The most severe form of acne lesion, a nodule is a large, deep-seated, pus-filled, often painful lump Acne with nodules often results in permanent scarring and requires treatment by a physician Sometimes called an acne "cyst "
a small node or knob-like area of tissue; in rheumatoid arthritis patients may develop rheumatoid nodules especially over the forearms which are often associated with a more aggressive form of arthritis
Small somewhat rounded object, usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment in which it is found
A small solid collection of tissue that can be felt A nodule may be present at any level in the skin
A small, hard node that can be felt by touch (onchocerciasis, coenurosis, cysticercosis, myiasis)
a small node (mineralogy) a small rounded lump of mineral substance (usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment) small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
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