
listen to the pronunciation of termi̇nal
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение termi̇nal в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{s} ölümcül hastalığın son aşamasına ait
{s} ölümcül (hastalık)
sonda bulunan
uçta bulunan
bağlantı uçları
bağlantı ucu

Tom ölümcül kanseri olduğunu bilmiyordu. - Tom didn't know that he had terminal cancer.

Tom ölümcül derecede hasta. - Tom is terminally ill.

dönemle ilgili

Sami son aşamada bir kanseri olduğunu öğrendi. - Sami learned he had terminal cancer.

otobüs terminalı
ölümle sonuçlanan
{i} gar
(Askeri) TERMİNAL: Çeşitli ulaştırma usulleriyle nakledilen eşya ve personelin yüklenip bindirilmesi, indirilmesi ve ara nakliyatında kullanılan askeri ve ticari tesisler
{s} dalın ucunda yetişen
dal veya sapın ucunda bulunan
demiryolu başı il
{i} kutup [elek.]
{i} sonek
uçta veya sonda olan veya bunlara ait
belirli zamanlarda meydana gelen
{i} son durak
demiryolunun başına ait
(Tıp) Sona ait
{i} son hece
{s} dönem sonuna ait
(Tıp) Son, bitim, uc (sinir)
(Tıp) Terminal, terminalis
{s} son veya uçta bulunan
terminal block
bağlantı kutusu
terminal box
bağlantı kutusu
terminal box
terminal mode
(Bilgisayar) uçbirim kipi
terminal pair
terminal pair
bağlantı kapısı
terminal phase
(Denizbilim) uç evresi
terminal port
terminal server
uçbirim paylaştırıcı
terminal server
(Bilgisayar) uçbirim işgöreni
terminal setup
(Bilgisayar) uçbirim ayarları
terminal area
terminal alanı
terminal arteriole
terminal arteriyol
terminal bud
tepe tomurcuğu
terminal illness
öldürücü hastalık
terminal point
uç nokta
terminal symbol
terminal simgesi
terminal velocity
ayrılış hızı
terminal addressing
terminal adresleme
terminal clamp
üç kıskacı
terminal computer
terminal bilgisayar
terminal control
terminal kontrol
terminal control program
terminal kontrol programı
terminal disease
terminal hastalığı
terminal display language
terminal ekran dilini
terminal handling charge
terminal kullanım ücreti
terminal identification
terminal tanımlama
terminal ilness
Ölümcül hastalık
terminal impedance
terminal empedansi, üç empedansi
terminal moraine
on moren, on buzultas
terminal nut
(Teknoloji) üç bağlama somunu, kutup somunu
terminal security
terminal güvenlik
terminal session
terminal oturumu
terminal simulator
terminal simülatörü
terminal software
terminal yazılım
terminal stress
son hecedeki vurgu, son hece vurgusu
terminal trace
terminal izleme
terminal unit
terminal birimi
terminal user
terminal kullanıcısı
terminal voltage
üç gerilimi
Terminal strip
(Tekstil) Terminal ayar şeridi
teller terminal
(Ticaret) vezne terminali
telnet terminal id
Telnet Uçbirim Kimliği
terminal atom
(Kimya) uç atom
terminal ballistics
(Askeri) ETKİ BALİSTİĞİ, DÜŞÜŞ BALİSTİĞİ: Balistik biliminde; mermilerin hedef üzerindeki tesiri ile meşgul olan bölüm. Ayrıca bak "ballistics"
terminal based linearity
uc deger dogrusalligi (olcme)
terminal basin
terminal havza
terminal basin
(Coğrafya) uç tekne
terminal box
kofra, baglanti kutusu
terminal brace
uç mesnedi
terminal bud
uç tomurcuğu
terminal button
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uç düğme
terminal cap
kablo ucu başlığı
terminal casing
uç muhafazası
terminal circuit
(Askeri) TERMİNAL DEVRE: Bütün teçhizatı tek bir servis tarafından idare edilen ve işletilen devre
terminal clamp
uç kıskacı
terminal clearance capacity
(Askeri) TERMİNAL BOŞALTMA KAPASİTESİ: Bir günde bir terminalden geçebilecek veya çıkabilecek yük veya personel miktarı
terminal cluster
ucbirim kumesi
terminal command
(Askeri) terminal komutanlığı
terminal command
