to cane

listen to the pronunciation of to cane
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} kamış

Küba'da çok şeker kamışı yetiştirilir. - A lot of sugar cane is grown in Cuba.

Sadece şeker kamışı şekeri kullanırım. - I only use cane sugar.

{f} dövmek

Tom bir değnek olmadan yürüyemedi. - Tom couldn't walk without a cane.

Öğretmenimiz bizi bir değnekle dövmeden önce Bu, sizden ziyade beni incitecek. derdi. - Our teacher used to say This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you before laying into us with a cane.

{f} sopalamak
sopayla dövmek
{f} sopayla döv
değnekle dövmek
{i} sopa

Tom bir sopayla yürür. - Tom walks with a cane.

Bir sopa ile yürüyen yaşlı adam Tom'un onun caddeyi geçmesine yardım etmesini istedi. - An old man walking with a cane asked Tom to help him across the street.

{i} bambu
canebrake kamışlık
{f} hasırla kaplamak
boğürtlen veya ahududunun sapı
cane mill şekerkamışı değirmeni
cane sugar şekerkamışından yapılmış şeker
{f} baston ile dövmek
rattan ca
{i} baston, değnek
kamışla kaplamak
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Silah
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Abbreviation of Canadian English
The slender, flexible main stem of a plant such as bamboo, including many species in the Grass family Gramineae
A short rod or stick, traditionally of wood or bamboo, used for corporal punishment
The plant itself, including many species in the Grass family Gramineae; a reed
To do something well, in a competent fashion
A length of colored and/or patterned glass rod, used in the specific glassblowing technique called caneworking
sugar cane. Sometimes applied to maize or rarely to sorghum when such plants are processed to make molasses (treacle) or sugar
A strong short staff used for support or decoration during walking; a walking stick

After breaking his leg, he needed a cane to walk.

A long rod often collapsible and commonly white (for visibility to other persons), used by blind persons for guidance in determining their course and for probing for obstacles in their path
To strike or beat, notably with a cane or similar implement; to destroy
Corporal punishment by beating with a cane; the cane

The teacher gave his student the cane for throwing paper.

It hurts

Don't hit me with that, it really canes!.

{n} a reed, a walking-stick
{v} to cudgel
a plant that grows in wetlands along rivers; they were used as torches by prehistoric explorers of Mammoth Cave; remnant of used torches are still found in the cave
{f} beat, hit with a stick
Stems of other plants are sometimes called canes; as, the canes of a raspberry
beat with a cane
Combined Arms in a Nuclear/Chemical Environment
Think blackberry, raspberry, rose They all have woody stems, most of which originate from the root mass, rather than as branches from a main stem The stems of bamboo and sugar cane are also canes
A composite rod of glass, consisting of groups of rods of different colors, which are bundled together and fused to form a polychrome design, especially in cross section See bar, millefiori, and rod
A cane is a long, thin, flexible stick which in the past was used to hit people, especially children at school, as a punishment. Until the 1980s some criminals were still flogged with a rattan cane as a punishment. The cane is used to refer to the punishment of being hit with a cane. see also sugar cane. to punish someone, especially a child, by hitting them with a stick. Hollow or pithy and usually slender and flexible jointed stem (as of a reed). Also, any of various slender woody stems, especially an elongated flowering or fruiting stem (as of a rose) usually arising directly from the ground. The term is also applied to any of various tall woody grasses or reeds, including the coarse grasses of the genus Arundinaria (see bamboo), sugarcane, and sorghum
A lance or dart made of cane
A walking stick; a staff; so called because originally made of one of the species of cane
The woody stem of a rose or a berry plant, it can also be the jointed and often hollow or pith-filled stem of a bamboo or sugar cane
A name given to several peculiar palms, species of Calamus and Dæmanorops, having very long, smooth flexible stems, commonly called rattans
The small piece of a molded or bundled glass rod that has been pulled out so that an intricate pattern appears in cross-section, (Refer to Chapter I for more detailed description of the cane-making process )
a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane
a cylinder or length (any shape) of clay (or glass) wherein several rods or sheets of color have been placed together to form a design running lengthwise through the shape
To make or furnish with cane or rattan; as, to cane chairs
To beat with a cane
Cane is the long hollow stems if plants like bamboo
{i} stick, rod; sugar cane; reed
A thin, monochrome rod, or a composite rod consisting of groups of rods of different colors, which are bundled together and fused to form a polychrome design that is visible when seen in cross section See Bar, Millefiori, and Rod
The previous season's shoots that have matured and become woody Selected canes are retained in some styles of pruning for the following season's fruit production
Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar. cane furniture. cane sugar Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane Dig out and burn infected canes
Chemical and Nuclear Environment reports
Split rattan, often used to cover chair seats and backs
Any plant with long, hard, elastic stems, as reeds and bamboos of many kinds; also, the sugar cane
The use of cane for seat furniture was introduced shortly after 1660, produced by rattan split into lengths and woven through holes in the seat frame
a stiff switch used to hit students as punishment a stick that people can lean on to help them walk a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane
A cane is a long thin stick with a curved or round top which you can use to support yourself when you are walking, or which in the past was fashionable to carry with you
caned Long, narrow strips of rattan bark used for weaving seats and backs of chairs and settees Furniture with this weaving are said to be caned
A local European measure of length
a stick that people can lean on to help them walk
Also "cane marble"; a glass rod used in the manufacture of hand-made marbles All the design features and colors are rolled in layers into a glass rod, appearing something like a candy cane Attached to a punty rod (see) the end of the cane is placed into a furnace where it softens It is then manipulated with hand-tools until a sphere is formed on the end of the cane The marble is then cut from the cane
a stiff switch used to hit students as punishment
to cane