
listen to the pronunciation of neutron
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Her tür atomun içinde protonlar, nötronlar ve elektronlar denilen belirli benzersiz parçacıkları vardır. - Each kind of atom has a certain unique number of particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons in it.

Atomlar proton, nötron ve elektronlardan oluşmaktadır. - Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

atomun elektriksel bakımdan nötr bir parçası
(isim) nötron
(Tıp) Atomu nyüksüz bir parçası, nötron
neutron bomb
nötron bombası
neutron density
nötron yoğunluğu
neutron number
nötron sayısı
neutron radiation
nötron radyasyonu
Neutron radiation
(Kimya) Nötron ışıması

Neutron radiation is the diffusion of Neutrons from the radioactive nucleus.

neutron absorption
nötron emilimi
neutron absorption
nötron absorpsiyonu, nötron sogurumu
neutron balance
nötron dengesi
neutron capture
nötron yakalaması, nötron kapımı
neutron detection
nötron deteksiyonu
neutron diffraction
nötron kirinimi
neutron diffusion
nötron yayılması
neutron energy
nötron enerjisi
neutron excess
nötron fazlalığı
neutron flux
nötron akışı
neutron gun
nötron tabancası
neutron hardening
nötron sertlestirmesi
neutron multiplication
nötron çoğaltımı
neutron number density
nötron sayı yoğunluğu
neutron shield
nötron kalkanı
neutron source
nötron kaynağı
neutron spectrometer
nötron spektrometresi
neutron star
(Astronomi) nötron yıldızı
neutron temperature
nötron sıcaklığı
neutron absorber
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron soğurucu
neutron absorption
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron soğurulması
neutron absorption
(Fizik) nötron soğurumu
neutron absorption
(Fizik) nötron soğurması
neutron absorption
(Fizik) nötron absorpsiyonu
neutron absorption cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron soğurma (tesir) kesiti
neutron activation analysis
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron ışırlık çözümlemesi
neutron age
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron çağı
neutron albedo
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron albedosu
neutron beam irradiation
(Tıp) nötron ışınlaması
neutron bombardment
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron bombardımanı
neutron capture
(Çevre,Fizik) nötron yakalaması
neutron capture
(Fizik) nötron kapımı
neutron capture therapy
(Tıp) bir çeşit nötron tedavisi
neutron chain reaction
(Çevre) nötron zincirleme reaksiyonu
neutron converter
nötron çevirici
neutron current density
(Fizik) nötron akım yoğunluğu
neutron cycle
nötron yaşam süresi
neutron cycle
nötron çevrimi
neutron diffraction
(Fizik) nötron kırılımı
neutron diffusion
(Fizik) nötron yayılımı
neutron diffusion
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron yayınımı,nötron difuzyonu
neutron dynamics
(Çevre) nötron dinamiği
neutron economy
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron ekonomisi
neutron energy group
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron enerji grubu
neutron excess
(Fizik) nötron fazlası
neutron flux
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron akısı
neutron flux
nötron flüksü
neutron flux
(Nükleer Bilimler) akı, nötron
neutron flux density
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron akı yoğunluğu
neutron flux measurements
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron akı ölçümleri
neutron generation
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron nesli
neutron generation
(Çevre) nötron üretimi
neutron generation time
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron nesli ömrü
neutron generator
(Çevre,Fizik) nötron jeneratörü
neutron generator
(Fizik) nötron üreteci
neutron hardening
(Fizik) nötron sertleştirmesi
neutron hardening
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron sertleşmesi
neutron initiator
(Çevre) nötron başlatıcısı
neutron leakage
(Çevre) nötron sızması
neutron moderator
(Çevre) nötron dinlendiricisi
neutron moisture gauge
(Çevre) nötron nem ölçme cihazı
neutron monitoring system
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron ölçme sistemi
neutron multiplication
(Fizik) nötron çoğalması
neutron multiplication
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron çoğalması,nötron çoğaltması
neutron number density
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron yoğunluğu
neutron optics
(Fizik) nötron optiği
neutron poison
(Çevre) nötron zehri
neutron polarization
(Fizik) nötron ucaylanması
neutron polarization
(Fizik) nötron polarizasyonu
neutron producer
nötron jeneratörü
neutron producer
nötron üreteci
neutron producer
nötron üreticisi
neutron radiography
nötron radyografisi
neutron scattering
(Fizik) nötron saçılması
neutron spectroscopy
(Fizik) nötron spektroskopisi
neutron spectrum
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron tayfı
neutron yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron verimi
neutron yield per absorption
(Nükleer Bilimler) soğurulma başına nötron verimi
neutron yield per fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) fizyon başına nötron verimi
c neutron
c tipi nötron
cold neutron
soğuk nötron
intermediate neutron
ara nötron
latent neutron
gizli nötron
lethargy of a neutron
nötronun doğal logaritması
slow neutron
yavaş nötron
virgin neutron
eldeğmemiş nötron
delayed neutron
gecikmiş nötron
epithermal neutron
epitermik nötron
fast neutron
hızlı nötron
thermal neutron
termik nötron, ışıl nötron
virgin neutron
eldegmemis nötron
cold neutron source
(Nükleer Bilimler) soğuk nötron kaynağı
conserving neutron
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron tasarrufu
delayed neutron
(Nükleer Bilimler) geciktirilmiş nötron,gecikmiş nötron
delayed neutron
(Çevre,Fizik) gecikmeli nötron
delayed neutron fraction
(Nükleer Bilimler) gecikmiş nötron kesri,gecikmiş nötron oranı
delayed neutron fraction
gecikmeli nötron kesri
delayed neutron precursor
(Nükleer Bilimler) gecikmiş nötron öncüsü
effective delayed neutron fraction
(Nükleer Bilimler) etkin gecikmiş nötron kesri
fission neutron
(Fizik) fisyon nötronu
integrated neutron flux
(Çevre) nötron akışı entegrali
leakage neutron
kaçak nötron
prompt neutron
(Nükleer Bilimler) ani nötron
prompt neutron fraction
ani nötron kesiri
prompt neutron fraction
(Nükleer Bilimler) ani nötron kesri
prompt neutron lifetime
(Nükleer Bilimler) ani nötron ömrü
resonance neutron
(Fizik) rezonans nötronu
resonance neutron
(Fizik) çınlanım nötronu
thermal neutron
(Nükleer Bilimler) termal nötron
thermal neutron
ısıl nötron
thermal neutron reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık nötron reaktörü
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and having no charge; it is a combination of an up quark and two down quarks

