
listen to the pronunciation of parts
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} bölge

Fransızca Fransa'da ve İtalya'nın bazı bölgelerinde konuşulur. - French is spoken in France and in some parts of Italy.

Fransızca Fransa'nın yanı sıra İtalya bölgelerinde konuşulur. - French is spoken in parts of Italy as well as in France.

(Askeri) PARÇALAR: Bir malzeme kaleminin başlıca unsurları, aksamı veya tali komple parçaları. Parçalar; yıpranmış, hasara uğramış, kaybolmuş veya tahrip edilmiş unsurları değiştirmek suretiyle malzemeyi sağlam bir duruma getirmek için yedekte bulundurulurlar
{i} parçalar

Bu fabrika, otomobil parçaları üretmektedir. - This factory manufactures automobile parts.

Tamir faturası parçaları ve işçiliği kapsıyor. - The repair bill includes parts and labor.

{i} yetenek
{i} semt

Bir hırsızlar çetesi bu semtte çalışır. - A gang of thieves works these parts.

(Bilgisayar) parça

Bu fabrika, otomobil parçaları üretmektedir. - This factory manufactures automobile parts.

Tom bir araba fabrikasında yedek parça yapıyor. - Tom is making spare parts in a car factory.


Matematik, yarın kalkarsan ve evrenin gittiğini keşfedersen yapmaya devam edebileceğin, bilimin bir parçasıdır. - Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.

Anne pastayı üç parçaya böldü. - Mother divided the cake into three parts.


Bu teori üç kısımdan oluşur. - This theory consists of three parts.

Teklifin diğer kısımlarını tartıştılar. - They debated other parts of the proposal.

private parts
edep yerleri

Parti Mac tarafından organize edildi. - The party was organized by Mac.

Onların tarafında bir hataydı. - It was a mistake on their part.

parts list
parça listesi
parts of speech
(Dilbilim) sözcük türü
parts per million
(Çevre) milyonda bir
parts per million
(Askeri) milyonda parça
parts replaced
(Bilgisayar) değişen parçalar
parts breakdown
Parçaların/bölümlerin teferruatlı incelemesi
parts claim
(Ticaret) yedek parça talebi
parts common
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK PARÇALAR: Sözleşmeye dayanan modelli ve standart fiziki özellikleri sebebiyle malzemenin imalat ve bakımında geniş bir tatbikat sahasına sahip parça, müşterek parçalar
parts common
(Askeri) müşterek parçalar
parts department
(Ticaret) yedek parça departmanı
parts distribution route
(Ticaret) parça dağıtım güzergahı
parts in forms
kalıp parçaları
parts management
(Ticaret) yedek parça yönetimi
parts manager
(Ticaret) yedek parça müdürü
parts market
parça pazarı
parts market
parça tavuk pazarı
parts of speech
dilb. sözbölükleri
parts package
parça paketi
parts peculiar
(Askeri) özel parçalar
parts peculiar
(Askeri) ÖZEL PARÇALAR: Modeli tek bir imalatçının kontrolü altında bulunan ve kullanılması, tek bir imalatçı tarafından imal edilen malzemeye inhisar eden bir parça
parts per billion
milyarda bir
parts per billion
(Nükleer Bilimler) (ppb) milyarda bir kısım
parts per million
(Askeri) parça / milyon
parts per million
(Nükleer Bilimler) (ppm) milyonda bir kısım
parts rack
(Ticaret) yedek parça rafı
parts retail
(Otomotiv) perakende satış
parts shelf
(Otomotiv) parça rafı
parts shop
(Ticaret) yedek parça satış noktası
parts total
(Bilgisayar) parça toplamı
parts trader
(Ticaret) yedek parça satıcısı
parts warehouse
(Ticaret) yedek parça deposu

Bu yol deprem sonucu kısmen yıkıldı. - This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.

Japonya'nın dış yardımları yurttaki ekonomik yavaşlamadan dolayı kısmen azalıyor. - Japan's foreign aid is decreasing in part because of an economic slowdown at home.


