GRADE, a trace is a protocol of events that occurred during simulation or prototyping A trace browser can be used to examine the information gathered during the trace
To follow by some mark that has been left by a person or thing which has preceded; to follow by footsteps, tracks, or tokens
Information collected during program execution that you can use to analyze your application You can collect trace information and store it in a file for later use or analyze it directly when running your application interactively (for example, when you run an application in the XMPI utility)
The mark left on the ice by the skate blade when skating, usually used in the context of skating a compulsory figure
A very small amount of a material Usually used in reference to concentrations which are on the order of or less than 1-10 parts per million
If you trace something such as a pattern or a shape, for example with your finger or toe, you mark its outline on a surface. I traced the course of the river on the map
make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along; "The children traced along the edge of the drak forest"; "The women traced the pasture"
To mark out; to draw or delineate with marks; especially, to copy, as a drawing or engraving, by following the lines and marking them on a sheet superimposed, through which they appear; as, to trace a figure or an outline; a traced drawing
Tracing is the process of navigating through an open menu by moving the mouse over menu items
If you trace someone or something, you find them after looking for them. Police are anxious to trace two men seen leaving the house just before 8am
from one plane to another; specif
-Transition Region and Coronal Explorer: A mission in NASA's series of Small Explorers designed to study the Sun's photosphere and corona Launch is scheduled for September 1997
A term used to describe the consistency of a batch of soap when dribbling a small amount of the soap across the surface of the batch leaves a visible trace About the consistence of thin pudding
A connecting bar or rod, pivoted at each end to the end of another piece, for transmitting motion, esp
Transition Region and Coronal Explorer A NASA satellite launched in 1998 TRACE observes the Sun's atmosphere in ultraviolet wavelengths more!
a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle a just detectable amount; "he speaks French with a trace of an accent"
to go back over again; "we retraced the route we took last summer"; "trace your path"
If you trace the origin or development of something, you find out or describe how it started or developed. The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas. Trace back means the same as trace. Britain's Parliament can trace its history back to the English Parliament of the 13th century She has never traced back her lineage, but believes her grandparents were from Aberdeenshire
Hence, to follow the trace or track of
an indication that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension"
One of two straps, chains, or ropes of a harness, extending from the collar or breastplate to a whiffletree attached to a vehicle or thing to be drawn; a tug
{f} follow; find; investigate; follow a program procedure proposition after proposition (Computers)
The line formed by the skater's blade on the ice
to follow a receipt of a payment (to the union) to an entry in the union’s receipts journal and then from these entries to a related deposit slip and corresponding entry on the union’s bank statement; or to follow a union’s disbursement from authorization of expenditure through the invoice, bill, check stub, or other record into the union’s disbursements journal and then from the journal to the related cancelled check and corresponding entry on the union’s bank statement
Precipitation amounts less than 0 01"
to trace

    Турецкое произношение

    tı treys


    /tə ˈtrās/ /tə ˈtreɪs/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... And most of my opinion, actually, I can trace back to ...
    ... lf we were to trace our lineage back far enough, ...