Symbol: n.

Neutrons, which have no electrical charge, and protons, which have positive charge, are the particles which make up the nuclei of atoms
One of the basic particles which make up an atom A neutron and a proton have about the same weight, but the neutron has no electrical charge
A neutral particle (baryon) consisting of two down and oneup quarks which is found in and makesup the atomic nucleus
a nuclear particle with a charge of zero and a mass number of one amu
A particle with no charge that is located in the nucleus of an atom
A basic particle in an atom's nucleus that has a neutral electrical charge
subatomic particle with zero charge (neutral charge) that is found in the nucleus of an atom It is slightly more massive than the positively-charged proton
A elementary partice that has is found in the nucleus of all atoms except the hydrogen atom They are uncharged particles and have a mass nearly equal to that of a proton
an uncharged sub-atomic particle, with a mass nearly equal to that of a proton Present in the nucleus of all atoms except hydrogen
An electrically neutral elementary particle A neutron is 1839 times heavier than an electron
A particle having no charge that is a constituent of an atom It has a mass similar to a proton
A neutron is an atomic particle that has no electrical charge. Each atomic cluster is made up of neutrons and protons. a part of an atom that has no electrical charge (Probably from neutral). One of the constituent particles of every atomic nucleus except ordinary hydrogen. Discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick (1891-1974), it has no electric charge and has nearly 1,840 times the mass of the electron. Free neutrons undergo beta decay with a half-life of about 10 minutes. Thus, they are not readily found in nature, except in cosmic rays. They are a penetrating form of radiation. When bombarded with neutrons, various elements undergo nuclear fission and release more free neutrons. If enough free neutrons are produced, a chain reaction can be sustained. This process led to the development of nuclear power as well as the atomic bomb. Neutron beams produced in cyclotrons and nuclear reactors are important probes of matter, revealing details of structure in both organic and inorganic susbtances
An uncharged elementary particle found in the nucleus of every atom except hydrogen Solitary mobile neutrons travelling at various speeds originate from fission reactions Slow (thermal) neutrons can in turn readily cause fission in nuclei of "fissile" isotopes, e g U-235, Pu-239, U-233; and fast neutrons can cause fission in nuclei of "fertile" isotopes such as U-238, Pu-239 Sometimes atomic nuclei simply capture neutrons
a fundamental particle with approximately the mass of a proton, but zero charge, commonly found in the nucleus of atoms
A particle found in the nucleus of an atom It is almost identical in mass to a proton, but carries no electric charge
Neutrons are heavy nuclear particles with no electrical charge and approximately the same mass as protons With protons, they are the principal components of atomic nuclei They are composed of two "down" quarks and one "up" quark
{i} elementary particle in atomic nuclei which has no electrical charge (Physics)
Atomic sub-particle found in the nucleus of an atom This particle is similar in mass to a proton but does not have an electromagnetic charge
A neutral elementary particle that occurs in the nuclei of elements (except ordinary hydrogen) Free neutrons decay into a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino A neutron is about 1,838 times heavier than an electron
A particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom, has a mass approximately equal to that of a proton, and has no electric charge
A subatomic particle with a mass of about 1 amu and no charge
A common neutral particle equal in size to a proton, often found in the nucleus of atoms Composed of two down quarks and one up quark
A particle that may be emitted from the nucleus of atoms and carries no electrical charge
An unchanged elementary particle that has a mass nearly equal to that of the PROTON and is present in all known atomic nuclei except the HYDROGEN nucleus
A particle that appears in the nucleus of all atoms except hydrogen Neutrons are one of three basic particles that make up the atom Neutrons have no electrical charge
An elementary particle which has approximately the same mass as a proton but no electrical charge and is a constituent of all nuclei having a mass number greater than one
One of the three basic atomic particles The neutron weighs about the same as the proton and, as its name implies, has no charge Neutrons make effective atomic projectiles See also: Electron, Proton
an elementary particle with 0 charge and mass about equal to a proton; enters into the structure of the atomic nucleus
neutron bomb
An atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons, and a lesser amount of blast; the intention being to destroy life but not infrastructure
neutron bombs
plural form of neutron bomb
neutron diffraction
