
listen to the pronunciation of storage
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Eşyalarımı depodan çıkarmayı unutma. - Don't forget to take my things out of storage!

Depolama maliyetlerinin çok yüksek olduğunu söylediler. - They said storage costs were too high.


Depolama maliyetlerinin çok yüksek olduğunu söylediler. - They said storage costs were too high.

Ne kadar depolama alanı gerekli? - How much storage space is needed?

bilgi saklama kısmı
(Tıp) storaj
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) saklatım
(Bilgisayar) saklama depolama
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hafıza
(Ticaret) depoya koyma
ardiye vergini
depo etme
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) stoklama
depoya koyma veya doldurma
{i} saklama
kompütörde bilgi saklama kısmı
{i} (Bilgisayar) bellek
storage battery akümülator
(Askeri) BİRİKTİRME, HAFIZA, DEPOLAMA: 1. Verilerin muntazam yayım ve belgelenmesi için herhangi bir şekilde tutulması. 2. İçine bilgilerin kaydedilip arzu edildikçe faydalanılabilen elektronik elektrostatik, donanım veya diğer unsurlar. 3. Herhangi bir kompüterde silinebilir biriktirme. Buna (memory) de denir. 4. Depoya koyma veya doldurma. Ordu mallarını,; bir ambar, sundurma veya açık sahaya yerleştirme veya böyle bir yerde muhafaza. Depolama; tesellüm faaliyetinin bir devamı; sevkiyat veya dağıtım faaliyetinin başlangıcıdır. Bak. "ammunition and toxic material open space", "bulk storage", "igloo space", "large lot storage", "medium lot storage", "open unimproved storage space", "open unimproved wet space" ve "small lot storage"
{i} ardiye ücreti
(Tıp) dolum
(Ticaret) depolama yeri
(İnşaat) bekletme
depo ücreti
(İnşaat) koruma
storage box
saklama kabı
storage box
storage size
(Bilgisayar) bellek büyüklüğü
storage size
(Bilgisayar) disk/bellek büyüklüğü
storage size
(Bilgisayar) disk bellek büyüklüğü
storage space
(Bilgisayar) saklama kapasitesi
storage allocation
bellek atama
storage area
depo alanı
storage battery
storage bin
depolama haznesi
storage capacity
bellek kapasitesi
storage cost
hafıza tutarı
storage dam
biriktirme barajı
storage density
bellek yoğunluğu
storage device
bellek aygıtı
storage device
depolama cihazı
storage dump
bellek dökümü
storage key
bellek anahtarı
storage mark
bellek işareti
storage medium
saklama ortamı
storage room
sandık odası
storage space
depo alanı
storage switch
bellek anahtarı
storage tank
depolama tankı
storage tank
su deposu
storage to register instruction
bellekten yazmaca komut
storage to storage instruction
bellekten belleğe komut
storage unit
bellek birimi
storage bed
Bazalı yatak
storage block
bellek öbeği/blogu
storage box
Saklama kutusu
storage cell
bellek hücresi/gözesi
storage circuit
depolama devre
storage container
saklama kabı
storage cycle
depolama çevrimi
storage cycle time
depolama çevrim zamanı
storage divice
depolama aygıtı
storage element
bellek elemanı, bellek öğesi
storage erasing
depolama silme
storage fragmentation
bellek parçalanması
storage heater
depolama ısıtıcı
storage image
depolama görüntü
storage jar
