
listen to the pronunciation of q-boat
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение q-boat в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{i} tekne

O, uzakta kürek çeken bir teknenin görüntüsünü gördü. - She caught sight of a rowing boat in the distance.

Adaya tekne ile ulaşmak kolaydır. - The island is easy to reach by boat.

assault boat
{i} bot

O suda küçük bir bot ile denize açılıyor. - He is sailing a little boat on the water.

Botta kürek çeken kız kuzenimdir. - The girl rowing a boat is my cousin.

{i} kayık

Hawaii'e giderken, bu kayık motorunun yarı yolda bozulmayacağını umalım. - Let's hope this boat engine doesn't give up the ghost when we're halfway to Hawaii.

Kayık gölün dibine battı. - The boat sank to the bottom of the lake.

{i} (gemi, vapur, sandal, yat gibi) tekne: What time does the boat leave? Vapur kaçta kalkıyor? I've got a new boat. Yeni bir sandalım var. How
{i} sandal
mooring boat
Palamar botu
{i} gemi

Büyük gemi bir balıkçı teknesine çarptı. - The big ship rammed a fishing boat.

Hepimizin aynı gemide olduğunu hatırla. - Remember that we are all in the same boat.

rock the boat
{k} (var olan) durumu bozmak
rock the boat
{k} (deyim) fikir ayriligi cikararak isleri busbutun berbat etmek
all in the same boat
aynı durumda
assault boat
(Askeri) hücum çıkarma botu
kayıkla taşımak
boat deck
(Askeri) rüşvet güverte
boat deck
(Havacılık,Teknik) filika güvertesi
boat form
(Kimya) kayık biçimi
boat neck
(Tekstil) kayık yaka
boat shed
boat team
(Askeri) bot timi
boat yard
(Askeri) çekek yeri
crash boat
(Askeri) kurtarma botu
crew boat
(Askeri) personel taşıma botu
drill boat
(Askeri) sondaj botu
fire boat
(Askeri) yangın botu
leisure fishing boat
(Askeri) serbest balıkçı botu
life boat
(Askeri) cankurtaran sandalı
life boat
(Askeri) can salı
life boat
(Askeri) cankurtaran filikası
life boat
(Askeri) flika
life boat
(Askeri) cankurtaran salı
miss the boat
treni kaçırmak
motor boat
narrow boat
(Askeri) dar gemi
rescue boat
(Askeri,Teknik) kurtarma botu
sailing boat
(Askeri) yelkenle hareket eden gemi
ships boat
(Askeri) filika
small boat
small boat
(Askeri) sandal
steel boat
çelik tekne
storm boat
(Askeri) hücumbot
storm boat
(Askeri) hücum botu
supply boat
(Ticaret) ikmal gemisi
survey boat
(Askeri) araştırma botu
whatever floats your boat
(deyim) kendini nasıl mutlu hissediyorsan
whatever floats your boat
(deyim) işine nasıl geliyorsa
wooden boat
(Askeri) ahşap tekne
kayık tabak
sandalla/kayıkla gezmek
boat hook
çengelli uzun sırık
boat house
boat race
{i} kayık yarışı
boat train
cargo boat
yük gemisi
cargo boat
compete in a boat race
bot yarışı yap
deck boat
güverte filikası
fast boat
hızlı gemi
fast boat
ekspres vapur
fishing boat
balıkçı kayığı
flying boat
deniz uçağı
in the same boat
aynı topun ağzında
in the same boat
aynı durumda
jolly boat
küçük filika
life boat
long boat
büyük sandal
long boat
mail boat
posta vapuru
miss the boat
fırsatı kaçırmak
miss the boat
vapuru kaçırmak
packet boat
posta gemisi
paddle boat
yandan çarklı gemi
participate in a boat race
tekne yarışına katıl
patrol boat
devriye botu
pilot boat
kılavuz gemi
pilot boat
kılavuz motoru
power boat
racing boat
yarış botu
river boat
nehir botu
rock the boat
velveleye vermek
rowing boat
rowing boat
sailing boat
yelkenli kayık
sailing boat
yelkenli gemi
ship's boat
gemi yatağı
steam boat
steam boat
torpedo boat
torpedo boat
mayın gemisi
torpedo boat destroyer
torpido muhribi
water boat
su gemisi
all in the same boat
herkesin kaderi aynı , herkesin sonu aşikar