The interference process which occurs when neutrons are scattered by the atoms within solids, liquids and gases
neutron drip line
The jagged line, on a chart showing the number of protons and neutrons of all known isotopes, beyond which neutron-rich nuclei are unstable and emit neutrons
neutron flux
The number of neutrons passing through one square centimeter of a given target in one second
neutron fluxes
plural form of neutron flux
neutron interferometer
a device capable of diffracting neutrons and studying their wavelike characteristics
neutron number
The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom or isotope
neutron numbers
plural form of neutron number
neutron optics
the general field of study that employs the wavelike character of neutrons
neutron radiation
A form of non-ionizing radiation consisting of free neutrons
neutron scattering
any of several techniques that use the wavelike behaviour of neutrons as a scientific probe
neutron spectrometry
the field of study in which neutrons are used as a probe for measuring the excited states of nuclides
neutron star
A degenerate star that has been so collapsed by gravity that its electrons and protons have been merged into neutrons by the intense pressure. The solid mass of neutrons is sometimes called neutronium
neutron stars
plural form of neutron star
Having a large ratio of neutrons to protons
Attributive form of neutron star, noun
Neutron radiation
Neutron radiation is a kind of ionizing radiation which consists of free neutrons. A result of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, it consists of the release of free neutrons from atoms, and these free neutrons react with nuclei of other atoms to form new isotopes, which, in turn, may produce radiation. This will result in a chain reaction of nuclear radiation, which makes radiation dangerous and harmful over great areas of space
neutron bomb
hydrogen bomb that releases radioactive neutrons
neutron bomb
atom bomb that produces lethal neutrons with less blast
neutron bomb
A neutron bomb is a nuclear weapon that is designed to kill people and animals without a large explosion and without destroying buildings or causing serious radioactive pollution. A nuclear bomb that would produce great numbers of neutrons but little blast and thus destroy life but spare property. a type of nuclear bomb that kills people but is not intended to cause much damage to buildings, roads etc. or enhanced radiation warhead Small thermonuclear weapon that produces minimal blast and heat but releases large amounts of lethal radiation. The blast and heat are confined to a radius of only a few hundred yards; within a somewhat larger area, the bomb throws off a massive wave of neutron and gamma radiation, which is extremely destructive to living tissue. Such a bomb could be used with deadly efficiency against tank and infantry formations on the battlefield without endangering towns or cities only a few miles away. It can be carried in a missile or delivered by a howitzer or even an attack aircraft
neutron flux
the rate of flow of neutrons; the number of neutrons passing through a unit area in unit time
neutron radiation
radiation of neutrons (as by a neutron bomb)
neutron star
a type of collapsed star
neutron star
A dense ball of neutrons that remains at the core of a star after a supernova explosion has destroyed the rest of the star Typical neutron stars are about 20 km across, and contain more mass than the Sun
neutron star
A compressed star More so, it's a star that is comprised of a few solar masses but they are packed into about 10km of space The density is so high that the matter is only stable as a fluid of neutrons Some predictions say that this object's surface might be as hot as the inside of the sun
neutron star
A compressed core of an exploded star made up almost entirely of neutrons Neutron stars have a strong gravitational field and some emit pulses of energy along their axis These are known as pulsars
neutron star
A compact star with a radius of about 10 km and a mass of about 1 5 times that of our Sun A neutron star internally supports itself against gravity by pressure from the strong nuclear force between neutrons, which are uncharged elementary particles commonly found in the nuclei of atoms
neutron star
The imploded core of a massive star remaining after a supernova explosion Contains about the mass of the Sun in less than a trillionth of the Sun's volume
neutron star
A small and highly dense star consisting of neutrons and is the remains of a massive star that exploded as a supernova
neutron star
an extremely dense star made up of neutrons A stage of a huge star when it dies
neutron star
A star that has collapsed to the point at which it is supported by neutron degeneracy
neutron star
the collapsed core for an intermediate to high-mass star The core is more than 1 4 solar masses but less than 3 solar masses and is about the diameter of a city The pressure from degenerate neutrons prevents further collapse
neutron star
