to got

listen to the pronunciation of to got
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
got kadar
f., bak. get
{f} yaptır+e
h_yaptır al
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Tarih) Gotlar, Güney İskandinavya'nin Gotland bölgesinde oturan bir Cermen kavmi. Gotlar 2.yüzyıldan itibaren Scythia, Dacia ve Pannonia'da yaşamışlar 4.yüzyıllarda Bizans'ı yağma etmişler ve Aryanizmi benimsemişlerdir. 5. ve 6.yüzyıllarda Vizigotlar ve Ostrogotlar şeklinde ikiye bölünmüşler ve İberya ve İtalya'da Roma İmparatorluğunu kurmuşlardır
Mısır, fındık gibi şeyler için kullanılan tahtadan yapılan ölçü kabı
Ortaçağ'da Orta Avrupa'da yaşayan bir ulus
Yörelere göre farklılık gösteren tahıl ölçeği
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Past participle of get

How many children have you got?.


He got a lot of nerve.

must; have (to)

We got to ride to clean up the streets / For our wives and our daughters!.

{a} paff. of to get
To get
Expressing obligation
You use have got to say that someone has a particular thing, or to mention a quality or characteristic that someone or something has. In informal American English, people sometimes just use `got'. I've got a coat just like this She hasn't got a work permit Have you got any ideas? Every city's got its good and bad points After a pause he asked, `You got any identification?' = have
simple past of get
of Get
UK, past participle of get
You use have got to when you are saying that something is necessary or must happen in the way stated. In informal American English, the `have' is sometimes omitted. I'm not happy with the situation, but I've just got to accept it There has got to be a degree of flexibility See, you got to work very hard. = must
Got is the past tense and past participle of get
emphasis People sometimes use have got to in order to emphasize that they are certain that something is true, because of the facts or circumstances involved. In informal American English, the `have' is sometimes omitted. We'll do what we got to do. = must. Past tense and a past participle of get. the past tense and a participle of get You cannot say 'I/he/she etc got' in the present tense. Say you have something or have got something
to get
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

She was well known for her gothic appearance. - O, gotik görünümüyle iyi tanındı.

The church is built in Gothic style. - Kilise, Gothic tarzında inşâ edilmiş.

to got

    Турецкое произношение

    tı gät


    /tə ˈgät/ /tə ˈɡɑːt/


    ... got a reply there. (LAUGHTER) ROMNEY: You're absolutely right. ...
    ... Then it got a little more complicated because the writer ...