Saklama kabı
storage load
depolama yük
storage location
bellek yeri
storage modulus
(Teknoloji) Depolama katsayısı
storage oscilloscope
bellekli osiloskop
storage position
depolama konumu
storage protection
bellek koruma
storage register
bellek yazmacı
storage reservoir
toplama havuzu/deposu
storage ring
Depolama halkası
storage testing
bellek testi, bellek denemesi
storage tube
bellekli tüp
storage vaults
depo kasa daireleri
storage volatility
bellek devamsızlığı, bellek geçiciliği
Storage track
(Tekstil) Biriktirme rayı
storage address
bellek adresi
storage algorithm
bellek algoritmasi
storage and issue responsibility
(Askeri) DEPOLAMA VE DAĞITIM SORUMU: Belirli bir ikmal maddesi veya çeşitli ikmal maddelerinin alınması, depolanması ve dağıtımı konusunda bir teknik hizmet ve komutanlığa verilmiş olan sorum
storage battery
akümülatör, akü
storage block
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bellek bloğu
storage building
(Askeri) DEPOLAMA YERİ, DEPO: İkmal maddelerini depolamak amacıyla inşa edilmiş veya kiralanmış bina; bu binanın bir kısmı büro, malzeme deposu, tamirhane vesaire için ayrılıp kullanılabilir
storage camera
storage camera tube
bellekli kamera tubu
storage capacity
(Askeri) BELLEK SIĞASI: Bellek içinde bulunabilecek bilgi miktarı
storage capacity
(disk) bellek sığası depolama
storage cell
akümlatör hücresi
storage cell
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bellek hücresi
storage cell
(Elektrik, Elektronik) depo hücresi
storage charges
(Avrupa Birliği) (Annex III) depolama masrafları
storage cost
(Ticaret) depolama maliyeti
storage device
Depolama Aygıtı
storage dump
(Elektrik, Elektronik) depo boşaltma
storage fill
(Elektrik, Elektronik) depo doldurma
storage in transit
(Askeri) TRANSİT NAKLİYE ANLAŞMASI: Eşyanın bir ara noktada durdurulmasına ve bu noktadan son sevk yerine yapılacak nakliyatın, daha yüksek bir navluna ihtiyaç gösteren transit noktalarına ve transit noktalarından yapılmış aktarmasız nakliye ücretleri (local rates) birleşimi yerine, direkt tarifeye (through rate) tabi tutulmasına imkan veren, anlaşma
storage instruction
saklama komutu
storage lake
depolama gölü
storage level
(Bilgisayar) depolama düzeyi
storage level
depolama seviyesi
storage life
(Askeri) DEPOLAMA ÖMRÜ: Belirli depolama şartlarında patlayıcıları da içeren bir ikmal maddesinin beklenen servis ve emniyetli muhafaza süresi. Ayrıca bakınız: "shelflife"
storage maintenance
(Askeri) DEPOLAMA BAKIMI: Depolanmış malzeme ve teçhizatın, demode olması hali dışında, her türlü sebeplerle bozulmasına engel olma
storage management
depolama yonetimi bellek yonetimi
storage medium
depolama ortamı
storage net
(Otomotiv) yük örtüsü
storage net
(Otomotiv) muhafaza örtüsü
storage park
(Askeri) araç parkı
storage park
(Askeri) ARAÇ PARKI: Araçların, günlük hizmetlerde kullanılmadıkları zaman muhafaza edildikleri saha
storage rack
(Gıda) kızaklı çekmece
storage rack
kayar çekmece
storage room
(Nükleer Bilimler) depo odası
storage shed
depolama sundurması
storage size
(disk) bellek büyüklüğü
storage space
Depolama alanı

