A trademark used for a movie rating indicating that admission will be granted only to persons of or over a certain age, usually 17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian
Remote single-layer (Test Method): An abstract test method in which the upper tester is within the system under test and there is a point of control and observation at the upper service boundary of the Implementation Under Test (IUT) for testing one protocol layer Test events are specified in terms of the abstract service primitives (ASP) and/or protocol data units at the lower tester PCO
Series resistance i e the resistance responsible for the current heat losses (I2RS) in the capacitor L0 Expected life at rated voltage U0 and hot-spot temperature of 70°C
Again, an elected adult volunteer Just as a DC heads up a club, an RS heads up a Region, which is a group of individual clubs in the same general geography (There are 41 regions in the United States Pony Clubs, in case you're interested ) Usually an RS has been a DC or a Joint DC before becoming an RS Our current RS, Barbara Kil, was the founding DC of the Mystic Pony Club Many Regions, ours included, have Vice RS positions
is the western Sahel (western portion of Africa's Sahara desert) precipitation in the previous August and September; Rs is the western Sahel (western portion of Africa's Sahara desert) precipitation in the previous August and September