(Askeri) TERMİNAL KOMUTANLIĞI: Bir veya daha çok terminalin bulunduğu bir terminal bölgesi veya üst bölgesi için bir komutanlık karargahı temin eden bir ulaştırma sınıfı birliği
terminal component
ucbirim bileseni
terminal control area
(Askeri) TERMİNAL KONTROL BÖLGESİ: Bir veya daha çok sayıda büyük hava alanının civarında normal olarak hava servisi rotorlarının bir kavşak noktası olabilecek bir kontrol bölgesi. Ayrıca bak "airway controlled airspace control area; control zone"
terminal control area; time of closest approach; traditional CINC activity
(Askeri) terminal kontrol sahası; en yakın yaklaşma zamanı; geleneksel Başkomutanlık faaliyeti
terminal degree
(Eğitim) en son akademik derece
terminal destination
(Askeri) (MERCHANT SHIPPING) TERMİNAL NOKTASI (DENİZ TİCARETİ): müstakil bir gemi veya konvoyun, adına ulaştırma planlaması yapılmış son limanı, su terminali veya demir yeri. Bu yerin son sefer limanı (final destination) olması şart değildir. Ayrıca bak "destination (merchant shıppıng) "
terminal drop
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nihai düşüş
terminal emulation window
uçbirim öykünme penceresi
terminal emulator
Terminal Öykünücüsü
terminal emulator
uçbirim öykünücü
terminal exchange
uc santrali
terminal font
Uçbirim yazıtipi
terminal guidance
(Askeri) TERMİNAL GÜDÜMÜ (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): 1. Bir füzenin orta yol görünümü ile hedef civarına varış arasında uygulanan güdüm. 2. Bir uçak pilotuna; bir hava indirme veya havadan atma tesisine varışta, bu tesis sahası içinde veya üzerinde faaliyeti sırasında tesise iniş veya tesisten ayrılışında elektronik, mekanik, optik veya diğer vasıtalarla yapılan yardım. Ayrıca bak "guidance"
terminal guidance
(Askeri) (NATO) Bir füzenin orta yol ile hedef civarına varışı arasında uygulanan güdüm
terminal guidance operations
(Askeri) terminal güdümü işlemleri
terminal heater
terminal ısıtıc
terminal illness
ölümcül hastalık
terminal keys
Uçbirim Tuşları
terminal lake
(Denizbilim) uç göl
terminal male
(Denizbilim) uç erkek
terminal mode
uçbirim durumu
terminal modes
Uçbirim Kipleri
terminal multiplexer
ucbirim cogullayicisi
terminal node
uc dugum
terminal operations
(Askeri) TERMİNAL ÇALIŞMALARI: Yolcuların kabul, işlem ve yerleştirme çalışmaları, yükün alınması, geçici olarak depolanması ve yüklemeye hazır hale getirilmesi, gemiler veya uçakların yüklenmesi ve boşaltılması ile, kargo ve yolcuların kayıtlarının yapılıp gidecekleri yerlere yollanması işlemleri
terminal pair
(port) baglanti kapisi, kapi
terminal phase
(Askeri) TERMİNAL SAFHASI: Balistik füzenin atmosfere yeniden giriş aşaması veya orta yol aşamasının sonu ile hedef civarına vuruşu arasındaki uçuş safhası. Ayrıca bak "boost phase; midcoure phase; reentry phase"
terminal pin
(Otomotiv) terminal pimi
terminal pin
(Otomotiv) terminal ucu
terminal plate
klemens kutusu plakası
terminal plate
hücre bağlantısı
terminal post
(Askeri) TERMİNAL LİMANI: Müstakil bir gemi veya konvoyun rotalama talimatnamesinde belirtilen varış limanı. Bunun gidilecek son liman olması gerekmez
terminal postal officer
(Askeri) TERMİNAL POSTA SUBAYI: Bir ABD kara ordusu askeri posta terminalinin komutanı subay. Bu subay askeri postane ile yapılan muhaberatın dağıtımı, askeri postane ve postane birliklerinin açılıp kapanması konusunda bilgi teminini içine alan ordu postanesiyle ilgili hususlarda, sorumlu posta müdürü, posta toplanma merkezi memurları ve posta müfettişleriyle birlikte, bir irtibat subayı gibi vazife görür
terminal radar approach control facility