When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all in the same boat.

be in the same boat
Diğerleriyle aynı güç durum içinde olmak
be in the same boat
aynı durumda olmak
beside the boat
tekne yanında
board to the boat
bota binmek
boat builder
tekne üreticisi
boat cruise
Tekne tatili
boat load
gemi yükünün ağırlığı
boat race
kayık yarışı yap
boat ride
Tekne gezisi
boat tour
Tekne turu
boat trip
Tekne turu
boat trips
tekne turları
by boat
Tekne ile
compete in a boat race
bot yarısı yap
fishing boat
balıkçı teknesi

Ben, kıyıdan yaklaşık bir mil ötede bir balıkçı teknesi gördüm. - I saw a fishing boat about a mile off the shore.

Biz gerçekten bir balıkçı teknesi satın almayı umut ediyorduk. - We were really hoping to buy a fishing boat.

forward part of the boat
Teknenin on kısmı
in the same boat
Aynı zor durumda olmak, aynı tehlikeleri ya da kaderi paylaşmak

to be in the same boat.

information; advice; dispatch boat
bilgi; tavsiye; avizo
life boat
Cankurtaran botu
life boat
life boat
hayat tekne
love boat
aşk tekne
lowest level of a boat
Bir teknenin en düşük seviyede
masula boat
masula tekne
motor boat
motorlu tekne
oar boat
kürek teknesi
packet boat
paket tekne
participate in a boat race
tekne yarışına katil
pleasure boat
eğlence gemisi
push the boat out
kesenin ağzını açmak
rock the boat
(deyim) Bir duruma müdahele edip, o işi karıştırmak

You shouldn't sit there and say everything's fine, don't rock the boat.

rock the boat
oyunbozanlık etmek
rock the boat
birine/birşeye zarar vermek
row boat
sıra tekne
sail boat
speed boat
Sürat teknesi
swift boat
hızlı tekne
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение q-boat в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

Any German submarine of the First or Second World War, or any Austro-Hungarian submarine of the First World War
advice boat
A swift boat used to carry messages; a dispatch boat
banana boat
A cocktail made from a melon liqueur, a banana liqueur, curacao and pineapple juice
banana boat
A ship designed to transport bananas
One of two possible conformers of cyclohexane rings (the other being chair), shaped roughly like a boat
To travel by boat
A full house
A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind
boat lift
A mechanism used for raising and lowering boats on a canal vertically from one water level to another
boat lifts
plural form of boat lift
boat people
plural form of boat person
boat person
A person seeking asylum, refuge or immigration to a new country arriving by sea, either legally or illegally
boat race
The face
boat shoe
A type of casual footwear resembling a loafer, originally designed to be worn aboard a boat, characterized by water-resistant hide, soles designed to improve hold on wet deck of the boat and side lacing
boat shoes
plural form of boat shoe
boat trip
trip made with a boat or ship
boy in the boat
The human clitoris
bunder boat
A surf-boat in use at Mumbai and along the Malabar coast
coastal motor boat
a small warship used in the Royal Navy during the First World War that carried torpedoes, mines or depth charges
couta boat
A type of fishing boat used in Victoria, Australia, until the 1950s, latterly reinvented as a recreational sailboat
dragon boat
A type of boat raced in Chinese festivals featuring a dragon motif and twenty paddling, one drumming, and one steering known as the sweep
dragon boat festival
A traditional Chinese feast, on the fifth of May in lunar calendar
fishing boat
A boat used for fishing
fresh off the boat
Newly arrived from a foreign place, especially as an immigrant who is still unfamiliar with the customs and language of his or her new environment

Metropolis is the story of a harmless, hapless, nameless young German immigrant, fresh off the boat in 1860-something, who has a knack for naively stumbling into complicated plots through no fault of his own.

full boat
A full house
goat boat
wave ski

I even surfed 6ft Bluff up north on a goat boat — realsurf.com Complete Surfer forum.

goat boat
to ride a wave ski

Do us surfers a favour please and goat boat at Nobblers or Sumpters - please. — BBC Cable Bay message forum.

gravy boat
dish used to serve gravy
ice boat
an ice yacht
in the same boat
In the same situation or predicament; having the same problems

You can ignore their problems, but you could be in the same boat someday.

