Bu olumlu fırsattan yararlandım.
- I availed myself of this favorable opportunity.
Bu fırsattan yararlansan iyi olur.
- You had better avail yourself of this opportunity.
Utangaçlığımı atlatmaya çalıştım, ama boşuna.
- I have tried to overcome my shyness, but to no avail.
Tekrar denedim ama boşuna.
- I tried again, but to no avail.
Farmers today use technology not available to their forebears, to maximise yields from their crops and livestock.
- Landwirte nutzen heutzutage Technologien zur Ertragssteigerung bei Feldbau und Tierhaltung, die ihren Vorfahren noch nicht zur Verfügung standen.
You should avail yourself of the chance to go abroad.
- Du solltest die Gelegenheit, ins Ausland zu gehen, nutzen.
This may be of use to you.
- Dies kann für Sie von Nutzen sein.