Yarın akşam bir partimiz var. - We have a party tomorrow evening.

Yarın arkadaşım için doğum günü partisi vereceğim. - I'm going to give a birthday party for my friend tomorrow.

{i} saç ayrımı

Bestenin bu bölümünün biraz gerçek beceriye ihtiyacı var.Bunun piyanoda nasıl çalınacağını öğrenmek uzun zamanımı aldı. - This part of the tune needs some real skill. It took me ages to learn how to play it on the piano.

Güneş tutulmaları tam ya da bölümlü olabilir. - Lunar eclipses can be total or partial.

authorized parts list
(Askeri) yetki verilmiş parça listesi
consisting of three parts
constituent parts
cut into parts
embedded parts
(İnşaat) gömük parçalar
embedded parts
(İnşaat) ankastre parçalar
genuine parts
(Ticaret) orijinal parçalar
having ten parts
in all its parts
(Politika, Siyaset) tüm yönleriyle
integration by parts
(Bilgisayar) parçalı tümlev alma
integration by parts
(Matematik) kısmi integrasyon
kısımlara ayırmak
(Ticaret) kısmı

Başlangıç işin en önemli kısmıdır. - The beginning is the most important part of the work.

Tyler, William Henry Harrison gibi Virginia'nın aynı kısmında doğdu ve büyüdü. - Tyler was born and grew up in the same part of Virginia as William Henry Harrison.

bir yanıyla

O, partiye geç geldi. - He appeared at the party late.

Yarın akşam bir partimiz var. - We have a party tomorrow evening.


O, evinden ayrılmak zorunda kaldı. - He had to part with his house.

O, evinden ayrılmak istemedi. - He didn't want to part with his house.

private parts
mahrem yerler
private parts
replenishment spare parts
(Askeri) bütünleme yedek parçaları
spare parts list
(Askeri,Teknik) yedek parça listesi
standard parts
standart parçalar
those parts
break into parts
parçalarına ayır

Görevimi yapmayı planlıyorum. - I plan on doing my part.

Topluma yardımcı olmak için görevimi yapmaya çalışıyorum. - I try to do my part to help the community.


Japonca öğrenmenin zor yanı nedir? - What is the hard part of learning Japanese?

Partide Jack ve Mary'nin yanındaki kimdi? - Who was at the party beside Jack and Mary?

{f} ayır

Parti için sandalyeler ayırtıldı. - The seats were reserved for the party.

Tom parti için üç yüz dolarlık bütçe ayırdı. - Tom budgeted three hundred dollars for the party.


Ben tam ödemeyi kısmi ödemeye tercih ederim. - I prefer payment in full to payment in part.

Onun işi sadece kısmi bir başarıydı. - His business was only a partial success.


Vücudunuzun başka herhangi bir yerinde ağrı hissediyor musunuz? - Do you feel pain in any other part of your body?

Tom'un partisinde biraz rahatsız hissettim. - I felt a bit uncomfortable at Tom's party.


TV günlük yaşamda önemli bir rol oynar. - TV plays an important part in everyday life.

Oluklu kaşıklar geleneksel pelin ayininde belirli bir role sahiptir.Onlar bir adet küp şekeri soğuk suyla bardaklarının içine eritmek için küp şekeri bardağın üstünde tutmak için kullanılır. - Slotted spoons have a particular role in the traditional absinthe ritual. They are used to hold a sugar cube over a glass as one dissolves it into her drink with cold water.


Bizim sorunlarımız ortaklık ile ele alınmalıdır; ilerleme paylaşılmalıdır. - Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared.

