to blank

listen to the pronunciation of to blank
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Tom boşlukları doldurdu. - Tom filled in the blanks.

Onlar boşlukları doldurdular. - They filled in the blanks.


Boşlukları doldurdum. - I filled in the blanks.

Tom boşlukları doldurdu. - Tom filled in the blanks.


Tom'un yüzü aniden ifadesizleşti. - Tom's face suddenly went blank.

{i} kurusıkı fişek
boş yer
(Avcılık) kurusıkı
(Tıp) blank
boş alan

Lütfen uygun bir cevap seç ve onu boş alana yaz. - Please choose a suitable answer and write it in the blank space.

(kâğıt/kaset/vb.) boş
üzerinde ilgili kişi tarafından doldurulmak üzere boşluklar bulunan kâğıt
(çek) açık
(Askeri) Kuru sıkı mühimmat
boş ve açıklık yer
{i} yazısız kâğıt
{i} boş numara
{s} açık
{s} görüntüsüz [tv]
{f} sayıyı önlemek [spor.]
{s} anlamsız
{f} çıkarmak
{s} tam
boş boşluk, boş boş
{s} yazısız
{i} piyangoda boş numara
nişan tahtasnın ortası
çok düşük kaliteli uyuşturucu madde
{i} hedefin ortası
{f} silmek
{i} boş kâğıt
son şeklini almamış
{s} şaşırmış
üzerinde yazı olmayan kağıt
{i} hedef
sayıyı önlemek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A bullet that doesn't harm; a cartridge inserted into a gun that fires no projectile
A void space on a paper
Without expression

When asked, his answer was a blank stare. When asked again his stare was even more blank.

To ignore

She blanked me for no reason.

Without color; lacking characteristics which give variety
To prevent from scoring, as in a sporting event

The team was blanked.

A piece of metal prepared to be made into something by a further operation, as a coin, screw, nuts
To make void; to erase

I blanked out my previous entry.

