
listen to the pronunciation of rechte
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение rechte в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Sanırım sen haklısın. - I think you're right.

Herkesin menfaatlerinin korunması için sendikalar kurmaya ve bunlara katılmaya hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

{s} haklı

O, anladığım kadarıyla haklıdır. - The way I see it, he is right.

Sanırım sen haklısın. - I think you're right.

doğrudan doğruya

Her şahıs, doğrudan doğruya veya serbestçe seçilmiş temsilciler vasıtasıyla, memleketin kamu işleri yönetimine katılmak hakkını haizdir. - Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

Bir bisiklet yolu doğrudan doğruya evimin önünden geçer. - A bike path goes right past my house.

yanlış olmama

Ev iyi görünüyordu, üstelik fiyat en uygundu. - The house looked good; moreover, the price was right.

Birbirimizi sevdiğimiz sürece, biz iyi olacağız. - As long as we love each other, we'll be all right.


Tamam, şimdi yetki bende. - All right, I'm in charge now.

sağ taraf

Sola dönerseniz, restoranı sağ tarafınızda bulursunuz. - Turning to the left, you will find the restaurant on your right.

Amerika'da arabalar yolun sağ tarafını kullanırlar. - In America cars drive on the right side of the road.


Bu, kulağa pek hoş gelmiyor. - That doesn't sound right.

Pekala. Şimdi gidiyorum. - All right. I'm leaving.


Bir otelde oda kiraladım ve doğruca yatmaya gittim. - I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep.

Mayuko doğruca eve gitti. - Mayuko went right home.

{f} doğrultmak
{s} dik açılı

Bu iki çizgi dik açılıdır. - These two lines are at right angles.


Tom, şimdi o sorunu çözemeyecek kadar çok yorgun görünüyor. - Tom appears to be too tired to tackle that problem right now.

Tom'un Mary'nin olduğu kadar çok burada olma hakkı var. - Tom has as much right to be here as Mary does.


Sola mı yoksa sağa mı döneceğimi bilmiyorum. - I don't know whether to turn left or right.

O, sağa doğru keskin bir dönüş yaptı. - He made a sharp turn to the right.

{s} en uygun

Ev iyi görünüyordu, üstelik fiyat en uygundu. - The house looked good; moreover, the price was right.

tam olarak

Tom nereye gittiğini tam olarak biliyordu. - Tom knew right where he was going.

Bu tam olarak doğru değil. - That isn't exactly right.