Tom, Mary ve John Partinin maliyetini paylaştılar. - Tom, Mary and John shared the cost of the party.

private parts
özel bölüm
private parts
cinsel kılganlar
1/4, one part of four equal parts
1 / 4, dört eşit parçaya bir parçası
bit parts
bit parçalar
coherence of parts
parçaların uyum
counter parts
counter parçalar
equal parts of coffee and hot milk
kahve ve sıcak eşit parçaya süt
into pieces or parts
parçaları veya kısma
into two sections or parts
iki bölüm veya kısma
numbering of parts
parçaların numaralandırma
opening and external parts of female genitals
açılış ve dışı genital dış parçalar
quick of parts
parçaların çabuk
related to something with two parts
bir şey iki parça ile ilgili
solo parts
solo parçalar
something constructed from parts
bir şey yerlerinden inşa
switch places; switch roles, switch parts
geçiş yerleri; anahtar rolleri, geçiş parçaları
three parts
üç parçadan
three parts dead
hiç bir varlığı kalmamak

ingiliz kanunlarına göre bir bir çocuğu olan kadını dul bırakın kişinin malları üçe bölünür, biri kadına, biri çocuklara, bir o bölgenin yöneticisine verilirdi.

accessory parts
yardımcı parçalar
authorized parts list
(Askeri) KADRO PARÇA LİSTESİ, YETKİ VERİLMİŞ PARÇA LİSTESİ: Her ikmal ve bakım kademesindeki birlikler için yetkili makamca, elde bulundurulmasına ve sarfına yetki verilmiş parçalar listesi
brake parts
(Otomotiv) fren tertibatı
build in parts
(Askeri) gövdeye takılı parçalar
common parts
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK PARÇALAR: Genel olarak iki veya daha çok komple malzemede (major items) kullanılabilen mamul parça. Buna "parts common" da denir
common parts
(Askeri) müşterek parçalar
complementary parts
mutemmim cuz
concurrent parts
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK DAĞITIM PARÇALARI: Belirli bir süre içinde bakım faaliyetini temin etmek ve diğer belirli ihtiyaçları karşılamak amacıyla bir nihai madde ile birlikte verilen parçalar
concurrent repair parts
(Askeri) MALZEME YEDEĞİ ONARIM PARÇALARI: Kara Ordusu ikmal sistemine yeni giren nihai maddelerle birlikte tedarik olunan parçaları. Bunların temininden maksat birlikler nihai maddenin ilk teslim tarihi ile, ikmal kayıtlarının normal bütünleme usulleriyle müteakip tedarike imkan verecek şekilde kurulabildiği tarih arasındaki devrede, ilk dağıtım ve bakım için gerekli cins ve miktarda onarım parçasını temin etmiş olmaktır
containing six parts
containing sixty parts
crypto parts
(Askeri) kripto parçaları
crypto parts
(Askeri) KRİPTO PARÇASI: Bir mesajın güvenlik nedenleriyle istenilen şekilde bölünmüş kısımlarından biri. Bazı kripto sistemlerinin işletme talimatları tek bir mesaj göstergesi kullanarak kriptolanabilecek grup sayısını belirtir. Kripto parçaları açık bir dille tanıtılır. Bunlar mesaj kısımlarıyla karıştırılmamalıdır
defective parts
kusurlu parçalar
depot spare parts
(Askeri) DEPO YEDEK PARÇALARI: Bir deponun kendi hizmet sahası içerisinde bulunan bakım kademelerinin stoklarını yenilemek için stok ettiği yedek parçalar
distribution parts
(Askeri) dağıtım stoku
distribution parts
(Askeri) DAĞITIM STOKU: Tedarik edilen miktar ile bakım işleminde kullanılan miktar arasındaki farkı temsil eden yedek parçalar. Bunlara; düşman etkisi ile kaybolan parçalar ve ikmal hatalarını daimi dolu vaziyette tutmak için ihtiyat olarak gerekli olanlar dahildir
do you have replacement parts for this
bunun için yedek parçanız var mı
do you have spare parts
yedek parçanız var mı
door parts
kapı çerçevesi
electrical parts list
(Tekstil) cihaz listesi
electronic parts
elektronik aksam
equipment deadlined for parts
(Askeri) PARÇA BEKLEYEN ARIZALI MALZEME: Arızalıya ayrılmış bir malzemeyi asgari bir çalışma durumuna iade için gerekli bir parça isteği. Parça bekleyen arızalı malzeme terimi; parça bekleyen arızalı araç (vehicle deadlined for parts) terimlerinin yerini almıştır
fixed parts
(Mekanik) hareketsiz parçalar
fixed parts
(Otomotiv) hareket etmeyen parçalar
fixed parts
hareketsiz parçalar (makine)
foreign parts
yabancı/dış ülkeler
in parts
parça parça, kısım kısım
initial concurrent spare parts
(Askeri) GENEL İHTİYAÇ YEDEK PARÇALARI: Malzemeyi kullanan teşkiller ile bakım teşkillerinin ilk dağıtım ihtiyaçları ve kademeler için bir yıllık tahmini üs depo ikmal ihtiyaçlarını ve ayrıca ilgili malzeme ile kullanılabilecek herhangi bir ek dağıtım ihtiyacını karşılamak için gerekli yedek parçalar
insurance type parts
(Askeri) DEMİRBAŞ PARÇALAR, UZUN ÖMÜRLÜ PARÇALAR: Yıpranma oranı çok düşük, seyrek kullanılır, genellikle ağır ve büyük hacimde ve, normal olarak, yalnız depo bakım seviyesinde faydalanılan parçalar
integration by parts
parcali tumlev alma
mating parts
(İnşaat) eş parçalar
mating parts
(İnşaat) geçme parçalar
mechanical parts
mekanik aksamlar
message parts
(Askeri) HABER KISIMLARI; HABER BÖLÜMLERİ: Uzun bir haberin, bir gönderme güvenlik tedbiri olarak, müteahhit küçük haberlere bölünmesi. Haber bölümleri, dıştan, birbirlerinden tamamen ayrı haberler kanısı vermelidir
message parts
(Askeri) haber bölümleri
message parts
(Askeri) haber kısımları
mouth parts
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) ağız parçaları
moving parts
hareketli aksam
organizational repair parts
(Askeri) BİRLİK ÜZERİNDEKİ ONARIM PARÇALARI: Bir birliğe, kendisinin kullanması için verilmiş parçalar
{f} parçalanmak, ayrılmak; bölünmek
{f} tarakla ayırmak
(ial) parça (lı), kısmi
{i} katkı. z. kısmen
kısım,v.ayır: n.parça
(Askeri) PARÇA: Normal olarak daha fazla parçalara ayrılmayan, bir montaj veya tali montajın bir parçasını oluşturan bir madde
part ayrıl/ayır
{i} yedek parça

