Şeytanların evinde Ravana, Tanrı'dır.
- In the home of demons, Ravana is God.
En tehlikeli şeytan paradır.
- The most dangerous demon is money.
Ormanda korkunç bir cin yaşar.
- A terrible demon lives in the forest.
Tom iyi ve kötü cinler olduğuna inanır.
- Tom believes that there are good and evil demons.
Speak of the devil...
- Wenn man vom Teufel spricht ...
Speak of the Devil and he doth appear.
- Wenn man vom Teufel spricht ...
If men are wolves then women are devils.
- Wenn Männer Wölfe sind, sind Frauen Teufel.
Angels have harps, devils have bodhráns.
- Engel haben Harfen, Teufel haben Bodhráns.