schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate

listen to the pronunciation of schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate
Английский Язык - Немецкий Язык
Die Schulen bemühen sich, die Abbruchrate zu verringern
schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate

    Расстановка переносов

    Schools are seek·ing to re·duce the drop·out rate

    Турецкое произношение

    skulz ır sikîng tı ridus dhi dräpaut reyt


    /ˈsko͞olz ər ˈsēkəɴɢ tə rēˈdo͞os ᴛʜē ˈdräpˌout ˈrāt/ /ˈskuːlz ɜr ˈsiːkɪŋ tə riːˈduːs ðiː ˈdrɑːpˌaʊt ˈreɪt/