revolving door döner kapı

listen to the pronunciation of revolving door döner kapı
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
{s} rotating, turning, spinning
An irrevocable letter of issued for a specific amount, which renews itself for the same amount over a given period Usually the unused portion of each period is non-cumulative and cannot be carried over to the next period
Making a revolution or revolutions; rotating; used also figuratively of time, seasons, etc
depending on the revolution of the earth
Loan Fund - The EPA provides financial assistance to an eligible entity, such as a municipality, to establish its own revolving loan fund that will be used to make loans for authorized purposes A revolving loan fund charges interest on the loans, generally at a low interest rate This fund is termed revolving because it uses loan repayments to make new loans for the same authorized purposes
a revolving object is designed so that it turns with a circular movement
Present participle of to revolve
An irrevocable letter issued for a specific amount; renews itself for the same amount over a given period
revolving door döner kapı

    Расстановка переносов

    re·vol·ving do·or dö·ner ka·pı

