to introvert

listen to the pronunciation of to introvert
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} içine kapanık kimse
{i} içe dönük kimse

İçe dönük kimselerin dışa dönük kimselerden daha kısa ömürleri mi var? - Do introverts have shorter lives than extroverts?

{f} kendi içine çevirmek
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) içe dönük

Tom içe dönük ve utangaç - Tom is introverted and shy.

Tom oldukça içe dönük. - Tom is quite introverted.

içine kapanık

En başarılı insanlardan bazıları içine kapanıktırlar. - Some of the most successful people are introverts.

Sanırım Tom içine kapanık. - I think Tom is introverted.

(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) içekapanık
{f} kendine çevirmek
{i} içedönük kimse
(Tıp) Daima kendini tetkik eden kimse
(Tıp) Kendi içine çevrilen organ
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to turn within
To turn or bend inward
To look within; to introspect
Directed more toward inward reflection and understanding than toward people and things outside of self Slow to expose reactions, feelings, and thoughts to others
turn inside; "He introverted his feelings"
{i} one who is inward looking, one who tends to focus on his own thoughts and feelings
(psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts turn inside; "He introverted his feelings
Introvert means the same as introverted. The music students here are a very introvert lot. someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people   extrovert (intro- + -vert (as in divert))
An introvert is a quiet, shy person who finds it difficult to talk to people. extrovert
One who focuses primarily on their own mind, feelings, or affairs
Of the side of the sexes taking in energy; having interests concentrated inward; womanly, dark, covert, pessimistic, obscure, private Compare Extrovert
Directed more toward inward reflection and understanding than toward people and things outside of self Slow to expose reactions, feelings and thoughts to others
(psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts
{f} turn inwards upon itself; focus on one's own thoughts and feelings (Psychology)
fold inwards; "some organs can invaginate"
to introvert

    Расстановка переносов

    to in·tro·vert

    Турецкое произношение

    tı întrōvırt


    /tə ˈəntrōˌvərt/ /tə ˈɪntroʊˌvɜrt/