(Askeri) terminal radar yaklaşma kontrol tesisi
terminal screen
(Bilgisayar) uçbirim ekranı
terminal screw
terminal vidası
terminal screw
uç vidası
terminal server
ucbirim paylastirici
terminal service company
(Askeri) TERMİNAL HİZMET BÖLÜĞÜ: Gemilere, hava araçlarına demiryolu vagonlarına yük ve yolcu bindirip indirecek ve yük ayırma faaliyetlerinde bulunacak şekilde eğitilmiş ve teçhiz edilmiş ulaştırma sınıfı birliği
terminal service; top secret
(Askeri) terminal hizmeti; çok gizli
terminal stress
(Dilbilim) sonlama vurgusu
terminal string
(Dilbilim) bitim zinciri
terminal string
(Dilbilim) sonuç dizgisi
terminal strip
uç bağlantısı
terminal symbol
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bitiş simgesi
terminal throughput capacity
(Askeri) TERMİNAL GİRİŞ-ÇIKIŞ KAPASİTESİ: Bak "port throughput capacity"
terminal transfer
(Askeri) terminal transferi
terminal value
(Ticaret) vade değeri
terminal valve
çıkış vanası
terminal vehicle
(Askeri) terminal aracı
terminal vehicle
(Askeri) TERMİNAL ARACI: Bir roket aracının esas kısmından en son ayrılacak olan, fakat, bir ay sonrası veya dünya uydusunda olduğu gibi, kendi içinde bir şey taşıyan kısmı
terminal velocity
(Askeri) DÜŞÜŞ HIZI: Bir merminin düşüş yolu üzerindeki silah namlu ağzı ile aynı seviyede bulunduğu noktadaki hızı
terminal window
(Bilgisayar) terminal penceresi
city terminal
şehir terminali
dial up terminal
(Bilgisayar,Telekom) aramalı uçbirim
domestic terminal
(Havacılık) iç hatlar terminali
domestic terminal
(Havacılık) içhatlar terminali
dumb terminal
(Bilgisayar) programlanmayan uçbirim
dump terminal
aptal terminal
ferry terminal
(Askeri) feribot terminalı
intelligent terminal
(Bilgisayar) akıllı uçbirim
intelligent terminal
(Bilgisayar) anlaklı uçbirim
international terminal
(Havacılık) dışhatlar terminali
international terminal
(Havacılık) dış hatlar terminali
marine terminal
(Askeri) deniz terminali
passive four terminal network
(Bilgisayar) pasif iki kapılı devre
point of sale terminal
(Bilgisayar) satış uçbirimi
point of sales terminal
(Teknik,Ticaret) satış uçbirimi
receiver terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) alış uçbirimi
receiver terminal
(Bilgisayar) alıcı
remote terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uzak uçbirim
scrolling terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) akmalı ekran
slave terminal
bağımlı uçbirim
(Askeri) uç birim
tren garı
(Ticaret) nihai
kenar süsü
son olarak
virtual terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sanal uçbirim
virtual terminal protocol
(Bilgisayar) sanal uçbirim protokolü
virtual terminal protocol
sanal uçbirim protokolu
air terminal
uçak terminali
airline terminal
havayolu terminali
anode terminal
anot terminali
antenna terminal
anten bağlantı ucu
batch terminal
yığın terminal
batch terminal simulation
yığın terminal simülasyonu
battery positive terminal
akü pozitif kutbu
battery terminal
akü kutup başı
battery terminal cap
batarya bağlantı ucu
bus terminal
şehirlerarası otobüs terminali
cable terminal
kablo ucu
cable terminal cap
kablo başlığı
calculator terminal
hesaplayıcı terminal
central terminal
merkezi terminal
communication terminal
iletişim terminali
data collection terminal
veri toplama uçbirimi
dial up terminal
çevirmeli uç birim
dumb terminal
akılsız terminal
graphic terminal
grafik terminal
inquiry display terminal
sorgulama gösterim terminali
intelligent terminal
akıllı terminal
interactive terminal
etkileşimli terminal
negative terminal
negatif terminal
railroad terminal
tren garı
ölümcül derecede

