Определение la. в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Harf-i atıf da olur. Ve mâba'dını makabline nefyen rabt eder ve irabı da ona tâbi kılar. $ "Şeref edeb iledir, neseb ile değildir" sözündeki gibi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Arabçada kelimenin başında nefy edatı'dır. Cevap yerine veya yersiz inkârda kullanılır. "Yoktur, değildir" gibi. Mâzi fiilinin evvelinde bulunan Lâ, duâiye olur. Lâ zâle sıhhatehu: "Sıhhati zâil olmasın" sözündeki gibi
La. is a written abbreviation for lane, and is used especially in addresses and on maps or signs. Andy's Records, 14-16 Lower Goat La., Norwich. Laos (in Internet addresses). The symbol for the element lanthanum. The sixth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. Used to express emphasis or indicate surprise. a short form of Los Angeles. the written abbreviation of Louisiana. the sixth note in a musical scale, according to the sol-fa system. Aix la Chapelle Nuestra Señora de la Asunción La Habana Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de la Pagerie Maria Louise de la Ramée La Coruña Aix la Chapelle Congress of Aix la Chapelle Treaty of Andorra la Vella Black Hugo La Fayette La Columna Borglum John Gutzon de la Mothe Calderón de la Barca Pedro Castilla la Mancha Cruz Sor Juana Inés de la de la Mare Walter John de la Renta Oscar de la Roche Mazo De La Warr Thomas West 12th Baron La Manche The Sleeve Fénelon François de Salignac de La Mothe Gálvez José marquess de la Sonora Garcilaso de la Vega Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Haya de la Torre Víctor Raúl Isabel la Católica La Brea Tar Pits La Bruyère Jean de La Follette Robert Marion La Fontaine Jean de La Galissonnière Roland Michel Barrin marquis de La Guajira Peninsula La Guardia Fiorello Henry La Harpe Frédéric César de La Hontan Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce baron de La Niña La Paz La Perouse Strait La Plata River La Plata La Rioja La Rochefoucauld François VI duke de La Salle René Robert Cavelier sieur de La Scala La Tène La Tour Georges de La Vérendrye Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de Îles de la Madeleine Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe la Plaine Plata Río de la Prensa La Reforma La La Terreur Río de la Plata Viceroyalty of the Roberval Jean François de la Rocque lord de Roman de la Rose Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire. Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire La Pasionaria Spanish: The Passionflower San Juan de la Cruz Montesquieu Charles Louis de Secondat baron de La Brède et de T'a k'o la ma kan Sha mo Turenne Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne viscount de Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne
An exclamation of surprise; commonly followed by me; as, La me! the syllable naming the sixth (submediant) note of a major or minor scale in solmization
(Load Allocation) - the portion of a receiving water's total maximum daily load that is attributed either to one of its existing or future nonpoint sources of pollution or to natural background sources
In solmization, the sixth degree of the major scale Also, the first degree of the relative minor scale, e g a is the sixth degree, or la, in the C major scale and the first degree of the a-minor scale