If you gamble on something, you take a risky action or decision in the hope of gaining money, success, or an advantage over other people. Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products They are not prepared to gamble their careers on this matter Who wants to gamble with the life of a friend?
An act of gambling; a transaction or proceeding involving gambling; hence, anything involving similar risk or uncertainty
A gamble is a risky action or decision that you take in the hope of gaining money, success, or an advantage over other people. the French president's risky gamble in calling a referendum. = risk
a risky act or venture money that is risked for possible monetary gain play games for money take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling
kumar oynamak. i., k.dili. çok riskli iş, kumar
Расстановка переносов
ku·mar oy·na·mak. i., k.di·li. çok risk·li iş, ku·mar