The total number of days a participant stays in a facility such as a hospital Lifetime Maximum Maximum amount of benefits available to a member during their lifetime All benefits furnished are subject to this maximum unless stated as unlimited
The period within the service duration delimited by entry to and exit from a service
The length of stay of a patient is calculated by subtracting the date the patient is admitted from the date of separation All leave days, including the day the patient went on leave, are excluded from the calculation A same-day patient is allocated a length of stay of one day (NHDC 1998) Major Diagnostic Category (MDC)
LOS is a term used by insurance companies, case managers and/or employers to describe the amount of time an individual stays in a hospital or in-patient facility ''
is the number of days a patient spends in the hospital LOS can indicate the efficiency of hospital care, as well as be an indicator of effective planning for discharge
The number of days, counted from the day of admission to the day of discharge, that a plan member is confined to a hospital or other facility for each admission
The total number of days a participant stays in a facility such as a hospital (H)