
listen to the pronunciation of tarifs
Французский Язык - Турецкий язык
Французский Язык - Английский Язык
Customs duties on merchandise imports Levied either on an ad valorem basis (percentage of value) or on a specific basis (e g $7 per 100 kgs ) Tariffs give price advantage to similar locally-produced goods and raise revenues for the government
Please refer to fees
Similar in principle to royalties, tariffs are fixed by the Copyright Board upon application by a collective society of their proposed rates
taxes imposed on imports
Taxes that affect the movement of goods across economic or political boundaries and can also affect imports, exports or goods in transit p 85
Taxes placed on foreign goods coming into the United States
plural of tariff
Governmental charges imposed on goods at the time they are imported into a state
Taxes on imported goods 318
Tariffs are the taxes that a government places on the imports that come into the country They are an important source of revenue for a government, but can also be used to make imports more expensive and reduce competition for local producers
A duty (tax) on goods imported into a country