to respond

listen to the pronunciation of to respond
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
yanıt vermek

Bazen en iyi yanıt, kendinizi yanıt vermekten uzak tutmaktır. - Sometimes, the best response is to restrain yourself from responding.

Onlar krize yanıt vermek için para sıkıntısı çekiyorlar. - They are short of money to respond to the crisis.

{f} karşılık vermek

Karşılık vermek için rahatsız olma. - Don't bother to respond.

cevap vermek

Ona cevap vermek istiyorum. - I'd like to respond to that.

O soruya cevap vermek kolaydır. - It's easy to respond to that question.

{f} (to) (-e) tepki göstermek
savunan kimse
geri cevaplamak
tepki göstermek
mukabele etmek

Bir karşılama konuşmasını yanıtladı. - He responded to a speech of welcome.

Mektubumu çok hızlı yanıtladı. - He responded very quickly to my letter.

(by/with ile) ile karşılık vermek
İlaca tepki vermek, iyileşme belirtisi göstermek

Tom responded to the medicine so well that she was better in two days.

-e tepki vermek
{f} ses vermek (motor)
{f} cevap vermek, yanıt vermek; to -i cevaplamak/yanıtlamak
{f} etkilenmek
{f} cevap yazmak
bir kemerin ağırlığını karşılamak amacı ile duvar içine konan yarım direk veya sütun
Kitabı Mukaddes okunduktan sonra cevap yerine söylenilen sözler
ile karşılık vermek
yanıt ver

Ben onun sorusuna yanıt verebilirim. - I can respond to his question.

Tom ona nasıl yanıt vereceğinden emin değil. - Tom isn't sure how to respond to that.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To say something in return; to answer; to reply
A response
A versicle or short anthem chanted at intervals during the reading of a lection
To act in return; to exhibit some action or effect in return to a force or stimulus; to do something in response; to accord
A half-pillar, pilaster, or any corresponding device engaged in a wall to receive the impost of an arch
To render satisfaction; to be answerable; as, the defendant is held to respond in damages
A short anthem sung at intervals during the reading of a chapter
To suit or accord with; to correspond to
{v} to split a second time
To satisfy; to answer
1 Provide words with little or no meaning as an answer
If a patient or their injury or illness is responding to treatment, the treatment is working and they are getting better. I'm pleased to say that he is now doing well and responding to treatment
When you respond to a need, crisis, or challenge, you take the necessary or appropriate action. This modest group size allows our teachers to respond to the needs of each student. = react
A half pier or pillar attached to a wall to support an arch
make a bid after an opening bid by partner
To answer; to reply
To show some effect in return to a force; to act in response; to accord; to correspond; to suit
means the time from the date and time the Issue is logged, to the date and time a competent support person begins work to resolve the Issue
show a response or a reaction to something
To correspond; to suit
When you respond to something that is done or said, you react to it by doing or saying something yourself. They are likely to respond positively to the President's request for aid The army responded with gunfire and tear gas `Are you well enough to carry on? --- `Of course,' she responded scornfully The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization
Half-pier bonded into a wall to carry an arch
{f} answer, reply; react
reply or respond to; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"
To say somethin in return; to answer; to reply; as, to respond to a question or an argument
respond favorably or as hoped; "The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy"
An answer; a response
half-pier bonded into a wall and carrying one end of an arch
respond favorably or as hoped; "The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy
to respond

    Расстановка переносов

    to re·spond

    Турецкое произношение

    tı rispänd


    /tə rēˈspänd/ /tə riːˈspɑːnd/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... MR. LEHRER: I'm certainly going give you a chance to respond to that. Yes, sir, Governor. ...
    ... PRESIDENT OBAMA: Jim, if I ' if I can just respond very quickly, first of all, every ...