Tom ölümcül derecede hasta. - Tom is terminally ill.

Dan karısı Linda'nın ölümcül derecede hasta olduğu konusunda bilgilendirildi. - Dan was informed that his wife, Linda, was terminally ill.

user terminal
kullanıcı terminali
video display terminal
video görüntü terminali
display terminal
ekran terminal
earth terminal
yer terminalleri
earth terminal
toprak ucu
idiot proof terminal
aptal geçirmez terminal
interrogation terminal
sorgulama terminal
multiple terminal access
Birden fazla terminal erişim
on site terminal
site terminalde
plug-in terminal
remote data terminal
uzak veri terminali
tactical advanced computer; terminal access controller; terminal attack control
(Askeri) taktik gelişmiş bilgisayar; terminal erişim kontrolörü; terminal taarrız kontrolü
(zarf) son olarak, vadeli olarak, dönem usulü ile (üniv.), ölümcül derecede
vadeli olarak
son aşamada
dönem usulü ile (üniv.)
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Hukuk) İnsan veya eşya taşımalarında,araçların indirme,bindirme,yükleme,boşaltma,aktarma yaptıkları ve ayrıca bilet satışı ile bekleme,haberleşme şehir ulaşımı vb. hizmetlerinde sağlandığı yer;kara,hava,tren yolu sonlarında bulunan durak;uç ist
Dalların sonundaki tomurcuklar
Bilgisayar ucu
Otobüs, uçak gibi taşıtların yolcularını ilk aldığı veya son bıraktığı yer
(Hukuk) Terminalde bulunan ve çeşitli hizmetlerin verildiği yapı
Belirlenmiş zaman, randevu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение termi̇nal в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