Tom bir araba fabrikasında yedek parça yapıyor. - Tom is making spare parts in a car factory.

Bir araba fabrikasında yedek parça yapıyorlar. - They are making spare parts in a car factory.

{f} kopmak
{k} participle, particular
{i} kesim

O, kentin güney kesiminde yaşıyor. - He lives in the southern part of the city.

Hokkaido Japonya'nın kuzey kesiminde yer almaktadır. - Hokkaido is in the northern part of Japan.

{f} parçalamak, ayırmak; bölmek
{i} katkı

Partiye gelen herkes yiyecek ve içeceğe kendi katkılarını getirmeliler. - Everyone coming to the party must bring their own contribution to the food and drink.

{i} ayrım
{f} elden çıkarmak

Tom parayı elden çıkarmak için zaman kaybetmedi. - Tom lost no time in parting with the money.

Onun mücevher kutusunu elden çıkarmak zorunda kaldı. - She had to part with her jewelry box.

{i} fragman
(Tıp) Bakınız: Pars

Bir hırsızlar çetesi bu semtte çalışır. - A gang of thieves works these parts.

private parts
mahrem yerleri
private parts
edep/ut yerleri
privy parts
mahrem yerleri
repairs parts list
(Askeri) YEDEK PARÇA LİSTESİ, TAMİR PARÇALARI LİSTESİ: Belirli miktardaki nihai maddenin belirli bir süre bakımı için gerekli onarım parçaları, alet ve teçhizat toplam miktarını gösteren, yetkili makamlarca onaylanmış liste
replenishment spare parts
(Askeri) BÜTÜNLEME YEDEK PARÇALARI: Noksanları tamamlamak, dağıtılanları yerine koymak ve hizmetteki bütün malzemeyi, birinci yılın genel ihtiyaç ana yedek parçaları ile sağlananlara ilaveten, devamlı bakım parçaları temin etmek üzere tedarik edilen yedek parçalar
secret parts
(Kanun,Ticaret) gizli taraflar
ships parts control center (USN)
(Askeri) gemi parçaları kontrol merkezi
spare parts kit
yedek parça kiti
spare parts list
(Askeri) YEDEK PARÇA LİSTESİ: Bak. "repair parts list"
structural parts
(İnşaat) yapısal parçalar
supporting ring in two parts
yarım kama
total parts
(Bilgisayar) toplam parçalar
used parts
kullanılmış parçalar
working parts
çalışan parçalar
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение parts в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

Buğday yığını
Otuz bağ ot yığını
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
vicinity, region

We intend being at Leamington before long, unless some change in the weather should make our stay in these parts more tolerable.

The male genitals
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of part
intellectual ability or learning

He was a man of great parts but little virtue.

