to incense

listen to the pronunciation of to incense
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} tütsü

Ben genellikle evde tütsü yakmam. - I don't usually burn incense at home.

O yoga yaparken tütsü yakmayı sever. - She likes to burn incense while practising yoga.

{f} sinirlendirmek
tütsü kokusu
{f} kızdır

O, onların teşviklerinin eksikliği tarafından kızdırıldı. - He was incensed by their lack of incentives.

{f} çileden çıkarmak
{i} pohpohlama
{f} tütsülemek
{f} tütsü yakmak
{i} buhur
{i} yağlama
{f} pohpohlamak
{f} yağlamak
herhangi güzel bir koku
buhur yakmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A perfume often used in the rites of various religions
To set on fire; to inflame; to kindle; to burn
Also used figuratively
The perfume or odors exhaled from spices and gums when burned in celebrating religious rites or as an offering to some deity
To anger or infuriate
When the High Priest (Cohen Gadol)) entered the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, he would burn fragrant incense, as it says in the Torah (Leviticus 16: 12-13): And he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the Lord, and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the vail And he shall put the incense upon the fire before the Lord, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon the testimony
A substance that gives off clouds of sweet smelling smoke when sprinkled onto burning charcoal Incense Boat - So called because it is usually shaped like a boat, it contains the incense, which will be burned in the thurible
{f} burn incense; perfume; anger, enrage, provoke, irritate
the pleasing scent produced when incense is burned; "incense filled the room" a substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned
A component in rituals of worship; spices burned on an altar or in a censer to make a sweet smelling smoke
To offer incense to
perfume especially with a censer
The materials used for the purpose of producing a perfume when burned, as fragrant gums, spices, frankincense, etc
make furious
Holy Smoke!
The common name for certain spices which when burned produces smoke and a sweet smell It is used in religious ceremonies as an emblem of devotion One of the gifts of the Wise Men to Jesus Christ (Frankincense)
To inflame with anger; to endkindle; to fire; to incite; to provoke; to heat; to madden
If you say that something incenses you, you mean that it makes you extremely angry. This proposal will incense conservation campaigners. = enrage + incensed in·censed Mum was incensed at his lack of compassion. a substance which has a pleasant smell when you burn it (encens, from incensus, past participle of incendere ). to make someone very angry. Grains of resins (sometimes mixed with spices) that burn with a fragrant odor, widely used as religious offerings. Historically, the chief substances used as incense have been resins such as frankincense and myrrh, along with fragrant wood and bark, seeds, roots, and flowers
Fragrant - smelling smoke produced by grains of various resins placed on burning charcoal in a *censer An indispensable element of Eastern *Liturgies, incense in the East has various meanings The Introduction to the Qoorbono mentions three: A) praise of the Lord: this meaning came from the custom in the Roman Empire of burning incense before the image of a god, or of a deified emperor; B) purification, covering up the "foul stench of sin", and C) forgiveness Especially these last two meanings are seen clearly in the *Hoosoyo: as we acknowledge our sinfulness, we seek to be pardoned and purified to heed the lessons of the Word of God Of all the *Traditions, the East uses incense more frequently
Incense is a substance that is burned for its sweet smell, often as part of a religious ceremony
From the Latin word, incendere, meaning "to burn," incense is the "smell" element in "smells & bells"; a fragrant powder burned in a small dish or pot; used during the service or in the processions Some say incense is used to recall of one of the three gifts of the Wise Men to the Christ Child Scripture commends its usage, particularly in Psalm 141, where prayers are asked to be like incense
a substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned
the "smell" element in Smells ∓mp;mp;mp; Bells; a fragrant [and now usually hpyo-allergenic] powder burned in a small dish or pot; used during the service or in the processions in recollection of one of the three gifts of the Wisemen to the Christ Child
the material used in special services to create smoke, "May my prayers rise up to the Lord as the incense "
the pleasing scent produced when incense is burned; "incense filled the room"
the quality which is present in insensitive people
{i} substance which gives of a sweet smell when burned; smoke produced by burning incense; perfume, pleasant smell; praise, flattery
To perfume with, or as with, incense
Aromatic woods, resins, or oils burned to release a fragrant odor Incense has been used in all lands at all times for driving away bad smells and evil spirits, to invoke the presence of a deity, to carry prayers heavenward, and for healing Modern incense is available in sticks or cones, which can be made with powered wood or powdered charcoal, or as resins, which can be lumps or granular mixtures Sticks and cones can be burned by themselves, but resins and powders are usually burned on small fires or charcoal disks
the "smell" element in Smells & Bells; a fragrant [and now usually hypo-allergenic] powder burned in a small dish or pot; used during the service or in the processions in recollection of one of the three gifts of the Wisemen to the Christ Child
Material which is burned in order to produce a pleasant smell The Israelites used it 8n their worship
Aromatic herb or wood made into a fine powder to be burned for enjoyment of its pleasant fragrance; used as an offering at rituals or during religious ceremonies
the "smell" element in Smells & Bells; a fragrant [and now usually hpyo-allergenic] powder burned in a small dish or pot; used during the service or in the processions in recollection of one of the three gifts of the Wisemen to the Christ Child
to incense

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    to in·cense

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    /tə ənˈsens/ /tə ɪnˈsɛns/