Appearing at the end, top or apex of a physical object
Occurring at the end of a word, sentence, or period of time
A terminal symbol in a formal grammar
A computer program that emulates a terminal (6)
A building in an airport where passengers transfer from ground transportation to the facilities that allow them to board airplanes
Fatal, resulting in death
In the context of computer hardware, a device for entering data into a computer or a communications system and/or displaying data received, especially a device equipped with a keyboard and some sort of textual display
In telecommunications, the apparatus to send and/or receive signals on a line, such as a telephone or network device
An electric contact on a battery
A rail station where service begins and ends; the end of the line. For example: Grand Central Terminal in New York City
In electronics, the end of a line where signals are either transmitted or received, or a point along the length of a line where the signals are made available to apparatus
pertaining to or creative of a boundary, limit
A terminal illness or disease causes death, often slowly, and cannot be cured. terminal cancer. his illness was terminal. + terminally ter·mi·nal·ly The patient is terminally ill
{a} ending, growing at the end
A device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else A minimun would be a keyboard and display screen and some simple circuitry On a PC it is software that emulates a terminal allowing you to type commands to another computer
occurring at or forming an end or termination; "his concluding words came as a surprise"; "the final chapter"; "the last days of the dinosaurs"; "terminal leave"
relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time; "terminal examinations"; "terminal payments"
A device connected to a computer network that acts as a point for entry or retrieval of information Personal computers can be made to act as network terminals, by running terminal emulation (communication) programs
An electronic device for communicating with a computer (i e , sending and receiving information to and from a computer); a terminal usually has a keyboard and a display screen and/or printer
Although not as prevalent in recent years due to the rise of the PC, terminals are still in use in some places A terminal is a simple device with a keyboard, a screen, a connection to a data network and no CPU The sole function of a terminal is to rel ay commands from a user via the keyboard and then display output via the screen
being or situated at an end; "the endmost pillar"; "terminal buds on a branch"; "a terminal station"; "the terminal syllable"
station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display causing or ending in or approaching death; "a terminal patient"; "terminal cancer"
This is a machine that allows you to send commands to a remote computer This usually requires at least a minimum of a keyboard and display This will usually use terminal software, which emulates a physical terminal One such software, known as X-Win, brings up an xterm (or x terminal) so the user can see and do processes on the remote machine This is the mechanism that allows you to put in commands to a computer that is in a remote location These consoles can be broken up in three different categories; intelligent, smart, and dumb A dumb-terminal is one that has no processing power A smart-terminal has some, but limited processing power A smart-terminal has it's own full-blown processor and memory, and is capable of a lot of processing An example where these machines are used is on a server, where there is terminals set up to access the various servers
A device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen an some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer- the software pretends to be (emulates) a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else
{i} either end of a passenger line; bus or train station; point of connection to a current (Electricity)
A monitor and keyboard attached to a computer(usually a mainframe), used for data entry and display Unlike a personal computer, a terminal does not have its own CPU or hard disk
A terminal is a place where vehicles, passengers, or goods begin or end a journey. Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport
Any station for the delivery or receipt of freight lying too far from the main line to be served by mere sidings
Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided with binding screws for the attachment of wires by which a current may be conveyed into or from the machine; a pole
A computer Workstation linked to a Server or other computer over a Network on which a user may display information When it is merely a video display, it may be referred to as a "Dumb Terminal"
A screen and keyboard connected to a computer somewhere else The terminal doesn't run Unix and all those neat programs itself, it just lets you use the computer that does
