to size

listen to the pronunciation of to size
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
İstenilen ölçüde. Örnek: cut to size

Asya yaklaşık olarak Avrupa'nın dört katı büyüklüktedir. - Asia is roughly four times the size of Europe.

Bizim okulumuz sizinkiyle aynı büyüklükte değildir. - Our school was not the same size as yours.


Senin odan benimkinin boyutunun iki katı kadar. - Your room is twice the size of mine.

Bu ayakkabılardan benim boyutumda olanından sizde var mı? - Do you have these shoes in my size?


Tom Mary'nin ayakkabı ölçüsünü bilmiyor. - Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is.

Tom'un bel ölçüsünün ne olduğunu düşünüyorsun? - What do you think Tom's waist size is?


Tom, doğru ebatta alyan anahtarı olmadığı için karyolanın montajını yapamadı. - Tom couldn't assemble the bed because he didn't have the right sized Allen key.

Onlar değişik ebatlarda üretilmektedir. - They are manufactured in various sizes.

büyüklük, boyut boyut
{f} büyüklüğüne göre ayırmak

Onun ayakkabı numarası ne? - What is his shoe size?

Altı numara eldiven giyerim. - I wear size six gloves.

{i} önemli miktar
{f} sertleştirmek (şapka)
{f} çirişlemek

Durumu değerlendirdi ve derhal harekete geçti. - He sized up the situation and acted immediately.

(Tekstil) 1. apre ( kumaş perdahı ) 2. apreli 3. haşıl ( Bkz. slashing product )
(Bilgisayar) boyutlandır
(Bilgisayar) boyutlar

Birçok renk ve boyutlarda kristaller onun masasının karşısında dağıldı. - Crystals of many colors and sizes were scattered across his desk.

Elinizdeki tüm boyutlar bunlar mı? - Are these all the sizes you have?

(Tıp) cüsse
boyut ölçü
(Bilgisayar) boyutu
(Sinema) format
(Gıda) irilik

Benim köpeğim neredeyse boyunuzun yarısı kadar. - My dog is almost half the size of yours.

Senin kitabın benimkinin boyutunun iki katı kadar. - Your book is double the size of mine.

(giysi) beden
(ayakkabı) numara
istenilen ebatta kesip biçmek
{i} (ayakkabı için) numara; (elbise için) beden; (şişe/kutu için)boy: What size shoe do you want? Kaç numara ayakkabı
size upkdili
{i} şapka astar tutkalı
beden numara k
şapka as
büyüklüklerine göre ayırmak
büyüklüğünü tahmin etmek
hakkında hüküm vermek
(isim) boyut, ölçü, tutkal, boy, büyüklük, beden, numara, önemli miktar, çiriş, apre, şapka astar tutkalı
{i} çiriş

Tom yirmi yaşındayken giydiği aynı beden pantolonu hâlâ giyebiliyor. - Tom can still wear the same size jeans he did when he was twenty years old.

Halının büyüklüğü 120'ye 160 santimetredir. - The size of the carpet is 120 by 160 centimeters.

karşısındakini tartmak
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Siz zamirinin yönelme durumu eki almış biçimi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To classify or arrange by size
To approximate the dimensions, estimate the size of
The thickened crust on coagulated blood
A fixed standard for the magnitude, quality, quantity etc. of goods, especially food and drink
A regulation, piece of ordinance
A regulation determining the amount of money paid in fees, taxes etc
A specific set of dimensions for a manufactured article, especially clothing

I don't think we have the red one in your size.