A kind of base silver money, first coined in England by Henry V., and worth about 8 pence; also, a French coin of the seventeenth century, worth about 4 pence. Nares
To become blank
{v} to cast down, damp, annul
{n} a void space, unwritten paper, disappointment
(Askeri) A blank is a type of cartridge for a firearm that contains gunpowder but no bullet or shot. When fired, the blank makes a flash and an explosive sound (report). Blanks are often used for simulation (such as in historical reenactments, theatre and movie special effects), training, and for signaling (see starting pistol). Blank cartridges differ from dummy cartridges, which are used for training or function testing firearms; these contain no primer or gunpowder, and are inert
Any void space; a void space on paper, or in any written instrument; an interval void of consciousness, action, result, etc; a void
Slang term for a card that gives no help to your hand, or to the board "I caught a blank" meaning nothing
Blanks are gun cartridges which contain explosive but do not contain a bullet, so that they cause no harm when the gun is fired. a starter pistol which only fires blanks. see also point-blank
a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing; "he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet"
A space to be filled in on a form or template
The flat disk of metal before it is struck by the dies and made into a coin
To make void; to annul
The point aimed at in a target, marked with a white spot; hence, the object to which anything is directed
Aim; shot; range
A control sample that is identical, in principle, to the sample of interest, except that the substance being analyzed is absent In such cases, the measured value or signal for the substance being analyzed is believed to be a result of artifacts Under certain circumstances, that value may be subtracted from the measured value to give a net result reflecting the amount of the substance in the sample EPA does not permit the subtraction of blank results in EPA-regulated analyses
Another word for space A word is formed by all characters between two blanks (or other delimiters like start or end of a line)
The total number of blank lines that contain no code or comments on the line found in a project
The space character; the character resulting from pressing the space-bar on a keyboard
A piece of metal (usually round) being prepared for coinage before the rims have been raised via the upsetting mill
Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in; as, blank paper; a blank check; a blank ballot
If your mind or memory is a blank, you cannot think of anything or remember anything. I'm sorry, but my mind is a blank I came round in hospital and did not know where I was. Everything was a complete blank
A piece or division of a piece, without spots; as, the double blank"; the six blank." In blank, with an essential portion to be supplied by another; as, to make out a check in blank
A paper unwritten; a paper without marks or characters a blank ballot; especially, a paper on which are to be inserted designated items of information, for which spaces are left vacant; a bland form
A board card that doesn't seem to affect the standings in the hand If the flop is As-Jd-Ts, then a turn card of 2h would be considered a blank On the other hand, the 2s would not be
{f} erase, make blank; block, prevent entrance
keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning void of expression; "a blank stare"
Usually refers to a glass parison that is formed during the first step of glass molding The piece is then transferred to a lamp worker or glass blower for final shape configuration
Any card that doesn't look like it's going to help anyone I was pretty sure she was on some sort of draw, so I didn't mind betting into her when the river was a blank
Piece of sawn timber cut ready for converting into components for different applications (e g windows) A carton blank is a die-cut carton ready for assembly and gluing
A piece or division of a piece, without spots; as, the "double blank"; the "six blank
If you look blank, your face shows no feeling, understanding, or interest. Abbot looked blank. `I don't quite follow, sir.' His daughter gave him a blank look. + blankly blank·ly She stared at him blankly. + blankness blank·ness His eyes have the blankness of someone half-asleep
Utterly confounded or discomfited
A lot by which nothing is gained; a ticket in a lottery on which no prize is indicated
as, blank paper; a blank check; a blank ballot
A sample subjected to the usual analytical or measurement process to establish a zero baseline or background value Sometimes used to adjust or correct routine analytical results A sample that is intended to contain none of the analytes of interest A blank is used to detect contamination during sample handling preparation and/or analysis There are many types of blanks, each with a specific purpose including
The blank piece of metal cut and shaped to the required size but not yet struck into a coin Also known as a planchet or flan
A round piece of metal made for subsequent minting into coinage
To blanch; to make blank; to damp the spirits of; to dispirit or confuse
A bullet that doesnt harm; a cartridge inserted into a gun that fires no projectile
not charged with a bullet; "a blank cartridge
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
If your mind goes blank, you are suddenly unable to think of anything appropriate to say, for example in reply to a question. My mind went totally blank
A piece of metal being prepared for coinage before the rims have been raised by passing through the upsetting mill
{s} empty; lacking expression
an unstruck coin disc, the same as "planchet"
This is another term for planchet or flan: the circular piece of metal, of the size and weight of the finished coin, prior to its striking Blanks are now stamped out by machine whereas in early times they were customarily cut with special shears from a cob of metal
A blank of metal intended for coinage but never struck with the dies
of a surface; not written or printed on; "blank pages"; "fill in the blank spaces"; "a clean page"; "wide white margins"
A kind of base silver money, first coined in England by Henry V
Absolute; downright; unmixed; as, blank terror
{i} empty space; empty form; empty line (to be filled in); space character
Lacking animation and intelligence, or their associated characteristics, as expression of face, look, etc
" To make void; to annul
Empty; void; without result; fruitless; as, a blank space; a blank day
Lacking characteristics which give variety; as, a blank desert; a blank wall; destitute of interests, affections, hopes, etc
An unexposed sampling medium, or an aliquot of the reagents used in an analytical procedure, in the absence of added analyte The measured value of a blank sample is the blank value
and worth about 8 pence; also, a French coin of the seventeenth century, worth about 4 pence
A key before any cuts have been made, or a key that is not fully cut and is thus not yet operational
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet a piece of material ready to be made into something a substitute for a taboo word; "I hit the blank blank car"
Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in with some special writing; said of checks, official documents, etc
A person who has no computer records of their existence In the society of the future these people are nobodies and have zero rights Most network execs and politicians would like to see blanks eradicated
Something that is blank has nothing on it. We could put some of the pictures over on that blank wall over there He tore a blank page from his notebook. blank cassettes
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) blank
to blank

    Турецкое произношение

    tı blängk


    /tə ˈblaɴɢk/ /tə ˈblæŋk/


    ... big to fail and give them a blank check. That's one of the unintended consequences of Dodd-Frank. ...