Online Public Access Catalog, a library term for the catalog to books and periodicals owned by that library The OPAC replaces the older 'card catalog'
An acronym which stands for Online Public Access Catalogue, a computer catalogue of the books and other materials owned by a library It is increasingly common for OPACs to serve as the gateway to the online catalogues of other libraries, online periodical indexes and other databases, and the World Wide Web
Online Public Access Catalog STAR GATEWAY, the text-based in-house catalog, and the web catalog, DRA WEB2, are OPACs
Online Public Access Catalog: provides access to the library's holdings via a computer monitor, replacing the traditional card catalog May also be called a PAC (Public Access Catalog)
Online Public Access Catalog Any electronic library catalog that can be used by library patrons
[Online Public Access Catalog] Any electronically accessible version of a library's card catalog
Online Public Access Catalog, a term used to describe any type of computerized library catalog
Online public access catalog BobCat is the OPAC for NYU and the Consortium (except law and medical libraries)
Acronym for Online Public Access Catalog OPAC is an online catalog of a library collection that is available to the public Today most libraries make their OPAC publicly accessible via the Web
Online Public Access Catalog, sometimes referred to as library catalog A computer catalog of the books and other materials owned by a library or group of libraries The LINCC library network provides an OPAC that contains the holdings of 28 Florida public community college libraries Most OPACs are accessible from the Internet