plural form of part
{n} qualities, faculties, districts, regions
the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years
All of the supplies, machine parts, and materials to repair an asset, or a system in or around an asset
third-person singular of part
a once popular method of publishing a book in instalments, the individual parts or numbers intended to be bound together on completion
A metaphoric term for different aspects of a person's experience Parts are distinct from the specific behaviors adopted by the "parts" in order to get their positive outcomes
Individual sections of a MIDI or audio track
Subdirectory of the LDRAW folder created when the ldraw027 exe archive is extracted This is the default location for all LDraw Parts
the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years"
Subcomponent elements of an aggregate object
plural of part
Number of lines of rope or chain supporting the load block or hook
(Program Support Data (PSD) Automated Reporting and Tracking System) An automated data base of Program Support Data (PSD) information managed by NAVSEA 04 and used for logistics support and budget planning
{i} local environment; outer genitals
parts company
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of part company
parts interpreter
Someone who sells replacement parts for motor vehicles
parts interpreters
plural form of parts interpreter
parts of speech
plural form of part of speech
parts bin
a bin for holding spare parts
parts catalog
a list advertising parts for machinery along with prices
parts department
a service garage the sells replacement parts
parts department
the division of a business e
parts inventory
an inventory of replacement parts
parts list
(Ticaret) A listing of all components used in the production of a parent item that does not reflect its structure or intermediate levels, and is not useful in time- phasing requirements based on lead time offsets
parts of speech
(Grammar) various classes of words to which a word can be assigned (i.e. verb, noun, adjective, etc.)
parts per million
A common basis for reporting the results of water and wastewater analysis, indicating the number of parts by weight of water or other solvent In dilute water solutions, one part per million is practically equal to one milligram per liter, which is the preferred unit 17 l ppm equals one grain per US gallon One ppm equals one pound per million pounds of water
parts per million
A quality measure of the number of defective items observed or projected out of a population of one million
parts per million
A unit of concentration For example, air that contains 1 part per million formaldehyde contains 1 2 milligrams formaldehyde in 1 million milliliters air, i e 1000 liters air
parts per million
unit of measure most often used to describe the amount of a particular gas or compound in the air or wate; it is the proportion of the number of molecules of the gas or compound out of a million (1,000,000,000) molecules of air or water
parts per million
A measurement of the concentration of a substance in a liquid For example, 3 ppm equals 3 pounds of a substance for a million pounds of a liquid
parts per million
Unit for measuring concentration of a gas or vapor in air Parts of the gas or vapor in a million parts of air Also used to indicate the concentration of a particular substance in a liquid or solid
parts per million
Represents the concentration of gases or vapor in air For example, 1 ppm means that 1 unit of the gas is present for every 1 million units of air
parts per million
A measure of concentration of a dissolved substance Also known as ppm
parts per million
the unit commonly used to represent the degree of pollutant concentration where the concentrations are small Larger concentrations are given in percentages 1ppm = 1mg/L In BOD analysis, the results are expressed in ppm, whereas in the suspended solids test, the values are expressed in percents In air, ppm is usually a volume/volume ratio; in water, ppm represents a weight/volume ratio
parts per million
the number of "parts" by weight of a substance per million parts of water This unit is commonly used to represent pollutant concentrations
parts per million
(PPM) - A common basis for reporting the results of water and wastewater analysis, indicating the number of parts by weight of a dissolved or suspended constituent, per million parts by weight of water or other solvent, In dilute water solutions, one part per million is practically equal to one milligram per liter, which is the preferred unit
