Have you ever dreamt about Taninna?
- Hiç Taninna hakkında rüya gördün mü?
She dreamt a strange dream.
- O tuhaf bir rüya gördü.
She dreamed a happy dream last night.
- O dün gece mutlu bir rüya gördü.
She dreamt about wild jaguars.
- Vahşi Jaguarlar hakkında rüya gördü.
Tom dreamed about Mary.
- Tom Mary hakkında rüya gördü.
I dreamed about you last night.
- Dün gece senin hakkında rüya gördüm.
Gute Nacht. Träum was Schönes.
- Good night. Sweet dreams.
Jeder würde gerne glauben, dass Träume wahr werden können.
- Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.
Ich muss es geträumt haben.
- I must have dreamt it.
Wenn ich dich erschrecken wollte, würde ich dir erzählen, was ich vor ein paar Wochen geträumt habe.
- If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.