To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; with on or upon
The process enlarging the pupil of the eye through the application of medical drops
When things such as blood vessels or the pupils of your eyes dilate or when something dilates them, they become wider or bigger. At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain. = enlarge + dilated di·lat·ed His eyes seemed slightly dilated. if a hollow part of your body dilates or if something dilates it, it becomes wider contract (dilater, from latus )
A process by which the pupil is temporarily enlarged with special eye drops This allows an eye doctor to see more of the retina and look for signs of diabetic retinopathy and other eye diseases or health concerns After the exam, close-up vision may remain blurred for several hours
Temporarily enlarging the pupil with special eye drops to allow an eye care specialist to better view the inside of the eye
To expand; to distend; to enlarge or extend in all directions; to swell; opposed to contract; as, the air dilates the lungs; air is dilated by increase of heat
add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"
To expand or open a structure such as the pupil of the eye or a passageway such as an artery