Ne kadar depolama alanına ihtiyacınız var? - How much storage space do you need?

Depolama alanı bir öncelik değil. - Storage space isn't a priority.

storage space
(Askeri) DEPOLAMA SAHASI: İnşa şekline bakılmaksızın, depolama amacıyla kullanılan herhangi bir saha. Depolama sahaları inşaat özellik ve amaçlarına göre: (1) Kapalı depolama sahası (covered storage space), (2) Döküm sıvı depolama sahası (bulk liquid storage space), (3) Açık depolama sahası (open storage space) (4) Transit ambarı depolama yeri (transit shed space) ; kullanılış ve kontrol şekline göre de: (1) Mal konmayan depolama sahası (nonstorage space), (2) Kullanılabilir net depolama sahası (net usable storage space), (3) Gözlü raflarda depolama sahası (bin storage space), (4) Gelecek malzeme depolama sahası (actual obligated space) olarak sınıflandırılır. Bu terimlere bakınız
storage surface
bellek yuzeyi
storage time
(Nükleer Bilimler) yığılma süresi
storage tray
depolama tepsisi
storage type
depolama türü
storage unit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) saklama birimi
static storage
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) statik bellek
string storage
(Bilgisayar) dize deposu
string storage
(Bilgisayar) dize depolama birimi
static storage
duruk bellek
stand by storage
(Askeri) yedek depolama
standby storage
(Askeri) YEDEK DEPOLAMA: Depolandıktan 90 gün sonra, en geç üç aylık süre içinde çekilmeleri düşünülen ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizata ait depolama sınıflandırması
read only storage
salt okunur bellek
asset storage
(Bilgisayar) veri depolama
bin storage
(Askeri) gözlü raflarda depolama
cool storage
soğuk depo
disk storage
(Bilgisayar) diskte saklama
energy storage
enerji depolanması
external storage
(Tekstil) harici depolama
interim storage
(Çevre) ara depolama
mass storage
(Bilgisayar) yığın depolama
mass storage
(Bilgisayar) yığınsal bellek
primary storage
(Askeri) ana bellek
pushup storage
yığıt bellek
remote storage
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki depolama birimi
remote storage
(Bilgisayar) uzak depolama birimi
temporary storage
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) geçici saklama
temporary storage
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) geçici depolama
thermal storage
ısı depolama
virtual storage
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) görünümsel bellek
virtual storage
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) varsayılan bellek
acoustic storage
akustik bellek
annual storage
yıllık birikme
auxiliary storage
yedek depo
backing storage
yardımcı bellek
backup storage
yedek depolama
buffer storage
tampon bellek
buffer storage
yastık bellek
bulk storage
yığın bellek
circulating storage
çevrimsel bellek
cold storage
soğuk hava deposu
common storage area
ortak bellek alanı
cone storage shed
kozalak istif yeri
content address storage
içerik adresli bellek
content addressed storage
içerik adresli bellek
core storage
çekirdek bellek
cyclic storage
salınımsal bellek
daily storage
günlük birikme
data cell storage
veri hücresi belleği
data storage
veri depolama
data storage
veri saklama
data storage device
veri saklama aygıtı
data storage medium
veri saklama ortamı
data storage unit
veri saklama birimi
dedicated storage
atanmış bellek
direct access storage device
doğrudan erişimli bellek aygıtı
disk storage
disk bellek
dynamic storage
dinamik bellek
dynamic storage allocation
dinamik bellek ayırma
erasable storage
silinebilir bellek
external storage
dış saklama birimi
hierarchical storage management
basamaklı saklama yöntemi
information storage
bilgi saklama
inherent storage
kalıtımsal bellek
input storage
giriş alanı
instruction storage
komut alan
intermediate storage
ara bellek
internal storage
iç bellek
lead storage battery
kurşun asitli akü
magnetic core storage
manyetik çekirdek bellek
magnetic storage
manyetik depolama
main storage
ana bellek
mass storage
yığın bellek
matrix storage
matris bellek
mercury storage
cıvalı bellek
non erasable storage
silinmez bellek
nonvolatile storage
uçucu olmayan bellek
off line storage
çevrim dışı bellek
on line storage
çevrim içi bellek
program storage
bağdarlama belleği
pure storage
saf bellek
read-only storage
salt okunur bellek
real storage
gerçek bellek
searching storage
arama belleği
secondary storage
ikincil bellek
semiconductor storage
yarıiletken bellek
sequential storage
sıralı bellek
serial storage
seri bellek
shared direct access storage device
ortak doğrudan erişim bellek aygıtı
sugar storage bin
şeker silosu
temporary storage
geçici bellek
virtual storage
fiili depolama
volatile storage
uçucu bellek
working storage
geçici bellek
slow storage
yavaş depolama
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
That part of a computer, such as discs, where data is stored for subsequent retrieval (but compare memory)
The price charged for storing goods
The act of storing goods or the state of being stored
A place for storing goods
the media and methods used to keep information available for later use
the act of storing something
A storage device holds information The computer uses this stored information to perform the tasks you tell it to do: print, save, word process, play solitaire!
the act of storing something the commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials (computer science) the process of storing information in a computer memory or on a magnetic tape or disk
