to go to bed early

listen to the pronunciation of to go to bed early
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
erken yatmak
go to bed

Ben yatmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to go to bed.

Tom şu anda yatmak istemiyor. - Tom doesn't want to go to bed right now.

go to bed
uyumaya gitmek
go to bed
yatmaya gitmek

Sadece yatmaya gitmek istiyorum. - I just want to go to bed.

Birisi kapıyı çaldığında o yatmaya gitmek üzereydi. - She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.

go to bed
yatağa yatmak
go to bed

Çok yorgunum; Sanırım yatacağım. - I'm really tired; I think I'll go to bed.

Genellikle dokuzda yatarım. - I usually go to bed at nine.

go to bed early
erken yatmak
go to bed
Yatağa gitmek, uyumaya gitmek
to go to
gide gide
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение to go to bed early в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

go to bed
To lie down to sleep, to put oneself in one's bed

It's been a long day - I think I'll just go to bed.

go to bed
lay in bed and go to sleep; have sexual relations
go to bed
go to bed in order to sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He turns out at the crack of dawn
go to bed
go to bed in order to sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He turns out at the crack of dawn"
to go to bed early

    Расстановка переносов

    to go to bed Ear·ly

    Турецкое произношение

    tı gō tı bed ırli


    /tə ˈgō tə ˈbed ˈərlē/ /tə ˈɡoʊ tə ˈbɛd ˈɜrliː/