A device that works as a client of a central computer or host in a network It may simply consist of a keyboard and a video monitor (the so-called dumb terminal) or of a complete microcomputer using a special terminal emulation software (such as Windows Terminal, HyperTerminal, ProComm, or others) In this case, it is called an intelligent terminal
A computer terminal is a piece of equipment consisting of a keyboard and a screen that is used for putting information into a computer or getting information from it. Carl sits at a computer terminal 40 hours a week
A town lying at the end of a railroad; more properly called a terminus
The end of a line of railroad, with the switches, stations, sheds, and other appliances pertaining thereto
On a piece of electrical equipment, a terminal is one of the points where electricity enters or leaves it. the positive terminal of the battery
device that slows you to send commands to a compute somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer - the software pretends to be (emulates) a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else
This is a device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At minimum, this is usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry
Pertaining to a railroad terminal; connected with the receipt or delivery of freight; as, terminal charges
a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves
of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route; "freight pickup is a terminal service"; "terminal charges"
causing or ending in or approaching death; "a terminal patient"; "terminal cancer"
Of or pertaining to the end or extremity; forming the extremity; as, a terminal edge
A device that provides a keyboard and display screen (like a personal computer, but without the ability to use general purpose software) Characters typed at the keyboard are transferred to a host computer system, and characters sent from the host system are displayed on the screen
point of entry to a multi-user server like dale or chip or bullwinkle; terminal-emulator programs (e g , Kermit, ZTerm, ProComm) allow individual computers to connect to servers and manipulate mail or read news without actually interacting as equals; for example, the mail you read using the Pine program doesn't actually reside on your desktop computer until you execute the commands that move it over to your physical location With full Ethernet connections the interactions will be tighter and more flexible: an instructor in Voorhies could leave the office computer on and log into it from home, and thence move around the network backbone (including the classroom servers) with ease
station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
That which terminates or ends; termination; extremity
{s} end, extremity, closing, concluding, final; mortal, incurable
A rate charged on all freight, independent of the distance, and supposed to cover the expenses of station service, as distinct from mileage rate, generally proportionate to the distance and intended to cover movement expenses; a terminal charge
A computer input/output device which allows a person to interactively communicate with the computer Most terminals have typewriter style keyboards and a CRT screen for displaying your commands and the computer responses Real "terminals" are rare these days; most people use personal computers running terminal programs now
A device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer - the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else
electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display
A device or software program that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else This can be only a keyboard and a display screen In DNC applications this is a screen in software that emulates a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer or CNC machine With a terminal you can see all the characters that are being sent and received This is very useful in establishing initial communications with CNC machines
Growing at the end of a branch or stem; terminating; as, a terminal bud, flower, or spike
A device, usually a display monitor and a keyboard, used to communicate with the computer
A combination of a keyboard and monitor, which together provide the capability to interact with a computer system
of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route; "freight pickup is a terminal service"; "terminal charges
terminal Ss
plural form of terminal s
terminal acetylene
Any acetylene (alkyne) having the triple bond attached to a terminal carbon atom; R-CC-H
terminal acetylenes
plural form of terminal acetylene
terminal control area
a volume of controlled airspace set up at the confluence of airways in the vicinity of one or more major airports to protect traffic climbing out from and descending into the airports
terminal figure
A statue carved out of the top of a square pillar, used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
terminal figures
plural form of terminal figure
terminal object
An object within a category which receives arrows from all other objects in that category, and such that each of these arrows is unique

