ml is a written abbreviation for millilitre or millilitres. Boil the sugar and 100 ml of water. Mali (in Internet addresses). Malachi. milliliter. ml mls the written abbreviation of millilitre or millilitres
narrow money or transactions money; coins and notes and money placed in current accounts
A measure of the strain energy released by an earthquake within 100 kilometers of its epicenter Strictly defined by Charles Richter as the base-10 logarithm of the amplitude, in microns, of the largest trace deflection that would be observed on a standard torsion seismograph at a distance of 100 km from the epicenter
local magnitude, the original scale defined by Richter and Gutenberg based on the maximum amplitude of the waves The best fit for earthquakes between magnitudes 2 5 and 6 It is determined on several types of instruments, including synthetic Wood-Anderson from digital broad-band instruments and electronically simulated Wood-Anderson from low-gain short-period instruments
local magnitude, the original scale defined by Richter and Gutenbergbased on the maximum amplitude of the waves
millilitre; metric unit for measuring volume (one thousandth of a litre); same as cc (cubic centimeter)
Cross tee end detail is a "hook" insertion contrasted with the XL that is "stab" insertion The ML end detail is quick and easy to install; however, it does not meet most seismic requirements greater than Zone 2
Milliliter is a metric unit of capacity, equal in volume to 1 cubic centimeter (cc), or approximately one-sixteenth of a cubic inch One-thousandth of a liter
inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity