to suicide

listen to the pronunciation of to suicide
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} intihar

Tanrıların tüm niteliklerinden acınacak bulduğum, onların intihar etme yeteneksizlikleridir. - Out of all the attributes of the gods, the one I find most pitiable is their inability to commit suicide.

Şair çalışmasında intihar etti. - The poet committed suicide in his study.

kendini öldürme
özünü öldürme
(Tıp) suisid
kendi emel veya gayelerini yıkma
{i} intihar eden/etmeye kalkan kimse
suicide seat otomobilde şöförün yanındaki
{i} intihar eden kimse
(Tıp) İntihar, kendi kendini öldürme, süisit
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A person who has intentionally killed him/herself

I remember one suicide, she said to Philip, who threw himself into the Thames..

A particular instance of a person intentionally killing himself or herself, or of multiple people doing so

In this way the Heaven’s Gate community were not only escaping the threat of ‘global destruction’, they were hurling themselves directly into ‘the lap of God’, using their suicide as a way of ‘bridging the chasm’ between an earthly world which had no future and ‘a thousand years of unmitigated peace’.

A beverage combining all available flavors at a soda fountain

Using Coca-Cola as a base, a suicide called for the addition of every other flavor available.

An action that creates serious difficulty for its performer

I do not want the Congress or the country to commit fiscal suicide on the installment plan.

To kill oneself intentionally

Her husband suicided three years ago. Just like a man!.

Intentional killing of oneself, as a kind of action or social phenomenon

The cowardice of suicide was abhorrent to him.

Taking one's own life
{n} self-murder, a self-murderer
The taking of one's own life; a violation of God's dominion over human life Ecclesiastical burial is denied to persons while in full possession of their faculties; it is permitted in cases of doubt
A property where there has been a suicide on the premises
You say that people commit suicide when they deliberately do something which ruins their career or position in society. They say it would be political suicide for the party to abstain
{i} act of intentionally taking one's own life; act of destroying one's own interests; one who commits suicide
People who commit suicide deliberately kill themselves because they do not want to continue living. She tried to commit suicide on several occasions. a growing number of suicides in the community
The act of taking one's own life voluntary and intentionally; self-murder; specifically (Law), the felonious killing of one's self; the deliberate and intentional destruction of one's own life by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind
the act of killing yourself; "it is a crime to commit suicide"
a person who kills himself intentionally
if the life insured commits suicide within two years of the date of issue of the policy, the amount paid will be refund of premiums, not the face amount
The intentional killing of a person by his or her own hand
the act of killing yourself; "it is a crime to commit suicide" a person who kills himself intentionally
One guilty of self-murder; a felo-de- se
Ruin of one's own interests
The people involved in a suicide attack, mission, or bombing do not expect to survive. According to the army, the teenager said he was on a `suicide mission' for the movement. a suicide bomber. Act of intentionally taking one's own life. Suicide may have psychological origins such as the difficulty of coping with depression or other mental disorders; it may be motivated by the desire to test the affection of loved ones or to punish their lack of support with the burden of guilt. It may also stem from social and cultural pressures, especially those that tend to increase isolation, such as bereavement or estrangement. Attitudes toward suicide have varied in different ages and cultures; convicted criminals in ancient Greece were permitted to take their own lives, and the Japanese custom of seppuku (also called hara-kiri), or self-disembowelment, allowed samurai to commit ritual suicide as a way of protecting honour and demonstrating loyalty. Jews committed suicide rather than submit to ancient Roman conquerors or crusading knights who intended to force their conversion. In the 20th century, members of new religious movements, notably the Peoples Temple and Heaven's Gate, committed mass suicide. Buddhist monks and nuns have also committed sacrificial suicide by self-immolation as a form of social protest. Japan's use of kamikaze suicide bombers during World War II was a precursor to the suicide bombing that emerged in the late 20th century as a form of terrorism, particularly among Islamic extremists. Suicide, however, is generally condemned by Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, and attempts to commit suicide are still punishable by law in many countries. Some communities around the world have sought to legalize physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill. Euthanasia was legalized in The Netherlands in 2001 and Belgium in 2002, and it is openly practiced in Colombia. Since the 1950s suicide-prevention organizations have been established in many countries, with telephone hot lines serving as a source of readily available counseling
If you attempt to move into a place where you would automatically be captured, that is suicide Suicide is illegal, and the Internet Gaming Zone version of Go simply won't let you harm yourself in this way
to suicide

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    to su·i·cide

    Турецкое произношение

    tı suısayd


    /tə ˈso͞oəˌsīd/ /tə ˈsuːəˌsaɪd/


    ... suicide ...
    ... I'm the suicide note about this work nap ...