In the Sets category, a terminal object is any singleton, since there exists a unique function, namely the constant function, between any other given set and that singleton.

terminal s
The s character, as distinct from the medial s — the ſ character
terminal stria
A structure in the brain, being a band of fibers running along the lateral margin of the ventricular surface of the thalamus
terminal symbol
A symbol in a formal grammar that can appear in sentences of the grammar. Compare non-terminal symbol
terminal symbols
plural form of terminal symbol
terminal velocities
plural form of terminal velocity
terminal velocity
The speed at which an object in free-fall and not in a vacuum ceases to accelerate downwards because the force of gravity is equal and opposite to the drag force acting against it
terminal block
Electrical connector receiving bundle segments, each bundle segment wire being connected to a termination It comprises bundle connection points as well as terminations A terminal block has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector
terminal block
An insulating base with binding posts to make connections where sets of terminals are mounted
terminal block
An insulating mounting equipped with bending post or quick-clip terminals which are usually factory connected to a stub cable or to wire leads
terminal disease
illness that has no known treatment or cure
terminal emulation
(computer science) having a computer act exactly like a terminal
terminal emulation
use of a communications program in order to enable a computer to function as a terminal
terminal leave
final vacation before one's release from the military
terminal leave
final leave before discharge from military service
terminal patient
one who cannot be cured of his illness, one who is sick with an illness that has no cure as of yet
terminal stage
final stage
terminal value
The value of a bond at maturity, typically its par value, or the value of an asset (or an entire firm) on some specified future valuation date
terminal value
The future value of an uneven cash flow stream
terminal value
The value of a bond at maturity, typically its par value, or the value of an asset (or an entire firm) on some specified future valuation date Usually, a perpetuity formula is used For example, suppose we forecast cash flows through year 10 We make an assumption that year 11 and beyond will be no growth (except for inflation) If the cash flow forecast for year 11 is 100, the firm's discount rate is 12%, and inflation is expected to be 2%, we use the formula V10 = CF11/(disc rate-inflation) Hence, the value is 100/(0 12 - 0 02) that is 1,000 This cash flow needs to be brought back to present value using the formula 1000/(1 12)10, which is 321 97 Note the importance of the inflation assumption
terminal velocity
maximum constant velocity that a non freely falling object reaches when a retarding force balances the gravitational force and the objects acceleration is zero
terminal velocity
the constant maximum velocity reached by a body falling through the atmosphere under the attraction of gravity
terminal velocity
The velocity at which the driving forces are cancelled out by the resistive forces Terminal velocity depends a great deal upon the shape of the object that is facing the direction it is moving Once an object has reached terminal velocity, the object is not accelerating (a=0), therefore it is not speeding up or slowing down It is a constant velocity unless the driving forces or the resistive forces change Typically, Terminal Velocity is only a possibility when you are dealing with fluid friction as opposed to contact friction like static or kinetic friction
terminal velocity
or fallspeed, the speed at which a particular body's weight is balanced by its drag as it falls through a particular fluid
terminal velocity
The final velocity of falling solid particles in water or in air or of raindrops in air
terminal velocity
The maximum velocity attainable, especially by a freely falling body, under the given conditions
terminal velocity
Maximum speed that can be achieve by a body falling through a fluid like water or air
terminal velocity
The speed at which drag matches the pull of gravity, resulting in a constant fall rate Typical terminal velocity for formation skydiving is in the 120 to 135 mile per hour range, but speeds as high as 300 miles per hour have been reached
terminal velocity
The speed at which a Skydiver falls when the friction of the air on their body is equal to and counter acts the force of gravity so that they no longer accelerate It is about 120 mph in a flat stable position, lying on the air, face down The Skydiver can fall faster or slower, up to a point, by changing their body position
terminal velocity
The maximum speed of an object through a fluid An object reaches terminal velocity when all the forces on it balance out
air terminal
the facility on an airfield or airport where aircraft are loaded and unloaded of passengers or freight
Describing the amino acid, at one end of a polypeptide or protein, that has a free amino group
cable terminal
A fixture designed to be installed in the end of a cable or a conductor in order to facilitate the connection
dumb terminal
A computer terminal consisting of a monitor (usually in monochrome) and keyboard, but (unlike a personal computer) having almost no processing capability, used to provide input to and receive output from a remote server, minicomputer, or mainframe
A non-terminal symbol in a formal grammar
Not terminal
non-terminal symbol
A symbol in a formal grammar that cannot appear in sentences of the grammar but may eventually be resolved into a sequence of terminal symbols
non-terminal symbols
plural form of non-terminal symbol
leading to death
piggyback terminal
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) A terminal where trucks can be loaded directly from trains
mortally, incurably; in the end
in a terminal manner
at the end; "terminally ill
at the end; "terminally ill"
Local input devices used to enter data onto mainframes in centralized computing systems
Equipment that provides real-time communications Terminals must support audio communications, but support for video or data communications is optional A computer running Microsoft NetMeeting 3 0 or higher is an example of an H 323 terminal
The positive and negative posts or threaded connectors on a battery
plural of terminal
The parts of a battery to which the external electric circuit is connected
Of any equipment or circuit, the screws, soldering lugs or wire wrap pins to which an external circuit can be connected
n A classification of tiles consisting of the 1s and 9s from any suit
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение termi̇nal в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь


How do I get to the bus station? - Otobüs terminaline nasıl giderim?

The bus is at the bus station. - Otobüs otobüs terminalindedir.

