
listen to the pronunciation of staat
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
en {şta: t} r devlet; hükümet
[der] devlet; hükümet; debdebe, tantana; en iyi giysi

O, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden geldi - Er kommt aus den Vereinigten Staaten.

O, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden geldi. - Er kommt aus den Vereinigten Staaten.

der Staat

Devlet, insanları eziyor. - Der Staat unterdrückt die Menschen.

mit etw Staat machen
ile gösteriş yapmak, hava atmak
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение staat в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Hiç yurt dışına çıktın mı? - Have you ever been outside the country?

Tom yurtluğunda yaşıyor. - Tom lives on his country estate.

{i} memleket

Her şahıs memleketin kamu hizmetlerine eşitlikle girme hakkını haizdir. - Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.

Tom memlekette evi arayabileceği bir yer istedi. - Tom wanted a place in the country he could call home.

{s} taşraya özgü; kırsal; kırsal bölgede bulunan
{i} köy

Köylü insanlar genelde yabancılardan korkar. - Country people are often afraid of strangers.

Her yaz köye giderim. - I go to the country every summer.

{s} taşraya ait
{i} diyar
taşraya özgü
kırsal bölgede bulunan

Askeri sırları ülkenin düşmanlarına satmak vatan hainliğidir. - It is an act of treason to sell military secrets to your country's enemies.

Tom ülkesine sadık bir vatandaştır. - Tom is a loyal citizen of his country.


Bu ülkenin halkı her zamanki gibi politikadan bıkıp usanmış durumdadır. - The people of this country are sick and tired of politics as usual.

Benim ülkemde halkımız kendilerinden daha akıllı olanları sevmezler. - In my country, our people don't like others who are cleverer than them.


Ben de İslam'ın her zaman ABD'nin hikayesinin bir parçası olduğunu biliyorum. Ülkemi tanıyan ilk ulus Fas'tı. - I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of the story of the United States. The first nation to recognize my country was Morocco.

O ülke, ulusumuzun iç işlerine karıştı. - That country intervened in the internal affairs of our nation.


Azarbeycan Kafkas bölgesinde en büyük ülkedir. - Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus area.

Kırsal bölge şehirden daha sessizdir. - The countryside is quieter than the city.


Tom ve Mary kırlarda uzun bir yürüyüş yaptılar. - Tom and Mary took a long walk through the countryside.

Kırsaldaki yürüyüşünden sonra yorgun hissettiği için şekerleme yaptı. - Feeling tired after his walk in the country, he took a nap.


Hükümet ülkemizi temiz ve yeşil hale getirmek için çaba sarf etmiştir. - The government has made efforts to make our country clean and green.

{i} ülke, memleket; yurt, vatan
(isim) ülke, memleket; taşra, köy, diyar; sayfiye; arazi, toprak

Ben kırsalda bir hafta geçirdikten sonra tamamen tazelenmiş hissediyorum. - I feel completely refreshed after spending a week in the country.

(sıfat) taşraya ait, kırsal, taşra, köy
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
state to
Staat (veraltend)
finery (formal)
Staat mit atomaren Waffen
state with nuclear weapons
steuereinhebende Staat
the taxing country
steuereinhebende Staat
the country imposing the tax
(finanzielle) Zuwendung (durch Staat oder Arbeitgeber)
Anspruchsdenken gegenüber dem Staat
dependency culture
Aufgefundene Waffen fallen ein halbes Jahr nach Meldung des Fundes dem Staat anh
Found weapons become State property six months after the find has been reported, unless they are claimed by their owner
Aufwiegelung gegen den Staat
Der Staat muss überall sparen.
The government needs to make savings everywhere
Der Staat verfügt nicht über unbegrenzte Mittel.
The government does not have a bottomless pit of money to spend
Der Staat vergibt Konzessionen an Banken und hat demgemäß (auch) das Recht, an d
The state licences banks and accordingly has the right to attach terms and conditions to those licences
Der Staat übernimmt die Aufgaben des Umweltschutzes, wobei er seine Bürger aber
The State assumes the tasks of environmental protection, although it does not free its citizens from responsibility
Der islamische Staat (Terrorgruppe)
The Islamic State (terrorist group)
Die sichergestellten Gegenstände fallen nicht an den Staat.
The seized items are not forfeited to the State
Einwohner Pennsylvaniens (Staat der USA)
Erbschaftsanfall an den Staat
escheat of inheritance
Es würde den Staat teuer kommen, wenn das tatsächliche Pensionsantrittsalter so
It would cost the government dearly if the actual retirement age remained as low as it is now
Flüchtling, für dessen Asylantrag sich kein Staat zuständig fühlt
refugee in orbit
Gegenbewegung zur Trennung von anglikanischer Kirche vom Staat
Heimfall von Gütern/Rechten (an den Staat/Rechtsinhaber)
Heimfall von Gütern/Rechten (an den Staat/Rechtsinhaber)
reversion of property/rights (to the state/holder of a right)
In einem Zivilverfahren kann der Staat als Fiskus klagen oder verklagt werden.
In civil proceedings, the Government may sue or be sued in its fiscal/propriety capacity
investor-state dispute settlement /ISDS/
Kasachstan (Staat in Zentralasien)
Kazakhstan (state in Central Asia)
Kirgisische Republik (Staat in Zentralasien)
Kyrgyz Republic (country in Central Asia)
Kirgisische Republik (Staat in Zentralasien)
Konkordat (Vertrag zwischen einem Staat und dem Heiligen Stuhl, der kirchliche F
concordat (agreement between a government and the Holy See which regulates church affairs)
Leistungen beziehen (Geld vom Staat)
to draw benefits
Privatperson (im Gegensatz zu Staat, Organisation)
individual person
Sie sind angeklagt, sich gegen den Staat verschworen zu haben.
They are accused of conspiring/plotting against the state
Trennung (vom Staat)
Trennung der Kirche vom Staat
disestablishment of the Church
Treueerklärung (dem Staat gegenüber)
declaration of allegiance
Vater Staat
the State
Vater Staat (in USA)
Uncle Sam
assoziierter Staat
associated state
behördlich/juristisch zuständiger Staat
dem Staat anheimgefallene Erbschaft
escheated inheritance
der Staat, der das Nacheilerecht ausübt
the pursuing State
der steuereinhebende Staat
the country imposing the tax
der steuereinhebende Staat
the taxing country
der steuererhebende Staat
the taxing country
der steuererhebende Staat
the country imposing the tax
die Kirche vom Staat trennen
to disestablish the Church
die Trennung von Kirche und Staat
the separation of Church and State
ein teilnehmender Staat
a constituent country
einen Staat diplomatisch anerkennen
to give a country official recognition
einen neu gebildeten Staat offiziell anerkennen
to recognize a newly formed country
in vollem Staat
in your full finery
kriegführender Staat
belligerent country
kriegführender Staat
souveräner Staat
unabhängiger Staat
independent state
vom Staat trennen
to disestablish
wieder einen gemeinsamen deutschen Staat schaffen
to recreate a single German state
Нидерландский Язык - Немецкий Язык