to ration

listen to the pronunciation of to ration
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
karneye bağlamak
(Denizbilim) rasyon

Objektif olarak bakınca, onun görüşleri rasyonalizmden epey uzak. - From an objective viewpoint, his argument was far from rational.

İki tam sayının kesirleri olarak ifade edilebilen sayılar, rasyonel sayılar olarak adlandırılır. - Numbers that can be expressed as fractions of two whole numbers are called rational numbers.

karneye bağlamak
istihkakını saptamak
tayın vermek
{i} yiyecek payı
vesika ile verilen miktar
(Tıp) Günlük yemek istihkakı, tayın
er azığı
{i} pay, hisse
{f} karne ile vermek
tayın miktarını tespit etmek
(Askeri) RASYON: Bir insanın bir günlük nafakası karşılığı yiyecek istihkakı. Ayrıca bakınız: "emergency ration", "field ration", "garrison ration", "small detachment ration" ve "troop train ration"
ration karneye bağla
(Tıp) Tayınını vermek
{f} tayına bağlamak
{f} vesika ile dağıtmak; karneye bağlamak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To restrict (an activity etc.)

Our present health care system is rationed only to those who can afford it because of unnecessary high cost, lack of insurance coverage by 47 million people, and exorbitant prescription prices.

To supply with a ration; to limit (someone) to a specific allowance of something

We rationed ourselves to three sips of water a day until we were rescued.

To portion out (especially during a shortage of supply); to limit access to

By the third day on the raft, we had to ration our water.

to provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food
The amount of the total feed which is provided to one animal over a 24 hour period
restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city
When something is rationed by a person or government, you are only allowed to have a limited amount of it, usually because there is not enough of it. Staples such as bread, rice and tea are already being rationed the decision to ration food Motorists will be rationed to thirty litres of petrol a month
restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city"
When there is not enough of something, your ration of it is the amount that you are allowed to have. The meat ration was down to one pound per person per week
distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity) distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
To portion out, especially during a shortage of supply
Rations are the food which is given to people who do not have enough food or to soldiers. Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month
the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced" a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity) distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed" restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city
– To strictly monitor or serve in fixed portions (when regarding food)
{f} allot, allocate, distribute in fixed quantities
the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced"
Feed fed to an animal during a 24-hour period
Hence, a certain portion or fixed amount dealt out; an allowance; an allotment
A ration may be fed as a complete ration - or it may be made up of grazing plus a balancing supplement
A portion designated to a person or group
Your ration of something is the amount of it that you normally have. after consuming his ration of junk food and two cigarettes. see also rationing
A limited portion or allowance of food or goods
a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)
{i} portion, allotment, allocated quantity; single serving of food, individual portion
A fixed daily allowance of provisions assigned to a soldier in the army, or a sailor in the navy, for his subsistence
To supply with rations, as a regiment
to ration

    Расстановка переносов

    to ra·tion

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    /tə ˈrāsʜən/ /tə ˈreɪʃən/