Hayır, onu almıyorum.
- Nope, I'm not buying it.
Their story, as written by Daniel Gookin in 1674, is worth repeating: At the island of Nope, or Martha's Vineyard, about the year 1649, one of the first .
Nope, an old name for the bullfinch used by Drayton (Wright), is a corrupt form for an ope, otherwise spelt aupe, olp, or alpe (Prompt.Parv.).
The sexton seemed reluctant to resume his old duties, remarking -- Be I to nope Mr. M on the head if I catches him asleep?.
I'll fetch thee a nope.
Nope. Don't know as I do.
While Yeah occurs very frequently in casual talk, No and its conversational derivatives of nope, naw, nup, etc. are relatively infrequent.
... nope ...
... And that leaf is, nope, it's not possible. ...