parts per million
The number of "parts" by weight of a substance per million parts of water This unit is commonly used to represent pollutant concentrations Large concentrations are expressed in percentages
parts per million
(PPM) - unit of measurement for concentration of gas or vapor in air - 1 ppm = 0001% In Perspective: 1 inch/16 miles or 1 ounce/31 tons of potato chips
parts per million
the number of "parts" by weight of a substance per million parts of water This unit is commonly used to represent pollutant concentrations One milligram per liter of water is approximately equal to a ppm
parts per million
the number of parts of a given substance in a million parts of some other substance (Example: In the ambient air, 1 ppm lead represents one part of lead per 1 million parts of air )
parts per million
(PPM)-the number of parts of a given pollutant in a million parts of air
parts per million
A common basis for reporting the results of water and waste water analyses, indicating the number of parts by weight of a dissolved or suspended constituent, per million parts by weight or water or other solvent In dilute water solutions, one part per million is practically equal to one milligram per liter, which is the preferred unit
parts per million
A measure of concentration of a dissolved substance Compare milligrams per liter
parts per million
Expressed as ppm; a measure of concentration One ppm is one unit weight of solute per million unit weights of solution In water analysis the ppm is equivalent to mg/l Pasteurisation The elimination of microorganisms by heat applies for a certain period of time Pathogens Disease-producing microorganisms
parts per million
Number of parts of a substance found in one million parts of a particular gas, liquid, or solid
parts per million
a ratio figure that represents the amount of one substance that is in one million parts of another substance; commonly used to describe the relative concentrations of nutrient solutions
parts per million
(Ticaret) (PPM) A quality measure of the number of defective items observed or projected out of a population of one million
parts per million
Unit commonly used to express concentrations of contamination and ppm is 1/1,000,000
parts per million
A measurement used to calculate the "parts per million" or "pounds per million pounds" of the chlorine, hardness, and alkalinity in your pool water PH - The total of acid or alkaline particles in the water The recommended ideal range is pH 7 2 to 7 6 PHENOL RED - An indicator reagent used with your test kit to determine the pH of pool water
parts per million
A measure of pollutant concentration Parts of pollutant per million parts of air
bit parts
plural form of bit part
imaginary parts
plural form of imaginary part
man of parts
A man that is talented in multiple areas of life. This includes but is not limited to the area of seduction. He puts very little emphasis on memorized scripts or "peacocking" and instead relies on individualized ways to charm a woman
men of parts
plural form of man of parts
moving parts
plural form of moving part
nonmoving parts
plural form of nonmoving part
A distinct element or component

The parts of a chainsaw include the chain, engine, and handle.

In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, a unit of time equivalent to 3⅓ seconds
To leave
To divide in two

I run the canoe into a deep dent in the bank that I knowed about; I had to part the willow branches to get in; and when I made fast nobody could a seen the canoe from the outside.

A fraction of a whole; a portion

Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate closet taxonomist, Franz Stephani—a ghost whose shadow falls over us all.

Share, especially of a profit

I want my part of the bounty.

Fractional, partial

Fred was part owner of the car.

The melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece

The first violin part in this concerto is very challenging.

Partly, partially, fractionally
partially composed of

We cannot make a plodding and sensible community—a Holland or a Pennsylvania—out of a national personality which, whether by harsh circumstance or native tendency, is now part genius, part fanatic, and part hard-headed materialist.”.

To cut hair with a parting
The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions

The part of his hair was slightly to the left.