A collapsed star of extremely high density Generally these objects have slightly more mass than the Sun, but are only about 10 km in radius A neutron star has intense gravity, and may also have an intense magnetic field and fast rotational component
neutron star
A compact stellar object that is supported against collapse under self-gravity by the degeneracy pressure of the neutrons of which it is primarily composed Neutron stars are believed to be formed as the end products of the evolution of stars of mass greater than a few (4-10) solar masses
neutron star
one of the possible endpoints of a star's life A neutron star is a star that has collapsed to a very dense soup of neutrons They are about 10 km in diameter
neutron star
A neutron star is a star that has collapsed under the weight of its own gravity. A celestial body consisting of the superdense remains of a massive star that has collapsed with sufficient force to push all of its electrons into the nuclei that they orbit, thus leaving only neutrons, and having a powerful gravitational attraction from which only neutrinos and high-energy photons can escape, rendering the body detectable only by x-ray. Any of a class of extremely dense, compact stars thought to be composed mainly of neutrons with a thin outer atmosphere of primarily iron atoms and electrons and protons. Though typically about 12 mi (20 km) in diameter, they have a mass roughly twice the Sun's and thus extremely high densities (about 100 trillion times that of water). Neutron stars have very strong magnetic fields. A solid surface differentiates them from black holes. Below the surface, the pressure is much too high for individual atoms to exist; protons and electrons are compacted together into neutrons. The discovery of pulsars in 1967 provided the first evidence of the existence of neutron stars, predicted in the early 1930s and believed by most investigators to be formed in supernova explosions. See also white dwarf star
neutron star
Gravitationally collapsed star of very small dimensions and enormously high density, composed mainly of neutrons that may be the core remnant of a supernova
neutron star
The imploded core of a massive star produced by a supernova explosion (typical mass of 1 4 times the mass of the sun, radius of about 5 miles, density of a neutron ) According to astronomer and author Frank Shu, "A sugarcube of neutron-star stuff on Earth would weigh as much as all of humanity! This illustrates again how much of humanity is empty space " Neutron stars can be observed as pulsars
neutron star
n the core of a sun that went supernova
neutron star
A small, extremely dense star made primarily of neutrons, with a radius of approximately 10 kilometers
neutron star
A neutron star is composed of neutrons so that's density is about the same as that of an atomic nucleus -- an enormous density A mass of about 1 4 solar masses is packed into a sphere whose diameter is about 10 km Neutron stars are formed as the remnant core of a supernova See NASA's description
neutron star
a star that has collapsed under its own gravity; it is composed of neutrons
neutron star
A cold star, supported by the exclusion principle repulsion between neutrons
neutron star
A crushed remnant left over when a very massive star explodes Made almost entirely of neutrons (subatomic particles with no electric charge), these stellar corpses pack about twice as much mass as there is in the Sun into a sphere only about 10 kilometers across A teaspoonful of their material would weigh more than all the automobiles in the United States put together Some neutron stars are known to spin very rapidly, at least at the beginning, and can be detected as "pulsars'': rapidly flashing sources of radio radiation or visible light The pulses are produced by the spinning of the neutron star, much like a spinning lighthouse beacon appears to flash on and off
neutron star
A very small, dense star that is so tightly packed together that the protons and electrons have been compressed to form neutrons
neutron star
the remnant of a high-mass star The gravity of these stars is strong enough to knock the electrons out of their orbit and into the nucleus of the atoms There, they form with protons to form neutrons The structure of the nucleus is strong enough to resist any further gravitational collapse
free neutron
A neutron not bound in an atomic nucleus
thermal neutron
A relatively slow-moving neutron whose energy is governed by the temperature of its environment
plural of neutron
slow neutron
A neutron in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding medium, especially one produced by fission and slowed by a moderator. Also called thermal neutron
thermal neutron analyzer
A device that detects explosives by sensing gamma radiation given off when nitrogen in the explosive is bombarded with and absorbs low-energy neutrons. It is used, for example, for bomb detection in airports

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    /ˈno͞oˌträn/ /ˈnuːˌtrɑːn/


    [ 'nü-"trän, 'nyü ] (noun.) 1932. probably from neutral.


    ... all the stars will blink out, they'll be dead stars, neutron stars, black holes.  Stars ...