(fiil) düzeltmek, doğrultmak, dik konuma getirmek, haklı çıkarmak, telâfi etmek, derleyip toplamak, çeki düzen vermek, itibarını iade etmek
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
Rechte / Forderungen übertragen
to assign (rights, claims)
Rechte an einem Fortsetzungsroman/einer Serie
serial rights
Rechte an einer Immobilie unterhalb des Eigentumsrechts
chattels real
Rechte aus einem Vertrag geltend machen
to enforce a contract
Rechte gutgläubiger Dritter
rights of third parties acting in good faith
Rechte und Pflichten
rights and duties
Rechte und Pflichten
rights and obligations
Rechte und Vorrechte aus der Mitgliedschaft
rights and privileges of membership
Rechte, die vor Vertragsabschluss entstanden sind
rights that have accrued prior to the contract date
rechte Absichten
purity of intention
rechte Atrioventrikulärklappe (AV)
tricuspid valve, right atrioventricular valve
rechte Fahrspur
inside lane
rechte Fahrspur
right lane
rechte Fahrspur
slow lane
rechte Masche
knit stitch
rechte Masche
plain stitch
rechte Seitenansicht
R.H. side view
rechte Szene
far-right extremist scene
rechte Szene
(extreme) right-wing scene
rechte/r/s (in Fahrtrichtung)
rechte schulter
right shoulder
Alle Rechte vorbehalten!
Copyright reserved!
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
All rights reserved
Aufgabe von Rechten, Verzicht auf Rechte
surrender of rights
Belehrung (bei einer Festnahme) über seine Rechte
caution (given to a person on arrest)
Bürger ohne politische Rechte
Das Völkerrecht kennt den Begriff der erworbenen Rechte.
International law recognizes the notion of acquired rights
Die Rechte Dritter bleiben davon unberührt.
The rights of third parties remain unaffected / unchanged
Die Rechte der Mehrheit beeinträchtigen die der Minderheit.
The rights of the majority intrude on the minority
Doktor beider Rechte
Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
Doktor beider Rechte
juris utriusque doctor /JUD/
Doktor der Rechte /Dr. jur./
Doctor of Laws /LL.D
Doktor der Rechte /Dr. jur./
legum doctor
Doktor der Rechte /Dr. jur./
Doctor of Jurisprudence /J.D./
Doktor der Rechte /Dr. jur./
Erhalt wohlerworbener Rechte
preservation of vested rights
Manche Leute meinen, dass Tiere keine Rechte haben können.
Some people argue that animals cannot have rights
UNO-Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes
Rights of the Child Convention
UNO-Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child /CRC/, /CROC/, /UNCRC/
Versicherungsunternehmen , dem das beschädigte Schiff (und alle Rechte daran) üb
abandonee (insurer to whom a damaged ship has been relinquished)
Verzicht auf erworbene Rechte (Arbeitsrecht)
Verzicht auf erworbene Rechte (Arbeitsrecht)
givebacks (labour law)
auf dem Rechtsweg durchsetzbare Rechte
legally enforceable rights
auf die rechte Fahrspur fahren
to pull over into the slow lane
auf seine vertraglichen Rechte verzichten
to waive one's rights under a contract
das Recht auf ein neues Gerichtsverfahren, in dem die Rechte der Verteidigung in
the right to a retrial in which the rights of defence are fully respected
der ganz rechte Schalter
the rightmost switch
der ganz rechte Schalter
the far right switch
der rechte Mann am rechten Platz
the right man in the right place
der rechte Spiegel
the offside mirror
der rechte Weg
the straight and narrow
der äußerst rechte Schalter
the rightmost switch
der äußerst rechte Schalter
the far right switch
die Rechte (von zwei Seiten)
the right-hand side
die Rechte (von zwei Seiten)
the right
die Spur auf der rechte Seite
the right-hand lane
die rechte Fahrspur
the offside lane
die rechte Seite
the right-hand side
die rechte Seite
the right
die rechte Seite in Fahrtrichtung
the right-hand side in the direction of the traffic
die rechte Seite in Fahrtrichtung
the offside
die rechte Spur
the right-hand lane
eheliche Rechte
marital rights
eheliche Rechte
conjugal rights
erworbene Rechte und Anwartschaftsrechte
acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition
etw. ins (rechte) Lot bringen
to put something right
etw. ins rechte Licht rücken
to put the record straight
etw. ins rechte Licht rücken
to set the record straight
gleiche Rechte, gleiche Pflichten
equal rights, equal responsibilities
hart erkämpfte soziale Rechte
social rights achieved after a long battle
ihre erkämpften Rechte
the rights they have fought for
im Grundbuch eingetragene/einverleibte Rechte
registered/recorded rights in land
in Rechte eingreifen
to trench on (upon)
in jemandes Rechte eingreifen
to infringe upon somebody's rights
in jemandes Rechte/Eigentumsrechte/Personenrechte eingreifen
to trespass on/upon somebody's rights/property
jdn. (bei der Festnahme) über seine Rechte belehren
to caution somebody (advise of their legal rights when arresting them)
jds. angestammte Rechte
sb.'s acquired rights
jds. rechte Hand sein
to be somebody's right-hand man
juristische Rechte
legal rights
nicht im Grundbuch eingetragene/einverleibte Rechte
unregistered/unrecorded rights in land
sich mehr Rechte erkämpfen
to act to secure more rights
unter Wahrung meiner Rechte
under (with) full reserve to my rights
vererbliche Rechte, die mit Grundbesitz verbunden sind
incorporeal hereditaments
über seine Rechte belehrend
über seine Rechte belehrt