to subject to

listen to the pronunciation of to subject to
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Plan onun onayına tabidir. - The plan is subject to his approval.

Her şey tabiat kanunlarına tabidir. - Everything is subject to the laws of nature.

maruz kalan

İnsan embesil olmaya maruz kalan tek hayvandır. - Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile.

maruz bırakmak
tabi tutmak
tabi olmak
bağlı olarak
buyruğu altına almak
karşı karşıya getirmek
koşulu ile
bağlı olmak
ile karşı karşıya kalma
konu olmak
s_h.karşı karşıya getir+e.bağlı ol
maruz kalmak
-e bağlı, -e tabi, ... ile karşı karşıya olan, -e maruz kalan
karşı karşıya olan

Biz Japonya anayasasına bağlıyız. - We are subject to the Constitution of Japan.

eğilimi olan
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение to subject to в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

To subject
subject to
The purchase of a property with an existing lien against the title without assuming any personal liability for the liens payment
subject to
Usually referred to as the condition of title that exists at the time of acquisition by the buyer, such as subject to a peed of Trust of record
subject to
An indication that title to a property includes an obligation of some sort, an easement, right of way, lien, right of claim Opposite of "together with"
subject to
The purchase of real property subject to a mortgage, whereby the original holder remains personally liable for the mortgage
subject to
Usually referred to as the condition of title that exists at the time of acquisition by the buyer, such as subject to a Deed of Trust or record
subject to
Usually referred to as the condition of title that exists at the time of acquisition by the buyer, such as subject to a deed of trust of record
subject to
A situation in which a buyer takes control of a property title that has a lien on it, but they do not agree to be responsible for that lien
subject to
Typically referring to wages or compensation that are liable to taxation
subject to
subordinate to -, under the influence of -, inferior to -
subject to
Taking title to property with a lien but not agreeing to be personally responsible for the lien If the holder who forecloses the lien can take the property but may not collect any money from the owner who took "subject to " Compare, ASSUMPTION
subject to
The buyer agrees to make payments on the existing mortgage, without notifying the lender The seller remains liable for making payments on the loan if the buyer does not make the mortgage payment The buyer is not personally liable for mortgage payments, but must make payments to keep the property See also Assumable Mortgage
subject to
Depending upon as a condition
to subject to

    Расстановка переносов

    to sub·ject to

    Турецкое произношение

    tı sıbcekt tı


    /tə səbˈʤekt tə/ /tə səbˈʤɛkt tə/


    ... that may be subject to an ugliness of a new form of ...
    ... have to flat subject to the ourselves so the wind and rain ...