To divide up; to share

He left three sonnes, his famous progeny, / Borne of faire Inogene of Italy; / Mongst whom he parted his imperiall state .

Duty; responsibility

to do one’s part.

A section of land; an area of a country or other territory; a region

the Faery knight / Besought that Damzell suffer him depart, / And yield him readie passage to that other part.

3.5 centiliters of one ingredient in a mixed drink
To be divided in two or separated
A section of a document

Please turn to Part I, Chapter 2.

A group inside a larger group
A unit of relative proportion in a mixture

The mixture comprises one part sodium hydroxide and ten parts water.

To leave (an IRC channel)
private parts

And what was it only one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. Secrets for enlarging your private parts.

real parts
plural form of real part
shining parts
plural form of shining part
spare parts
plural form of spare part
standing parts
plural form of standing part
sum of its parts
This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}
sums of their parts
plural form of sum of its parts
working parts
plural form of working part
{n} a portion, member, party, space, conduct
{v} to share, divide, separate, go away, quit
{a} in part, in some measure
be careful of one's parts of speech
mind one's manner of speaking
in equal parts
equally, in parts that are equal to each other (in size, weight, etc.)
integration by parts
method of calculating complex integrals (Mathematics)
interchangeable parts
Identical components that can substitute one for another, particularly important in manufacturing. Mass production, which transformed the organization of work, came about by the development of the machine-tool industry by a series of 19th-century innovators. With precision equipment, large numbers of identical parts could be produced at low cost and with a small workforce. See also American System of manufacture; armoury practice; automobile industry; factory; Henry Ford; Henry Leland
non-durable parts
parts which must be replaced after a certain period of time
1 One of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer In the case of printed monographs, generally synonymous with volume; it is distinguished from a fascicle by being a component unit rather than a temporary division of a work 2 As used in the physical description area, "part" designates bibliographic units intended to be bound several to a volume
A part is NOT a fixed amount It refers to the relative amount of an ingredient For example, if a recipe calls for 1 part A and 2 parts B, then the final drink should have twice as much B as it does A You can make the drink as big as you want!
{f} divide, separate; be divided; apportion, allocate
A single piece not subject to disassembly without destruction or impairment of use, such as resistors, transistors, relays, or gears Level 7, the lowest level, in the system hierarchy
Part is a particular type of CAD model describing a single part It will usually be build from features and represented as a unique solid
or "they resisted every effort on his part"; one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion; as, to part gold from silver
An active or passive device used in an electronic system Less frequently, a "part" may refer to other members of an electronic system such as a printed circuit board Synonomous with "component" and "device "
Individual numbered file which represents a completed LEGO-style part The collection of official parts make up the LDraw org Parts Library Parts reside in the PARTS subdirectory of the LDRAW folder upon extraction of ldraw027 exe
One piece, or two or more pieces joined together, which cannot be disassembled without destruction or loss of design use
assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"
3.5 cl of one ingredient in a mixed drink
A material item that has been purchased or fabricated from raw material and is normally not handled as part of an assembly [CMSG]
so far as concerns the actor specified; "it requires vigilance on our part"
any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor; "I am proud of my contribution to the team's success"; "they all did their share of the work"
the payload formed in the cavity
come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
A 'part' of our personality, usually unconscious, which often has human attributes, which is responsible for maintaining a certain set of internal representations
so far as concerns the actor specified; "it requires vigilance on our part" or "they resisted every effort on his part"
A particular character in a drama or a play; an assumed personification; also, the language, actions, and influence of a character or an actor in a play; or, figuratively, in real life
something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together" a line where the hair is parted; "his part was right in the middle" so far as concerns the actor specified; "it requires vigilance on our part" or "they resisted every effort on his part"; one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division" the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part" a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite" something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach
Position or role (especially in a play)
That which belongs to one, or which is assumed by one, or which falls to one, in a division or apportionment; share; portion; lot; interest; concern; duty; office
something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach
A piece of a composition usually for one instrument When a part is recorded it becomes a track in a composition Back