incense boat
The vessel that holds incense before it is put into a censer
Attributive form of incense boat, noun

It had an incense-boat look to it.

little man in the boat
The clitoris
long-tail boat
Alternative spelling of longtail boat
longtail boat
A type of watercraft native to Southeast Asia, which uses a common automotive engine as a powerplant; there is much variation among them, and in rural areas they may be improvised from bamboo and traditional materials with the sole defining characteristic being a secondhand car or truck engine
mackinaw boat
A cargo boat, with a large flat bottom and sharp ends, formerly used on the Great Lakes and the Missouri River (to a lesser extent, elsewhere)
mackinaw boat
A shooner-rigged boat once used on the Great Lakes
masoola boat
A kind of boat used on the coast of Madras, India. The planks are sewed together with strands of coir which cross over a wadding of the same material, so that the shock on taking the beach through surf is much reduced
miss the boat
To fail to take advantage of an opportunity; to overlook or be too late to pursue an option or course of action

The price discount ended yesterday and I just missed the boat on a great deal.

pleasure boat
A motorboat used for recreational activities, such as sport fishing or touring

Steaming up the Adriatic aboard ex-King Farouk's former pleasure boat (now renamed Freedom), Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser arrived last week at the beautiful Yugoslav seaport of Dubrovnik.

Of or pertaining to a pleasure boat or pleasure boats

Last year some 28 million Americans spent more than $1.25 billion on a U.S. pleasure-boat fleet of more than 6,000,000.

poling boat
Any small boat, such as a punt, propelled using a long pole
push the boat out
to do something, especially spend money, more extravagantly than usual, particularly for a celebration
rock the boat
To disturb the status quo or go against rules or conventions, as in an effort to get attention

I'd just jump in and fix it, but that's not my job, and I don't want to rock the boat.

rowing boat
Any boat propelled only by oars; especially one used for recreation or sport
surf boat
A type of boat used in surf lifesaving to go from shore out through the breaking waves, and back again. Current designs are rowed by a crew of four, with a sweep at the back steering. Originally used for mass rescues, but now superceded by powered craft and used only for competition
swan boat
A paddle boat
swan boat
A longboat similar to a dragon boat, traditional in Thailand
swift boat
to put forth sensational negative stories about a political figure as part of a smear campaign against them, especially regarding their military record

Swift-boating's essence is a particular kind of dishonesty, or rather a particular combination of shadowy dishonesties. It usually involves a complex web of facts, many of which may even be true.

swift boat
A small, shallow draft water vessel used by the United States Navy for counterinsurgency (COIN) operations during the Vietnam War; Fast Patrol Craft (PCF)
torpedo boat
a small, high-speed warship designed to fire torpedoes, especially in coastal waters
whatever floats your boat
What makes you happy; what stimulates you
whatever floats your boat
Do whatever makes you happy or stimulates you
If you say that someone is rocking the boat, you mean that they are upsetting a calm situation and causing trouble. I said I didn't want to rock the boat in any way
If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money on something, especially in order to celebrate. I earn enough to push the boat out now and again
a small vessel for travel on water
rock a boat
shake a boat back and forth, cause a boat to sway
rock the boat
shake the boat sharply from side to side, break the equilibrium; make trouble, upset a stable situation
{v} to convey in a boat
{n} a small vessel usually moved by oars
cigarette boat
The cigarette boat or go-fast boat is a high performance boat of a characteristic design. Originally designed for his offshore racing team by Donald Aronow, the fast, powerful boats became notorious as the drug smuggling boat of choice in many parts of the world in the 1980s, 1990s and first years of the 21st century
fresh off the boat
Fresh off the boat (often abbreviated as F.O.B., FOB, F.O.T.B., FOTB, fobbish, freshie,boat,fobster, or fobbie) is a slang phrase applied to people of foreign nationality who have arrived in a host nation as tourists, immigrants, students, or, most commonly, as work permit applicants. The term is commonly applied to Eastern and Southern Pacific Asians, as well as South Asians, in the United States, Canada and Australia, as well as to Pacific Islanders in Australia and New Zealand. It was originally applied to European immigrants to America who had just stepped off of ship
rock the boat
(deyim) Disturb an existing situation
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение q-boat в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

sailing boat
(Askeri) sailboat


    ... - TEDDY! - ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT... ...