{i} terminal
(Bilgisayar) receive only
terminal station
terminal station, terminus
(a) terminal: otobüs terminali bus terminal
terminal adaptörü
(Askeri) terminal adaptor
terminal alanı
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) terminal area
terminal bakım
(Tıp) terminal care
terminal binası
(Askeri) terminal building
terminal bloğu
(Otomotiv) terminal block
terminal devre
(Askeri) terminal circuit
terminal ekipmanı
(Askeri) terminal equipment
terminal flament
(Arılık) terminal flament
terminal güdümü
(Askeri) terminal guidance
terminal kontrol sahası
(Askeri,Havacılık) terminal control area
terminal kutusu
(Elektrik, Elektronik) terminal box
terminal modları
(Bilgisayar) terminal modes
terminal modu
(Bilgisayar) terminal mode
terminal numarası
(Otomotiv) terminal number
terminal sahası
(Havacılık) terminal area
terminal satış uçbirimi
(Bilgisayar) point of sales
terminal sunucusu
(Bilgisayar) terminal server
terminal taklitçisi
(Bilgisayar) terminal emulator
terminal tuşları
(Bilgisayar) terminal keys
terminal çalışmaları
(Askeri) terminal operations
terminal adacığı
(Askeri) sea island terminal
terminal aracı
(Askeri) terminal vehicle
terminal arteriyol
terminal arteriole
terminal ayar şeridi
terminal strip
terminal basıncı
terminal pressure
terminal boşaltma kapasitesi
(Askeri) terminal clearance capacity
terminal bölüğü
(Askeri) port company
terminal dezenfeksiyon
(Tıp) terminal disinfection
terminal düğümü
terminal node
terminal empedansı
terminal impedance
terminal faliyetleri
(Askeri) terminal facilities
terminal genişleme basıncı
terminal expansion pressure
terminal gerilimi
terminal voltage
terminal güdümü işlemleri
(Askeri) terminal guidance operations
terminal hasarlı
damaged terminal
terminal hizmet bölüğü
(Askeri) terminal service company
terminal hizmeti; çok gizli
(Askeri) terminal service; top secret
terminal izleme
terminal trace
terminal kabloları
(Otomotiv) wire terminals
terminal komutanlığı
(Askeri) terminal command
terminal konektörü
(Otomotiv) terminal connector
terminal kontrol sahası; en yakın yaklaşma zamanı; geleneksel Başkomutanlık faal
(Askeri) terminal control area; time of closest approach; traditional CINC activity
terminal kullanıcısı
terminal user
terminal kullanıcısı
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) transactor
terminal noktası
(Askeri) terminal destination
terminal penceresi
(Bilgisayar) terminal window
terminal pimi
(Otomotiv) terminal pin
terminal posta subayı
(Askeri) terminal postal officer
terminal radar yaklaşma kontrol tesisi
(Askeri) terminal radar approach control facility
terminal salonu
terminal sevkiyat yükü
(Askeri) inbound cargo
terminal simülatörü
terminal simulator
terminal tamir takımı
(Otomotiv) terminal repair kit
terminal tesisleri
(Askeri) terminal complex
terminal tipi tahsisi
(Askeri) assign terminal type
terminal transferi
(Askeri) terminal transfer
terminal türü
(Bilgisayar) termtype
terminal ucu
(Otomotiv) terminal pin
terminal vidası
terminal screw
terminal yanma basıncı
terminal combustion pressure
terminal yazılım
terminal software
terminal ısıtıc
terminal heater
terminal şerit belirleme
terminal strip designation
terörizmle mücadele; common battery terminal
(Askeri) combatting terrorism; common battery terminal

Tom has missed three deadlines in a row. - Tom art arda üç termini kaçırdı.

(Ticaret) term

Where is the bus terminal? - Otobüs terminali nerede?

If the metal plate terminal of the game cassette is dirty it may be difficult for the game to start when the cassette is inserted into the game console. - Eğer oyun kasetinin metal plaka terminali pis ise oyun konsoluna kaset yerleştirildiğinde oyunun başlaması zor olabilir.

(Ticaret) maturity date
zeki terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) intelligent terminal
taktik gelişmiş bilgisayar; terminal erişim kontrolörü; terminal taarrız kontrol
(Askeri) tactical advanced computer; terminal access controller; terminal attack control


    ... your spouse has left you a message saying that the cancer is terminal, you're supposed ...
    ... or he could tell you that the doctor said the cancer was terminal, you would be rightfully ...