
listen to the pronunciation of literally
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bu abartmasız ve mecazi olarak harikulade. - This is literally and figuratively out of this world.

harfi harfine

Metni harfi harfine çevirdi. - She translated the text literally.

Onu harfi harfine almayın. O abartma eğilimindedir. - Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.


Motomot -kelime kelime çevirmek, çevirideki en yaygın hatalardan biridir. - One of the most widespread errors in translating is to translate too literally – word by word.


Onun söylediğini tam olarak anladım. - I took what she said literally.

Şehir varlığını tam anlamıyla Mussolini'ye mi borçlu? - Does the city literally owe its existence to Mussolini?

asıl itibariyle
kelime kelime

Barbie bebeğine benzemek Mary'nin en büyük dileğiydi. Kötü cin bu dileği çok harfiyen yorumladı. - It was Mary's greatest wish to look just like her Barbie doll. The evil genie interpreted this wish too literally.

Onun görüşlerini harfiyen almayın. - Don't take his remarks too literally.

genel anlamıyla
düz olarak
kelimesi kelimesine

Ben İngilizceden Japoncaya kelimesi kelimesine tercüme yapmadım. - I didn't literally translate from English into Japanese.


O gerçekten hayatımı mahvedebilir. - That could literally ruin my life.

Canavarın gerçekten kafasının arkasında gözleri vardı. Bu gerçekten ürperticiydi! - The monster literally had eyes in the back of its head. It was really creepy!

tam olarak

Onun söylediğini tam olarak anladım. - I took what she said literally.

Sos yapmak tam olarak bir dakika sürer. - It takes literally a minute to make the sauce.

düz/tam olarak
(zarf) harfi harfine
söze göre
kelimesi kelimesine

O, cümlelerin kelimesi kelimesine anlamını açıkladı. - He explained the literal meaning of the sentences.

Kelimesi kelimesine çeviriler işe yaramaz. - Literal translations don't work.

{s} tam

Berbat safra kesesi ameliyatından sonra, hasta hem mecazi olarak hem de kelimenin tam anlamıyla, safra ile doluydu. - After the botched gallbladder surgery, the patient was filled with bile, both figuratively and literally.

O, ifadenin tam anlamını açıkladı. - He explained the literal meaning of the phrase.

düz anlamlı
harfi harfine

Metni harfi harfine çevirdi. - She translated the text literally.

Onu harfi harfine almayın. O abartma eğilimindedir. - Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.

kalıp deyim
(Dilbilim) bağımlı
(Bilgisayar) sözcüğü sözcüğüne
(Kanun) tahriri
mecazi değil
(Bilgisayar) doğru

Onlar bir edebi çeviri ekleyebilirler. - They can add a literal translation.

Edebi bir çeviri ekleyebilirsin. - You can add a literal translation.

(Aİ) bkz.litre

Bir metreküp, 1000 litreye karşılık gelmektedir. - A cubic meter corresponds to 1000 liters.

Benzin litre ile satılır. - Gasoline is sold by the liter.

(isim) litre
litre litre

Barbie bebeğine benzemek Mary'nin en büyük dileğiydi. Kötü cin bu dileği çok harfiyen yorumladı. - It was Mary's greatest wish to look just like her Barbie doll. The evil genie interpreted this wish too literally.

Onu harfi harfine almayın. O abartma eğilimindedir. - Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.

{s} gerçek

O, cümlenin gerçek anlamını açıklar. - She explains the literal meaning of the sentence.

Ben şimdi gerçekten ağlıyorum. - I am literally crying right now.

{s} basım
literalist : harfi harfine açıklayan veya tercüme eden kimse
{s} abartısız
hazır bilgi
(Askeri) HAZIR BİLGİ: Bir bilgi referansı olmaktan ziyade, kendisi bilgi olan kaynak programı içindeki bir simge veya nicelik
kelimesi kelimesine tercüme eden
literalismharfi harfine açıklama taraftarlığı
{s} gerçekçi
{s} aslına uygun

Aslına uygun bir çeviri ekleyebilirsin. - You can add a literal translation.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Word for word; not as an idiom or metaphor

When I saw on the news that there would be no school tomorrow because of the snowstorm, I literally jumped for joy, and hit my head on the ceiling fan.

Used as a generic downtoner: just

You literally put it in the microwave for five minutes and it's done.

Simply; with reference to the first meaning of a word

Ants got into my computer and literally scrambled my data: Bugs were in my hardware.

Figuratively; used as an intensifier: really, very

You literally become the ball in a tennis match, you become the report that you are working on.

{a} with close adherence to the words
In the direct, word for word sense. With neither idiom nor metaphor
emphasis You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising. Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people I literally crawled to the car
in a literal sense; "literally translated"; "he said so literally"
If you take something literally, you think that a word or expression is being used with its most simple or basic meaning. If you tell a person to `step on it' or `throw on your coat,' they may take you literally, with disastrous consequences
in a literal sense; "literally translated"; "he said so literally
If a word or expression is translated literally, its most simple or basic meaning is translated. The word `volk' translates literally as `folk' A stanza is, literally, a room
According to the primary and natural import of words; not figuratively; as, a man and his wife can not be literally one flesh
emphasis You can use literally to emphasize a statement. Some careful speakers of English think that this use is incorrect. We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up The views are literally breath-taking
Really, as an intensifier
(intensifier before a figurative expression) without exaggeration; "our eyes were literally pinned to TV during the Gulf war"
With close adherence to words; word by word
word for word; in a literal manner; accurately; actually, virtually
(intensifier before a figurative expression) without exaggeration; "our eyes were literally pinned to TV during the Gulf war" in a literal sense; "literally translated"; "he said so literally
US spelling of litre: One cubic decimeter
Exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation; according to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical

The literal translation is “hands full of bananas” but it means empty-handed.

A value, as opposed to an identifier, written into the source code of a computer program
following the exact words
{a} according to the letter, plain, exact
{n} the literal plain meaning
022 cubic inches, or 2
or L - the metric measure of capacity, slightly more than a quart (1 057 quarts = 1 liter)
a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury or approximately 1
76 pints
The basic unit of measurement for volume in the metric system; equal to 61 025 cubic inches or 1 0567 liquid quarts
A metric unit of volume One U S quart is about 0 9 liter One liter equals 1000 cubic centimeters
volume of one kilogram of water, 61 05 cubic inches
{i} metric unit of capacity
Basic unit of volume in the metric system
A measure of capacity One quart equals 9 liter
The basic metric unit of volume; 3 785 liters equals one U S gallon One liter of water weighs 1000 grams
metric measure of volume used for medium amounts -- "How many loads of laundry can be done with a 3 9 liter bottle of detergent?" (233)
Metric unit of volume 1 liter equals 1000 cm³ One liter is approximately 1 quart
113 American pints, or 1
76 English pints
Standard volume of measure in the metric system (used throughout the world for wine) 1 liter = 1 054 U S quarts; 1 U S gallon = 3 785 liters
see litre. the American spelling of litre (litre, from litra, a measure, from , a weight)
The fundamental unit of volume in the metric system The volume of 1000 grams of water at 4oC
A unit of capacity in the metric system Where service station pumps are calibrated in liters, the number of liters should be divided by 3 785 to arrive at the number of gallons
misspelling of lighter
The basic metric unit of volume; 3 785 liters equal 1 U S gallon; 1 liter of water weighs 1000 grams
A measure of capacity in the metric system, being a cubic decimeter, equal to 61
A unit of measurement in the metric system A liter (L) measures volume, and is about equal to the volume of water in a cube 10 centimeters on every side
The basic metric unit of volume; 3,785 liters equals 1 U S gallon; 1 liter of water weights 1000 grams
The liter is the standard unit of volume in the metric system
volume of water that weighs 1 kg; 1 0567 quarts
a standard metric measure of volume slightly larger than a quart
A special name for the cubic decimeter Symbol: L
Defined as exactly 1000 cm3
Metric unit of volume equivalent to 1 057 quarts of liquid One gallon is equivalent to about 4 liters
An SI unit of volume One liter equals 10-3 cubic meters (A liter also equals (1) 1 000 cubic centimeters; (2) 0 035 31 cubic feet; (3) 61 02 cubic inches; (4) 1 308 x 10-3 cubic yard; (5) 0 2642 U S liquid gallon; (6) 1 057 U S quarts; or (7) 0 2050 Imperial gallons )
a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1 76 pints)
unit of volume 1 L = 1000 cm3
The basic representation of any integer, floating point, or character value For example, 3 0 is a double-precision floating point literal, and "a" is a character literal
The literal sense of a word or phrase is its most basic sense. In many cases, the people there are fighting, in a literal sense, for their homes
The ordinary, straight-forward lexical (dictionary) meaning of a word or expression Sometimes used in contrast to a figurative interpretation, sometimes including figurative interpretation
A simple value, like 7, 32 6, or ``Hello!'' Like variables, literals have types (the examples above are an int, a double, and a String), but unlike variables, they do not have names and they cannot be modified So it makes no sense to write 7 = x + 2;, because you cannot assign a new value to the literal 7
A constant whose name is the written representation of its value
The basic representation for the value of any integer, floating point, boolean, character, or String value For example, 3 0 is a double-precision floating point literal (double), 3 0f is a single-precision floating point literal (float), 'a' is a character literal (char), and "Have a great day!" is a string literal Note: representation is context dependant so the char 'a' would be 97 if cast to an int For example, 'a' - 'A' is 32 To place a double quote inside a string literal one must use an escape sequence so the compiler does not confuse the interior double quotes with the quotes terminating the string literal
The basic representation of any integer, floating point, or character value For example, 3 0 is a single-precision floating point literal, and `a' is a character literal
A Java expression to be read literally, i e , at face value Only the primitive types plus strings have corresponding literal expressions See the sidebar on Java Primitive Types in the chapter on Things, Types, and Names
(of a translation) corresponding word for word with the original; "literal translation of the article"; "an awkward word-for-word translation"
limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text; "a literal translation"
A kind of token, used for the value of a type Java allows us to specify literals for the primitive types int, double, boolean, and char; and for the reference/class type String
emphasis If you describe something as the literal truth or a literal fact, you are emphasizing that it is true. He was saying no more than the literal truth
Following the letter or exact words; not free; not taking liberties
According to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical; as, the literal meaning of a phrase
A string, a number, or a date which directly represents a constant value 'XYZ123', '1234' and '6/10/57' are examples of a string literal, a numeric literal and a date literal, respectively
(Performance Tuning Guide and Reference; search in this book)
A literal or "appropriate literal" is the value of any given metadata entity that can be either a hyperlink or a string value (literal) A literal affords a great deal of flexibility and power, but increases complexity Metadata should as well include an appropriate literal that reflects the base value of the metadata entity For example, in these fragments: creator = "Public, John Q " creator = " http: //authority org/public-john-q-1234" the first has a value expressed as an appropriate literal whereas the second has a (hypothetical) link to an authority structure It is not entirely clear what a person or application will find at the end of the link, so the metadata should contain an appropriate literal for simple discovery purposes
An object that can be created by the compiler A literal can be a number, a character string, a single character, a symbol, or an array All literals are unique: two literals with the same value refer to the same object The object created by a literal is read-only: it cannot be changed
You use literal to describe someone who uses or understands words in a plain and simple way. Dennis is a very literal person
An object with a text representation from which a duplicate can be constructed by the compiler A literal can be a number, a character string, a single character, a symbol, or an array Literals are either immutable, or should be treated as such
{s} verbatim, following the letter or exact words of the original, word for word; factual; accurate; relating to or expressed in letters
(1) In programming languages, a lexical unit that represents a value given by the characters themselves; for example, 7 represents the integer 7, APRIL represents the string of characters APRIL, 3 0005E2 represents the number 300 05 (2) A symbol or a quantity in a source program that is itself data, rather than a reference to data IBM See constant
Consisting of, or expressed by, letters
Following the letter or exact words; not free
lacking stylistic embellishment; "a literal description"; "wrote good but plain prose"; "a plain unadorned account of the coronation"; "a forthright unembellished style
Literal meaning
of the clearest kind; usually used for emphasis; "it's the literal truth"; "a matter of investment, pure and simple"
a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind
Text in a field which appears as typed In the Design View, this text is surrounded by quotation marks
Consisting of or expressed by, letters
1 a representation of a specific value of a specific type such as literal int values represented by a sequence of digits or a String literal represented by a sequence of symbols surronded by quotation marks
A character-string whose value is implied by the ordered set of characters comprising the string
A representation of a value of a particular type, as with integer literals (e g 123) or string literals (e g "xyzzy")
any error in typesetting or word processing of text, usually in incorrect spelling
A value that identifies an entity that is not an object Literals can be categorized as follows: Integer literals--one or more digits Character literals--one or more characters Floating-point literals--an integer, decimal point, fraction, an e or E, and an optionally signed integer exponent String literals--a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed within double quotes
without interpretation or embellishment; "a literal translation of the scene before him"
(Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
A literal represents a value literally, that is, by means of letters and other characters A literal is either a numeric literal, an enumeration literal, a character literal, or a string literal
A character representation of an actual data value in an SQL statement
A literal translation is one in which you translate each word of the original work rather than giving the meaning of each expression or sentence using words that sound natural. A literal translation of the name Tapies is `walls.'
without interpretation or embellishment; "a literal translation of the scene before him" (of a translation) corresponding word for word with the original; "literal translation of the article"; "an awkward word-for-word translation" limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text; "a literal translation" of the clearest kind; usually used for emphasis; "it's the literal truth"; "a matter of investment, pure and simple" lacking stylistic embellishment; "a literal description"; "wrote good but plain prose"; "a plain unadorned account of the coronation"; "a forthright unembellished style
Characters that should be displayed as they were typed, without any translation of codes
being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G K Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"
Giving a strict or literal construction; unimaginative; matter-of-fact; applied to persons
n | a -- compile a number or address on the stack into the current definition