polarite ölçer

listen to the pronunciation of polarite ölçer
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
An instrument for determining the degree of polarization of electromagnetic radiation, specifically the polarization of light
An instrument for measuring the ability of a compound to rotate the plane of polarized light
An instrument for measuring the angle of polarization of a polarized light source, or the proportion of polarized light in a partially polarized source
An instrument for determining the amount of polarization of light Ordinary light from the sun or a lamp is composed of disorderly waves that vibrate in all directions perpendicular to the light beam But polarized light consists of orderly waves that vibrate in only one direction
an optical device used to measure the rotation of the plane of vibration of polarized light
an instrument used to measure the rotation of the plane of polarized light as it passes through a sample of an optically active compound
{i} instrument for measuring electrical polarity
An instrument for measuring the amount of polarized light, or the extent of polarization, in the light received from a given source
A device used to measure optical activity
An instrument for determining the amount of polarization of light, or the proportion of polarized light, in a partially polarized ray
An instrument for determining the degree of polarization of light See photopolarimeter
polarite ölçer