(Askeri) SATIR YAZICI: Bilgisayardan döküm almak için kullanılan aygıt. PRINTING SIZE OF MAP OR CHART: HARİTA VEYA KROKİNİN BASKI BÜYÜKLÜĞÜ: Bir harita veya krokiyi ihtiva edecek en küçük dikdörtgenin, kendi sınırları içinde basılı bulunan bütün malzemeler ile birlikteki boyutu
A printer is a machine that can be connected to a computer in order to make copies on paper of documents or other information held by the computer. see also laser printer
The most commonly used printer of the home user Ink-jet printers do not offer the speed and bulk capacity of a laser printer, but are cheaper to run and can print in colour They work by a fine jet of ink being fired at the paper
This term has two meanings: 1) A machine that prints the output from a computer to paper, or 2) A person or company that produces the printed copy of a book or other item
A number of technologies exist, using various techniques The most common types of computer printers are: Band - a rotating metal band is impacted as it spins; Daisy wheel - a small print wheel containing the form of each character rotates and hits the paper, character by character; Dot matrix - characters and graphics are created by pins hitting the ribbon and paper; Ink jet - injects (sprays) ink onto the paper; Laser - electrostatically charges the printed page and applies toner; Plotter - moves ink pens over the paper surface, typically used for large engineering and architectural drawings Thermal - a hot printer head contacts special paper that reacts to heat
A computer peripheral that’s used to output prints from digital images or data files Most inexpensive printers are inkjet models that squirt out tiny jets of ink onto paper to make up the photograph More expensive models tend to be either laser printer or dye-sublimation printers
This is a device which attaches to the computer and prints information This is necessary to give you a "hard copy" or printed output of the information on your files in the computer
A piece of computer hardware which is used to produce print outs or hardcopies of the documents found on a computer's disk drive These documents can contain both text and graphics Printers can print documents on paper, transparencies, and even cloth There are many different kinds of printers such as: laser printers, laser jet , bubble jet, ink jet, and dot matrix printers Depending on the kind of printer, they can create colour print outs as well as black and white Submitter: Rick's Group Go to the Glossary Index Input and Output Page Please see Input/Output Devices Flash: Input/Output Movie FAQ: What kind of printer should I get?
An output device that prints results stored in main memory Character printers print one character at a time serially Line printers print one full line at a time using a character chain or drum For desktop applications dot-matrix printer, or ink-jet printer or laser printer is used
A machine that marks on paper, preferably representing the letters or pictures you requested There are many kinds of printers The printer may be connected to your computer; if you are on a network, it may be connected to a computer elsewhere in your office To find it, just listen for the sound of printing or follow people around for a while
A device that outputs text or graphics onto paper or film Dot-matrix printers look rather like a typewriter without a keyboard Laser printers look somewhat like photocopiers that don't have a place to put the original
a machine that prints (computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing someone whose occupation is printing Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
In the realm of computers, a device for printing text or graphics on a page Printers fall into at least three main varieties: laser printers, ink-jet printers and dot-matrix printers Dot-matrix printers are the least expensive, but also offer the lowest quality Laser-printers are the most expensive printers, but also offer the highest quality; the better ones offer typeset-quality output Ink-jet printers produce output almost as nice as the lower-end laser printers, and are often less expensive
A device connected to a computer that enables paper output The three main type are laser, ink or bubble jet, and dot matrix A laser printer uses this technology to heat the paper, and then bond the toner to the surface - very high quality An ink jet printer uses a very fine 'gun' or printing head to fire electrons of ink at the paper - high quality, and enables inexpensive colour printing The oldest of the technologies is dot matrix, also known as impact printers A matrix of pins is used to impact the characters onto the paper, using an ink ribbon similar to a typewriter - noisy and lower quality, but inexpensive
n (1504) : one that prints as a: a person engaged in printing b: a device used for printing : esp: a machine for printing from photographic negatives c: a device (as a dot matrix printer that produces printout)
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