
listen to the pronunciation of reconstitution
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Tıp) Yeniden oluşma, özellikle kuru halde muhafaza edilen bir maddenin su ile karıştırılarak tekrar eski (normal) haline getirilmesi (Süt tozunun su ile süt haline getirilişi veya kurutulmuş plazmanın sulandırılarak kan plazması halini alışı gibi)
reconstitution group
(Askeri) yeniden teşkilatlanma grubu
reconstitution joint table of distribution
(Askeri) yeniden teşkilatlanma müşterek dağıtım tablosu
reconstitution priority; release point (road); retained personel
(Askeri) yeniden teşkilatlanma önceliği; açılma noktası; alıkonmuş personel
reconstitution site
(Askeri) yeniden toplama sahası
reconstitution site
(Askeri) YENİDEN TOPLAMA SAHASI: Kurtulan komutanlık makamı tarafından, hasar gören veya imha olan bir karargahın taarruzdan kurtulanlardan ve/veya daha önceden değiştirme ve ikmal personeli olarak tayin edilmiş diğer kaynaklardan gelen personel tarafından tekrar teşkil edilebileceği yer olarak seçilmiş mevki
recovery and reconstitution
(Askeri) TOPARLANMA VE YENİDEN TEŞKİLATLANMA: Düşman bir milletin taarruz gücünü azaltmak, milli ekonomiyi daha iyi seviyeye yükseltmek, halkın refahını sağlamak, gerideki kuvvetler ile destek kaynaklarının muharebe gücünü azami hadde çıkarmak üzere bir milletin taarruza maruz kalmadan taarruz sırasında ve taarruzdan sonra aldığı tedbirler
yeniden yapılandırmak
yeniden yapılandır
(kurutulmuş yiyeceği) su katarak yenilir/içilir hale getirmek
tekrar kurmak
{f} yeniden düzenlemek
file reconstitution
yeniden dosya yaratma, yeniden kütük yaratma
yeniden tertip etmek
{f} yeniden kurmak
reconstituted milk içine su karıştırılmış süt tozu
{f} sulandırmak
{f} yeniden oluşturmak
{f} su katmak
(Askeri) YENİDEN KURMAK: Mevcut iken herhangi bir sebeple elden çıkan bir şeyi yeniden kurmak, yeniden ortaya çıkarmak. Örneğin; yeni bir ihtiyat kurmak
{f} parçaları birleştirip sonuca varmak
tekrar oluştur
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
rebuilding and restoring to functionality (e g , reconstitution of a damaged immune system)
Describes the piece-by-piece rebuilding of a structure's original components either in the original location or a new site May be required when a structure lacks integrity even though its original components are sound On of the most common reasons for reconstitution is land use change which requires the relocation of a structure
The rest, refitting, maintenance, and replacement necessary to restore a military unit to its full capability, often after it has been depleted by military operations
Owner/operator directed restoration of critical assets and/or infrastructure
The act of reconstituting
(n) to recompose
{i} act of rebuilding, reconstruction, recomposition
The total process of keeping the force supplied with various supply classes, services, and replacement personnel and equipment required to maintain the desired level of combat effectiveness and of restoring units that are not combat effective to the desired level of combat effectiveness through the replacement of critical equipment and personnel Reconstitution encompasses unit regeneration and sustaining support
The process of adding liquid to a dry powder to make a new solution Prescription drugs that are given by injection are often provided as a dry powder, which must be reconstituted (e g liquid must be added) before it can be used
to construct something anew, or in a different manner
construct or form anew or provide with a new structure; "After his accident, he had to restructure his life"; "The governing board was reconstituted"
To bring (a liquid in concentrate or powder form) to normal strength by adding water
If an organization or state is reconstituted, it is formed again in a different way. Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew
To bring (a liquid in concentrate or powder form) to normal strength by adding water ADVANCE \x 540
To restore concentrated foods to normal state, usuallly by adding water
To restore concentrated food to its natural state, usually by adding water
to add liquid to a concentrated or dehydrated food to return it to its original consistency
To bring a dried, dehydrated food back to its original consistency by adding a liquid
To bring a dried or dehydrated product to its original consistency by adding a liquid
To reconstitute dried food means to add water to it so that it can be eaten. To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots