medical examiner's report

listen to the pronunciation of medical examiner's report
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Sigorta) tıbbi muayene raporu
medical report
(Tıp) doktor raporu
medical report
tıbbi rapor
medical report
(Askeri) SAĞLIK RAPORU: Hasta ve yaralı personel veya herhangi bir sıhhi vaka hakkında yetkililerce hazırlanan tıbbi rapor
medical report
sağlık raporu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
medical report
An official account or record of a person's health and medical history
medical report
The portion of an insurance application designed to be completed by both the proposed insured and a physician A physician records the proposed insured's answers to health history questions and records the results of a medical examination given to the proposed insured In life insurance, the medical report is known as Part II of the insurance application See also paramedical report and Part II
medical report
a report of the results of a medical examination of a patient
medical report
A report on a proposed insured's health that is completed by a physician and is based on a physical examination and questioning of the proposed insured Such a medical report serves as part of a medical application
medical report
A physician's report on the insured's health
medical examiner's report

    Расстановка переносов

    me·di·cal examiner's re·port

    Турецкое произношение

    medıkıl egzämınırz ripôrt


    /ˈmedəkəl egˈzamənərz rēˈpôrt/ /ˈmɛdəkəl ɛɡˈzæmənɜrz riːˈpɔːrt/