Plastik cerrah yüz germeyi eline yüzüne bulaştırdı ve milyonlarcası için dava açıldı.
- The plastic surgeon botched the facelift and was sued for millions.
Çiçeklerin hiçbiri plastik değildir.
- None of the flowers are plastic.
Tom vidaları küçük bir plastik torbaya koydu.
- Tom put the screws in a small plastic bag.
Plastik torbaları nadiren kullanırım.
- I rarely use plastic bags.
Plastik birçok geleneksel malzemenin yerini almaktadır.
- Plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.
Günümüzde birçok ayakkabı plastikten yapılmaktadır.
- Many shoes nowadays are made of plastics.
the rage betook itself at last to certain missile weapons; which, though from their plastic nature they threatened neither the loss of life or of limb, were, however, sufficiently dreadful to a well-dressed lady.
Frustrated by a globalized music industry force-feeding them plastic pop music, hackers, remixers, and activists began to mobilize.
For today's make, you'll need a good sheet of blue sticky-back plastic, a pen and a washing-up bottle.
... Raspberries, blueberries, just out of the little plastic box. ...
... prior to the invention of plastic ...