– Underground sandstone formation where natural gas is stored; storage provides a method for LDCs to balance daily supply needs
This term has dual meaning for water pump systems Storage can be achieved by pumping water to a stored tank, or storing energy in a battery subsystem
the commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials
The amount of water stored in each level-pool reservoir Two numbers are given: the first is the storage in internal units, cubic feet or cubic meters, and the second is the storage in acre-feet in English units and thousands of cubic meters in metric units In the output of extreme values, only the values in units or acre-feet or thousands of cubic meters are given
The parts of the computer system used for storing data and programs (see Archival Storage, Magnetic Media)
Where materials that don't fit in the library building are kept on campus Indicated by "STORAGE" on SAGE, these materials may be requested Storage items are delivered to Morgan Library twice a day Monday through Friday
1 Water artificially impounded in surface or underground reservoirs, for future use The term regulation refers to the action of this storage in modifying streamflow See also Conservation storage, Total storage, Dead storage, and Usable storage 2 Water naturally detained in a drainage basin, such as ground water, channel storage, and depression storage The term "drainage basin storage" or simply "basin storage" is sometimes used to refer collectively to the amount of water in natural storage in a drainage basin
A digital image that has been derived from the Archival Image Usually not as high resolution, as the archival image, surrogate images are usually used as Access Images
an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"
The act of depositing in a store or warehouse for safe keeping; also, the safe keeping of goods in a warehouse
This entity provides the services and functions for the storage and retrieval of data objects, both logical and physical, including non-digital media
If you refer to the storage of something, you mean that it is kept in a special place until it is needed. the storage of toxic waste Some of the space will at first be used for storage The collection has been in storage for decades
(1) Water artificially impounded in surface or underground reservoirs for future use (2) Water naturally detained in a drainage basin, such as ground water, channel storage, and depression storage
Data-processing term indicating the volume of name-and-address and attached data that can be stored for future use on a given computer system
(computer science) the process of storing information in a computer memory or on a magnetic tape or disk
Facility where infrequently used materials are kept to free up space in the main Library Items that are in storage are cataloged in ILLINET Online Users may request retrieval of storage materials at the Circulation Desk or by completing the Storage Request form on the Library's web page Retrieval request for items from storage are filled within 24 hours
Should you be unable to accept delivery of your belongings within the standard transit time for the volume/distance of your shipment, you may require storage at your origin or destination agent’s warehouse The 2 types of storage are called Storage In Transit SIT - (up to 60 days from the date of loading), and Long Term Storage - LTS over 60 days from the date of loading
The retention of data on a hard disk, floppy disk, compact disc, or other storage medium; a computer's capacity for program and data storage is not related to the amount of Random-access memory (RAM) it has for processing information
Space for the safe keeping of goods
House plans with extra space tucked anywhere that you can put the Christmas decorations, snow skis, or boxes of stuff that you just hang onto
A functional unit into which data can be placed, in which they can be retained and from which they can be retrieved The action of placing data into a storage device
A data-holding device, such as a hard disk or CD-ROM
A term applied to articles or substances held for safekeeping If storing of such articles is prohibited by a policy, the policy will be voided if loss consequently occurs, unless the company's permission and consent has been specially granted
Extra space tucked anywhere that you can put the Christmas decorations, snow skis, or boxes of stuff that you just hang onto
Energy transferred from one entity to another entity that has the ability to conserve the energy (i e , stored as water in a reservoir, coal in a pile, etc ) with the intent that the energy will be returned at a time when such energy is more usable to the original supplying entity A common synonym for Storage is Energy Banking See also Banking; Energy Exchange
1) Temporary holding of waste pending treatment or disposal, as in containers, tanks, waste piles, and surface impoundments 2) When used in connection with hazardous waste, the containment of hazardous waste, either on a temporary basis or for a period of years, in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of such hazardous waste
{i} act of storing, act of setting aside goods and materials for future use; space in which items can be stored; price charged for storing goods; memory (Computers)