{n} bulk, bigness, a glutinous substance, a score
{v} to smear with size, adjust, fix, take up
A thin, weak glue used in various trades, as in painting, bookbinding, paper making, etc
The dimensions or magnitude of a thing; how big something is
(i) The number of shares or bonds which are available for sale (ii) A term used when there are a large number of shares for sale
1 8MB Rating
Any viscous substance, as gilder's varnish
the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing); "he wears a size 13 shoe"
In glassworking, the name applied to several glutinous materials, such as glue and resin, used to affix color or gold leaf
The size of something is the fact that it is very large. He knows the size of the task Jack walked around the hotel and was mesmerized by its sheer size
(n ) for an array, the total number of elements
To adjust the size of; to make a certain size
Figurative bulk; condition as to rank, ability, character, etc
returns the size of a string - size "five"; val it = 4 : int
make to a size; bring to a suitable size sort according to size cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance) (used in combination) sized; "the economy-size package"; "average-size house
An instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, used for ascertaining the size of pearls
To take the height of men, in order to place them in the ranks according to their stature
Number of shares represented by the highest bid and the lowest offer at any given time in the trading of a security For example: The market for XYZ Corp is currently quoted as 1,000 shares bid at 56 ¼ and 500 shares offered at 56 ½, thus the size of the market is expressed as 1000 by 500 shares Investors often view this as a measure of short-term interest by buyers and sellers In this example, the assumption is there are more buyers than sellers of XYZ at current prices (1000 shares bid vs 500 asked) and thus the price of XYZ should increase to reflect this imbalance
To adjust or arrange according to size or bulk
107 1KB Rating
An allowance of food and drink from the buttery, aside from the regular dinner at commons; corresponding to battel at Oxford
The size of something is how big or small it is. Something's size is determined by comparing it to other things, counting it, or measuring it. Scientists have found the bones of a hoofed grazing animal about the size of a small horse In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares shelves containing books of various sizes
the actual state of affairs; "that's the size of the situation"; "she hates me, that's about the size of it"
{f} arrange according to size; cover with size (type of adhesive)
the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing); "he wears a size 13 shoe" the physical magnitude of something (how big it is); "a wolf is about the size of a large dog" a large magnitude; "he blanched when he saw the size of the bill"; "the only city of any size in that area" the actual state of affairs; "that's the size of the situation"; "she hates me, that's about the size of it" any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics; "size gives body to a fabric" make to a size; bring to a suitable size sort according to size cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance) (used in combination) sized; "the economy-size package"; "average-size house
as, the office demands a man of larger size
A specific set of dimensions for clothing etc. seen as fitting a person or set of persons
An assize
Wallpaper paste
To bring or adjust anything exactly to a required dimension, as by cutting
any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics; "size gives body to a fabric"
A conventional relative measure of dimension, as for shoes, gloves, and other articles made up for sale
1 6MB Rating
A number of edges in a graph
cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance)
To order food or drink from the buttery; hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book
To apply glue or other primer to a surface which is to be painted
To swell; to increase the bulk of
To cover with size; to prepare with size
A sealer once used to prepare the wall before paper was applied For the most part, acrylic wallpaper primers have replaced size
Returns the number of elements in the collection
a large magnitude; "he blanched when he saw the size of the bill"; "the only city of any size in that area"
Returns the number of keys in this dictionary
{i} spatial dimension; measurement; extent, degree; adhesive used to fill pores in paper and cloth
Determine the number of key-value pairs within the dictionary
(used in combination) sized; "the economy-size package"; "average-size house"
make to a size; bring to a suitable size
the physical magnitude of something (how big it is); "a wolf is about the size of a large dog"
235 5KB Rating
To take greater size; to increase in size
To fix the standard of
"Size" usually means the number of cells
To sift, as pieces of ore or metal, in order to separate the finer from the coarser parts
A 5-character field which may be used to identify the size of the garment in each bundle (e g 42LRG) A bundle may optionally include a single size or multiple sizes up to 5 However, most Satelite functions do not recognize multi-size bundles
A thin, weak glue used as primer for paper or canvas intended to be painted upon
A size is one of a series of graded measurements, especially for things such as clothes or shoes. My sister is the same height but only a size 12 I tried them on and they were the right size. To treat or coat with size or a similar substance
Extent of superficies or volume; bulk; bigness; magnitude; as, the size of a tree or of a mast; the size of a ship or of a rock
251 8KB Rating
16 7MB Rating
A settled quantity or allowance
Chemicals added to paper and board during manufacture to make it less absorbent, so that inks will not bleed, and the image will have better definition Sizing can also be used to strengthen weak papers Rosins, gelatin, starches and synthetic resins are used as sizing agents Sizes used in permanent papers are alkaline
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Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
to you

You have only to ask for it and it will be given to you. - Siz sadece onu istemek zorundasınız ve o size verilecektir.

Sorry it took me so long to write to you. - Üzgünüm size yazmam uzun sürdü.

for you

That's for you to decide. - Karar vermek size kalmış.

I am grateful to you for your kindness. - İyiliğiniz için size minnettarım.

to you, for you

I would gladly help you, only I am too busy now. - Ben size seve seve yardımcı olacaktım, sadece şimdi çok meşgulüm.

You are not allowed to violate the rules. - Size kuralları ihlal etmek için izin verilmez.

to size

    Турецкое произношение

    tı sayz


    /tə ˈsīz/ /tə ˈsaɪz/


    ... size by about two billion by 2050.  

What we do between now and 2050 will have a huge ...
    ... up your photos, unlimited, all your photos at standard size. ...