go one's own away; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
A fraction of a whole; a component
a line where the hair is parted; "his part was right in the middle"
Hence: To hold apart; to stand between; to intervene betwixt, as combatants
One of the opposing parties or sides in a conflict or a controversy; a faction
A constituent portion of a living or spiritual whole; a member; an organ; an essential element
An equal constituent portion; one of several or many like quantities, numbers, etc
partly, somewhat; partially, in part, not wholly
To separate or disunite; to cause to go apart; to remove from contact or contiguity; to sunder
vicinity, region
One of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole
something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"
whether actually separate or not; a piece; a fragment; a fraction; a division; a member; a constituent
A Part exists in a Performance or Song/Pattern Mix There are 4 Parts in Performance and 16 Parts in a Song or Pattern mix ( even more Parts are available if you add PLG boards) A Part is basically a Voice plus the parameters to make it work in a multi -timbral context These include effects routing (which Part gets it's Insert effect), effects sends, synth offsets like filter cutoff, resonance, FEG and AEG envelopes and output routing
an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"
To divide into shares; to divide and distribute; to allot; to apportion; to share
See To act a part, under Act
A segment of the sequence
a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
{s} partly, somewhat
An existing, reusable software component All parts created with the Visual Composition Editor conform to the JavaBeans component model, and are referred to as beans See visual bean and nonvisual bean
To perform an act of parting; to relinquish a connection of any kind; followed by with or from
Also, a line or other element of a geometrical figure
Such portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity; as, 3 is a part of 12; the opposite of multiple
To have a part or share; to partake
To divide; to separate into distinct parts; to break into two or more parts or pieces; to sever
To leave; to quit
To be broken or divided into parts or pieces; to break; to become separated; to go asunder; as, rope parts; his hair parts in the middle
An actor's part of the play is his or her lines and directions, the whole performance of an individual
This is a translation of the Hebrew word halak, plural halakim, which is a division of time used in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar I have retained it because it allows the use of whole numbers in measurement One part is approximately 3 1/3 seconds there are 1080 parts to the hour
into which anything is divided, or of which it is composed; proportional division or ingredient
discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up"
{i} section, piece; region; role, function; side in an agreement
1 The music for one of the participating voices or instruments in a musical work 2 The written or printed copy of one or more (but not all) such parts for the use of one or more performers, designated in the physical description area as part (AACR2) The manuscript or printed parts for fifteenth- and sixteenth-century polyphonic music are often called "partbooks " (Thorin)
1 Component 2 A decal in a PWB database or drawing 3 A symbol in a schematic
Quarter; region; district; usually in the plural
leave; "The family took off for Florida"
male genitals
A voice when it is being used inside a performance
the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
A constituent of character or capacity; quality; faculty; talent; usually in the plural with a collective sense
Partly; in a measure
A collection or grouping of elements having the same material properties and boundary conditions
duty; responsibility; obligation
in part; in some degree; not wholly; "I felt partly to blame"; "He was partially paralyzed"
force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
Unit of sale and use of PCBs (usually there are many parts per panel)
One of the portions, equal or unequal, into which anything is divided, or regarded as divided; something less than a whole; a number, quantity, mass, or the like, regarded as going to make up, with others, a larger number, quantity, mass, etc
the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part"
one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
To go away; to depart; to take leave; to quit each other; hence, to die; often with from
A parametric solid that has been saved and assigned a name for use in an assembly
private parts
Your private parts are your genitals. = privates. The external organs of sex and excretion. the sex organs - used when you want to avoid naming them directly
private parts
external genitalia (Slang)
privy parts
private parts, genitals, sex organs
spare parts
extra parts used for replacements
strip into spare parts
disassemble into replacement parts
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение parts в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

(Tıp) parturition
edep yeri private parts
(of a person)

    Турецкое произношение



    /ˈpärts/ /ˈpɑːrts/


    [ pärt ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old French and Old English, both from Latin part-, pars; perhaps akin to Latin parare to prepare; more at PARE.


    ... moving parts. ...
    ... either sued or go to jail. But other parts of the system, you know, it's probably okay ...