The price changed for keeping goods in a store
depositing in a warehouse
In common usage this term refers to the overall file size of your web and e-mail content stored on a server All service providers place a limit on the size expressed in kilobytes of megabytes, typically 5MB or 10MB unless you pay for more This is not a major concern unless you overpack your web site with oversize and/or excessively high-resolution images in large quantity
A means of maintaining a reserve of natural gas supplies to meet seasonal gas demands Storage plays a key role in managing pipeline resources efficiently and in matching gas supplies with demand levels Long-term storage needs are met by injecting compressed gas into depleted oil and gas reservoirs Pacific Gas and Electric Company has three such gas storage facilities -- Los Medanos near Concord, McDonald Island near Stockton, and Pleasant Creek near Sacramento
a depository for goods; "storehouses were built close to the docks"
The placement of utility-owned gas in underground facilities during the summer, when demand is low,and withdrawn for the winter when gas consumption is higher
Storage is the process of storing data in a computer. His task is to ensure the fair use and storage of personal information held on computer. see also cold storage
storage cell
A rechargeable battery
storage device
A piece of hardware whose main function is to store data
storage devices
plural form of storage device
storage media
plural form of storage medium
storage medium
Any hardware (such as disks or tape) used to store data
storage organ
A part of a plant, such as a bulb, specifically modified for storage of energy (generally in the form of carbohydrates) or of water
storage organs
plural form of storage organ
Storage Area Network
subnetwork of shared storage devices arranged in a way that all storage disks are available to a LAN or WAN, SAN (Computers)
storage allocation
allocation of space for storing data on a computer
storage battery
a voltaic battery that stores electric charge
storage battery
A group of reversible or rechargeable secondary cells acting as a unit. Also called secondary battery
storage capacity
The amount of data that can be retained in a memory unit It is expressed either by a number of bits or bytes (8-bit words)
storage capacity
the volume of a tank or container, for purposes of determining the applicability of 40 CFR Part 112, means the total capacity of the tank or container, whether the tank or container is filled with oil, or a mixture of oil and other substances, or is empty and not permanently closed
storage capacity
the number of amp hours a battery bank is capable of storing
storage capacity
(Computers) maximum amount of information that can be stored in the memory (measured in bytes)
storage cell
a cell that can be recharged
storage container
receptacle used to hold material
storage cost
(Ticaret) The cost associated with inventory storage facilities, such as material handling equipment and personnel. It does not include the costs of holding inventory due to insurance, scrap, etc
storage device
A hardware device, such as a hard disk or floppy disk, used to record and store data
storage device
general term used to describe devices that store data in a computers (such as a disk)
storage heater
a heater that stores heat at times when electricity is cheaper, for example at night
storage limit
Most free email providers have a limit to the amount of disk space your emails can take up on their computer This is usually somewhere between ?MB-10MB
storage limit
Most free email providers have a limit to the amount of disk space your emails can take up on their computer This is usually somewhere between ½MB-10MB
storage medium
general term used to describe devices that store data in a computer (such as a disk)
storage medium
a medium for storing information
storage ring
container consisting of a set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used
storage room
a room in which things are stored
storage space
the area in any structure that provides space for storage
storage unit
The amount of storage used to represent one real, integer, logical, or character value See also numeric storage unit and character storage unit
storage unit
A medium-specific data container, e g , a tape or file, that is identifiable and manageable by people who use the medium and on which RP66 data is recorded
storage unit
In a storage sequence, the number of storage units needed to represent one real, integer, logical, or character value See also character storage unit, numeric storage unit, and storage sequence
storage unit
(n ) a character storage unit, a numeric storage unit, or an unspecified storage unit
Storage of one's goods in a rented commercial facility
working-storage section
The part of the data division of a COBOL program that describes the format of local variables and constants to be used by the program
Scale-out storage
(Antika) A new category of storage system that addresses the storage challenges created by legacy systems

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    /ˈstôrəʤ/ /ˈstɔːrəʤ/


    [ stOr-ij, stor- ] (noun.) circa 1613. store + -age


    ... serving and storage that we applied to email. ...
    ... you'd have an awesome solution for energy storage ...